



Discrimination is the ability to discern differences between objects. The word is frequently used to denote prejudice against a race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or social grouping. Currently, there are laws to protect people against discrimination.

2,239 Questions

Are women the weaker species?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, women are not a weaker species. Strength is not solely defined by physical attributes but encompasses emotional intelligence, resilience, and various forms of strength that both men and women possess. Each individual has unique strengths and talents regardless of gender.

In which state NASA is situated in US?

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Asked by Aashoo

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is a federal agency located in Washington D.C., which is not a state but the capital of the United States. NASA also has several major facilities, such as Kennedy Space Center in Florida and Johnson Space Center in Texas.

What did nativists use scientific ideas to argue?

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Asked by Wiki User

They argued that white was the superior race. And that immigrants would destroy the country

Which of the following is the most accurate description of precipitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Precipitation is any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the ground. This includes rain, snow, sleet, and hail. It is a crucial part of the Earth's water cycle.

An example of segregation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Segregation in the United States included policies that enforced the separation of races, such as Jim Crow laws which mandated the segregation of public facilities like schools, restaurants, and public transportation. The segregation of Black and white communities also extended to housing practices, where restrictive covenants and redlining policies limited where Black individuals could live.

What is segregation in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

Segregation in the US refers to the enforced separation of different racial or ethnic groups, particularly in public facilities, housing, and schools. This practice was prevalent during the Jim Crow era, with laws and social customs keeping black and white Americans apart. Though legally abolished with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, de facto segregation continues to persist in many aspects of American society.

Why is segregation good?

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Asked by Wiki User

Segregation is not inherently good; it often leads to inequality, discrimination, and harm to marginalized groups. Integration and inclusivity help promote diversity, equality, and understanding among individuals, which are key for a more harmonious society.

Where on the body would you expect the error of localization and the two-point discrimination threshold to be lowest?

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Asked by Wiki User

The error of localization and two-point discrimination threshold are expected to be lowest on body parts with a high density of sensory receptors, such as the fingertips and lips. These areas have a high resolution of touch sensation due to the close spacing of tactile receptors, allowing for more accurate localization and discrimination of sensory stimuli.

Who was affected by segregation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Segregation in the United States primarily affected African Americans, who were subjected to racial discrimination and forced to use separate facilities, attend separate schools, and live in separate neighborhoods. Other minority groups, such as Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans, also faced varying levels of segregation and discrimination.

Who stopped the segregation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Segregation in the United States was primarily stopped by the Civil Rights Movement, led by prominent figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and civil rights activists who fought against discriminatory laws and policies. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were key legislative measures that helped to end segregation.

Name five properties of a population?

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Size, density, dispersion, age structure, and reproductive rates.

What is nuclear racism?

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Nuclear racism refers to the disproportionate impact of nuclear-related activities such as waste disposal, uranium mining, and nuclear power plants on marginalized communities, particularly communities of color. These communities often face higher risks of exposure to radiation and environmental contamination, leading to health disparities and social injustice.

What does a molecular frequency discriminator look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A molecular frequency discriminator typically consists of precision optics, laser sources, and detectors enclosed within a vacuum chamber to prevent interference from external sources. The device uses lasers to probe the molecular transitions in a sample, detecting changes in frequency to identify different molecules based on their unique spectral fingerprints. The discriminator provides high-resolution spectroscopic data for various applications such as chemical analysis and environmental monitoring.

Where on the body would you guess that two point discrimination threshold would be the highest?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fingertips and lips tend to have the highest two-point discrimination threshold on the body due to the high density of sensory receptors in these areas, allowing for precise touch perception.

How can you contact Rev Al Sharpton for his help?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer: To Contact Al SharptonAl has an organization called the National Action Network.

The web address is posted in the Related Link below


What geographical discrimination?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geographical discrimination refers to the unequal treatment of individuals based on their location or place of residence. This discrimination can manifest in various aspects, such as access to resources, services, opportunities, and even prejudices or stereotypes associated with specific regions. Geographical discrimination can perpetuate social inequalities and hinder the well-being and progress of individuals in certain areas.

What is geographical discrimination?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geographical location discrimination basically means people can be discriminated against on the grounds of where they live/where their house is located. Certain areas may have high crime rates which will result in them being named as criminal-like people, whereas there may be an area which is totally quiet and 'posh'; this may result in them being named as snobby etc.

This is orejudice as there maybe people who do not follow in being criminal-like people or snobby people.

Why do some people discriminate against those who speak in English?

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Asked by Wiki User

Discrimination against those who speak English can be rooted in xenophobia or cultural biases. Some may view English speakers as privileged or dominant, leading to resentment and discrimination. Alternatively, people may discriminate due to misinformation or misunderstandings about the language and its speakers.

What word for white discrimination?

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Asked by Wiki User

Racism or white supremacy.

What is language discrimination?

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Language discrimination refers to the unfair treatment or unequal opportunities based on an individual's language, accent, or dialect. This can manifest in various forms, such as being overlooked for job opportunities, facing harassment or exclusion, or being denied services based on language proficiency. Language discrimination can impact an individual's ability to fully participate and contribute in society.

What did the children body language indicate about the impact of discrimination?

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Asked by Wiki User

The children's body language showed signs of discomfort, lowered self-esteem, and possible withdrawal. They may have displayed defensive postures, avoided eye contact, or exhibited signs of stress and anxiety, indicating the negative impact of discrimination on their psychological well-being.

What kind of discrimination did Russian immigrants face?

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Asked by Wiki User

Russian immigrants in the United States have faced discrimination based on their nationality, religion (such as being perceived as Muslim), and political beliefs (associated with communism during the Cold War). They may also face challenges related to language barriers and cultural differences. Additionally, some Russian immigrants may experience discrimination due to stereotypes and misconceptions about their homeland.

What is an adjective for discrimination?

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What Is The Most Closed Country In The World?

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Asked by Wiki User

North Korea is often considered the most closed country in the world due to its strict government control over information, limited contact with the outside world, and severe restrictions on freedom of movement for its citizens.

Does living in a cold or hot country determine your skin color?

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Asked by Wiki User

Skin color is primarily determined by genetics and evolution, not by the temperature of the country you live in. People with darker skin tones often live in hotter regions as they have more melanin, which protects against sun exposure. Conversely, those with lighter skin tones tend to live in colder regions where less melanin is needed for sun protection.