


History of Africa

African History started out with the emergence of Homo sapiens in East Africa. It is full of internal and external pressures, famine, disease, and territorial conflicts that brought out distinct changes in African society. This category is for the chronicles, inferences and various aspects of African History.

5,959 Questions

What are the people in Kenya like?

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Asked by Wiki User

People in Kenya are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness. Kenyans are diverse in culture, with over 40 ethnic groups, each with its language and traditions. The majority of Kenyans are hardworking, resilient, and value community and family.

How did changes in the climate of the Sahara about 4000 years ago affect the people living there?

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Around 4000 years ago, the Sahara experienced a shift to a more arid and desert-like climate, leading to desertification and the decline of vegetation and water sources. This forced the inhabitants to migrate to more fertile regions along the Nile River and other water sources, leading to the development of ancient civilizations like Egypt. The change in climate significantly impacted the way of life, agricultural practices, and settlement patterns of the people living in the Sahara at that time.

What was the former name for Congo?

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The former name for Congo was Zaire. It was changed back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997.

What is the capital of Masai?

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Masai is a town in Kenya and a town in Malaysia. They both have no capital.

When was oil first discovered in Nigeria?

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Oil was first discovered in commercial quantities in Nigeria in 1956 in Oloibiri, a small village in the Niger Delta region. This discovery led to the start of Nigeria's oil industry and significantly impacted the country's economy.

What is generative learning?

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Generative learning is an active process where learners construct knowledge through engaging with the material and making sense of it by connecting new information with prior knowledge. It involves students creating their understanding, often through hands-on activities, discussions, or problem-solving tasks. In generative learning, learners are encouraged to think critically and apply what they have learned in various contexts.

Where does a rift valley form at?

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A rift valley forms at divergent plate boundaries where tectonic plates are moving apart. As the plates separate, they create a gap in the Earth's crust that can lead to the formation of a rift valley. An example of a rift valley is the East African Rift in Africa.

Chinese merchants traded luxury goods for?

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Chinese merchants traded luxury goods for horses, glassware, textiles, and manufactured goods that traveled eastward.

What results were caused by the European colonization of Africa?

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The creation of extremely diverse African nations within the arbitrary boundaries of a colony, and the spread of non-native languages throughout Africa.

The introduction of European languages to Africa

Problems with political instability in the 20th century

What money do they have in Africa?

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In Africa, various currencies are used across different countries. Some of the commonly used currencies include the Nigerian Naira, South African Rand, Kenyan Shilling, and Ghanaian Cedi. Additionally, some countries in Africa also use the Euro and US Dollar for international transactions.

What is the biggest country of melanesia?

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Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, is the biggest country in the Melanesia group of islands. The Indonesian province of Papua occupies the western half of New Guinea, the largest island in the group, as well as many smaller islands.

What was the Red Rubber Scandal of the Belgian Congo?

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Basically, King Leopold II of Belgium personally owned the Congo (so at this point it wasn't actually the "Belgian Congo", it was called, ironically, the "Belgian Free State"). This was in the late 1800s when bicycles were becoming very popular. The Congo was very rich in rubber trees (they grew there naturally), so Leopold sent out his troops to villages throughout the Congo and would take people hostage and say to the rest of the village "go out and collect X amount of rubber (an impossibly high amount) or this guy gets both his hands chopped off".

Even within the context of colonialism, which was practiced by almost every European power at this point, this was seen as especially brutal and inhumane. King Leopold lost his rights to the Congo - it was not given to the Congolese but to Belgium. The Belgium were by no means humanitarian saints, but at least they didn't go around taking hostages and cutting their hands off to get as much rubber as possible.

Present day belgian Congo?

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The Belgian Congo is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It gained independence from Belgium in 1960 and is a country in Central Africa rich in natural resources but facing challenges such as political instability and conflict.

The mineral that was as valuable as gold in Africa was?

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The mineral that was as valuable as gold in Africa was probably diamonds. Countries like Botswana, South Africa, and Angola are known for their diamond mines, which have been a major source of wealth and economic development in the region.

Do lions live in Kenya?

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Yes, lions live in Kenya, particularly in national parks and reserves such as the Maasai Mara and Amboseli. Kenya is known for its abundant wildlife, including a large population of lions.

In April 1994 violence erupted between two ethnic groups the Hutu and the Tutsi and hundreds of thousands of people where died in only a few months?

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Asked by Rascal77

The violence in April 1994 was part of the Rwandan Genocide, where extremist Hutus targeted Tutsis and moderate Hutus. It resulted in the deaths of an estimated 800,000 people within a period of 100 days. The international community was widely criticized for its failure to intervene and prevent the genocide.

Why do masai wear red?

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The Maasai people wear red clothes as it symbolizes their cultural identity and heritage. Red is considered a sacred color in Maasai culture and is believed to represent bravery, power, and unity. Additionally, the dye used to color their clothes is derived from natural sources like plants and soil.

Arbitrary country borders are a result what of in Africa?

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Asked by EliteGraphics

Arbitrary country borders in Africa are a result of the European colonial powers' division of the continent at the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885. These borders often did not take into account local ethnic, linguistic, or cultural differences, leading to various challenges for the newly formed nations post-independence.

What are two ways of obtaining salt in the Sahara?

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Two ways of obtaining salt in the Sahara are through salt mining in salt mines, such as the Teghaza mines in Mali, and through extracting salt from salt flats or panes, where brine is evaporated to leave behind salt deposits.

What are the best schools in which to study clinical psychology?

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Some of the top schools to study clinical psychology in the United States include Stanford University, University of California - Berkeley, University of Wisconsin - Madison, and University of Washington. These schools have reputable clinical psychology programs with renowned faculty and research opportunities. Ultimately, the best school for you will depend on your specific interests and career goals.

Looking south from Quito Ecuador which is the next capital city?

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Lima, Peru is about 830 miles from Quito in that general direction, but

it isn't exactly due south ... it's about 7° east of south, at a bearing of

about 173°.

If you head exactly due south from Quito, all the way to the south pole,

and then continue on in the same direction up the Earth's backside and

over the top again, you pass these capital cities, at these approximate


  • Lima, Peru. . . . . . . . . . . 97 miles
  • Santiago, Chile. . . . . . . 450 miles
  • Singapore . . . . . . . . . . 165 miles
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . . 15 miles
  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia. . 230 miles
  • Bangkok, Thailand. . . . . . 65 miles
  • Vientiane, Laos . . . . . . . 73 miles
  • Ottawa, Canada. . . . . . 135 miles
  • Harrisburg, PA. . . . . . . . 85 miles
  • Annapolis, MD . . . . . . . 105 miles
  • Washington, DC. . . . . . . 80 miles
  • Kingston, Jamaica. . . . . 110 miles
  • Panama City . . . . . . . . . 70 miles

What is the currency of Equatorial Guinea?

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central African franc

CFA Franc

Equatorial Guinea belongs to a currency union with Chad,Cameroun,Central African Republic,Gabon and Congo. The currency is known as the CFA (pronounced Seefah)

You need a suitcase full of banknotes to buy anything except bread.

CFA franc. CFA stands for Coopération Financière en Afrique Centrale (Financial Cooperation in Central Africa)

Which country owns Sicily?

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Sicily is part of Italy but has its own flag and is Independent but it relies on Italy very much.