



One country extending power and dominance over another country or area is known as Imperialism. Based on ideas of superiority and authority, dominance is achieved through direct territorial acquisition or gaining economic control over an area.

3,603 Questions

Is Mars colonized now?

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No. The only object humans have been to other than Earth is the moon, and nobody who went to the moon stayed for more than a few days. We have sent a few robotic probes and rovers to Mars for exploration, but nothing more than that.

Who said Darwinism was used to justify European imperialism in Asia and Africa What idea was used?

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Historian Alan John Percivale Taylor argued that Social Darwinism was used to justify European imperialism in Asia and Africa. Social Darwinism applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, suggesting that some races were superior and more fit to dominate others.

Is colonization the movement of settlers and their culture to a new country true or false?

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True. Colonization involves the movement of settlers to a new country with the intention of establishing control over the land and often imposing their culture, beliefs, and customs on the native population.

What are some planets that have been chosen for possible colonization?

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Asked by Maxxyboy1000

Some planets that have been suggested for possible colonization in the future include Mars, due to its proximity to Earth and potential for terraforming, and exoplanets such as Proxima Centauri b, which is within the habitable zone of its star and could potentially support life. Other candidates include Venus, the moon, and moons of gas giants like Europa and Enceladus.

Can you colonize on Neptune?

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No, Neptune is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface to land on or colonize. The extreme cold temperatures, high winds, and lack of a solid surface make it impossible for human colonization.

How long before humans start space colonization?

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Predicting the exact timeline for space colonization is difficult, but experts estimate that humans may start establishing permanent colonies on the Moon or Mars within the next few decades. Advancements in technology, increased interest from both governments and private companies, and ongoing research into sustainable living in space are contributing to the push towards space colonization.

Which adaptation allowed gymnosperm plants to colonize and dominate land?

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Asked by Wiki User

The adaptation of pollen and seeds allowed gymnosperm plants to colonize and dominate the land. Pollen increased the efficiency of fertilization by allowing plants to reproduce without the need for water, enabling them to thrive in terrestrial environments. Seeds provided protection and nutrients for the developing embryo, ensuring better survival on land.

Is Mars feasible to colonize this planet?

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Mars is a challenging environment to colonize due to factors such as its thin atmosphere, lack of liquid water, and extreme temperatures. However, it is technically feasible with advancements in technology such as habitats, life support systems, and transportation. Mars colonization would require significant resources, planning, and international cooperation.

Is Neptune possible to colonize?

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Currently, the extreme cold temperatures, lack of a solid surface, high winds, and intense radiation make it challenging for humans to colonize Neptune. Developing the technology to overcome these challenges would require significant advancements in space exploration and habitat construction.

What are the first colonizers of bare rock?

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Lichens are typically the first colonizers of bare rock surfaces. They can break down the rock through a process called weathering, contributing to soil formation. Over time, other plant species can establish and further contribute to the development of a more diverse ecosystem.

Which Chinese dynasty first conquered and colonized Korea in 108 BC?

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The Han dynasty, but it really wasn't much conquer or colonize (If i remember correctly from AP world). They just simply destroyed Gojoseon and placed 4 far flung military outposts (4 commandaries).

Who was the Kenyan anti-colonialist of the 1950s?

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Jomo Kenyatta was a prominent Kenyan anti-colonialist leader in the 1950s. He played a significant role in the fight for Kenya's independence from British colonial rule. Kenyatta later became the country's first Prime Minister and then its President.

A species that colonizes an uninhabited area and that starts an ecological cycle in which many other species become established?

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This process is known as primary succession, where pioneer species establish in an uninhabited area, paving the way for the colonization of other species. As these pioneer species alter environmental conditions, different organisms are able to thrive, gradually forming a diverse ecosystem. Over time, a complex web of interdependence develops among the various species in the area.

What are Characteristics of the skin that prevent the colonization of pathogens?

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The skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, is tough and consists of dead cells that provide a physical barrier to pathogens. The skin also produces oils and acids that create an acidic environment, which is inhospitable to many pathogens. Additionally, the skin has resident beneficial bacteria that compete with harmful bacteria for resources, further preventing pathogen colonization.

Explain imperialism from persective of the colonizers and the colonized?

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From the perspective of the colonizers, imperialism was a way to expand power, resources, and influence over other territories for economic, political, and strategic gains. They believed they were bringing progress and civilization to less developed nations.

From the perspective of the colonized, imperialism meant the loss of their independence and freedom, exploitation of their resources and labor, and degradation of their culture and way of life. It often resulted in violence, oppression, and economic hardships for the native populations.

Is healthy skin normally colonized by bacteria?

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Yes, healthy skin is normally colonized by a diverse community of bacteria known as the skin microbiome. These bacteria play a role in maintaining skin health by competing with harmful bacteria for resources and helping to regulate the skin's immune response. Maintaining a balanced microbiome is essential for overall skin health.

How did geography affect Japanese imperialism?

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Geography played a role in Japanese imperialism by limiting the availability of natural resources within Japan, which drove the need for territorial expansion to secure resources like oil, coal, and iron. Japan's geographic proximity to Korea and China also facilitated its expansionist ambitions in East Asia. Additionally, Japan's island geography contributed to its militarization and naval power as it sought to control sea routes for trade and military projection.

What two major novelties allowed for the first colonization of terrestrial habitats by plants?

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The two major novelties that allowed for the first colonization of terrestrial habitats by plants were the development of a waterproof outer layer (cuticle) to prevent water loss and the evolution of vascular tissues to transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant. These adaptations helped plants thrive on land and conduct essential processes like photosynthesis.

The human body typically begins to be colonized by its normal flora when?

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The human body typically begins to be colonized by its normal flora during and immediately after birth, as a baby passes through the birth canal and acquires bacteria from its mother. This colonization process continues throughout a person's life, with different microbial communities colonizing different parts of the body.

What were the negative effects of colonialism in kenya?

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Some negative effects of colonialism in Kenya include the loss of land and resources, forced labor and displacement of indigenous communities, cultural suppression, political marginalization, and economic exploitation. These impacts have had long-lasting consequences on the social and economic development of the country.

Would mercury make a good location for a manned mission to colonize the planet?

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Mercury may not make a good location for colonization due to its extreme temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and limited resources. The temperature variations between day and night are too extreme for human habitation, and the lack of atmosphere exposes colonists to harmful solar radiation. Additionally, Mercury lacks key resources necessary to sustain a human population.

Why is mars better for colonization than moon?

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Mars offers a more Earth-like environment with a thicker atmosphere, gravity that is closer to Earth's, and the potential for liquid water. These conditions make it more conducive for supporting human life and easier to sustain a long-term colony compared to the Moon, which has harsher conditions and limited resources for human habitation.

What results were caused by the European colonization of Africa?

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The creation of extremely diverse African nations within the arbitrary boundaries of a colony, and the spread of non-native languages throughout Africa.

The introduction of European languages to Africa

Problems with political instability in the 20th century

Is Venus the one humans are most likely to colonize?

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Currently, Mars is often considered the most likely planet for human colonization due to its similarities to Earth and resources that could support life. Venus, on the other hand, poses challenges such as extreme temperatures, high pressures, and sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, making it a less likely candidate for human colonization.

What features of ancient aquatic organisms made it possible for them to leave the sea and colonize the dry land about 400 million years ago?

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Asked by Wiki User

Features such as lungs, sturdy limbs for support and movement, and a stronger skeleton helped ancient aquatic organisms transition to land. These adaptations allowed them to breathe air, navigate on land, and withstand the gravity on solid ground, enabling them to successfully colonize terrestrial environments around 400 million years ago.