



Africa is the second-largest and second-most populous continent in the world after Asia, accounting for about 15% of the world population. Although Africa is very high in natural resources it remains to be the poorest and most underdeveloped continent in the world with poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and poor health being rife. In this category you will find questions about Africa's past, its present problems and its people.

11,445 Questions

Where is Tobruk?

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Tobruk is a port city located in northeastern Libya, on the Mediterranean coast. It is situated in the Cyrenaica region, near the border with Egypt. Tobruk has a natural harbor, which has historically made it an important strategic location, particularly during World War II when it was the site of significant military battles.

When did maize come to Africa?

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Maize, also known as corn, is believed to have originated in Central America over 7,000 years ago. It was introduced to Africa by Portuguese traders and explorers in the 16th century, specifically in the early 1500s. They brought maize to the western coast of Africa, particularly to present-day Ghana, Senegal, and Cape Verde.

From there, maize spread rapidly throughout sub-Saharan Africa, becoming a staple crop in many regions. It was easily adaptable to African soils and climates, and its high yields made it an attractive alternative to traditional crops like sorghum and millet.

Over time, maize became an integral part of African agriculture, cuisine, and culture, with various tribes developing their own unique varieties, cultivation practices, and culinary traditions. Today, maize is a vital food source for millions of people in Africa, and the continent is home to many diverse maize varieties.

What desert located in northern Africa is the largest in the world?

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The Sahara covers most of the northern third of Africa. It is the largest hot desert in the world and the second largest overall, behind the Antarctic Desert. For more information on the largest deserts click here:

What continent gets the most lightning strikes?

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Africa is the continent that experiences the most lightning strikes, particularly in the region known as the Congo Basin. This area receives frequent thunderstorms due to its warm and moist climate, resulting in a high frequency of lightning strikes.

Why is that north east trade wind blows dry to west Africa?

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The northeast trade winds blow dry air towards West Africa because they originate from the subtropical high-pressure belt, which is characterized by sinking air that warms and dries out as it descends. This results in the winds being relatively dry by the time they reach West Africa.

What is the annual precipitation on Mount Kilimanjaro?

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Mount Kilimanjaro experiences varying levels of precipitation depending on the altitude. The lower slopes receive more annual precipitation, around 1000-2000mm, while the summit is typically drier with only around 100-200mm of annual precipitation.

What is the highest temperature ever recorded in Sierra Leone?

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The highest temperature ever recorded in Sierra Leone was 37.0 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in the capital city of Freetown.

What African Nation shares borders with Algeria Tunisia and Egypt?

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The African nation that shares borders with Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt is Libya.

How do people live with Mount Kilimanjaro?

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People living around Mount Kilimanjaro rely on its natural resources for various aspects of their livelihood, including agriculture, tourism, and cultural practices. They have adapted to the mountain's presence by incorporating its beauty and majesty into their daily lives. Additionally, the local communities have developed sustainable practices to protect the mountain's environment and preserve its significance for future generations.

What are four south American countries crossed by the tropic of Capricorn?

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The four South American countries crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn are Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile.

What important anthropological discovery was made in the Great Rift Valley?

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One important anthropological discovery made in the Great Rift Valley is the uncovering of numerous fossil remains of early human ancestors, such as the famous Lucy specimen in Ethiopia. These discoveries have provided valuable insights into human evolution and migration patterns over the course of millions of years.

How did changes in the climate of the Sahara about 4000 years ago affect the people living there?

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Around 4000 years ago, the Sahara experienced a shift to a more arid and desert-like climate, leading to desertification and the decline of vegetation and water sources. This forced the inhabitants to migrate to more fertile regions along the Nile River and other water sources, leading to the development of ancient civilizations like Egypt. The change in climate significantly impacted the way of life, agricultural practices, and settlement patterns of the people living in the Sahara at that time.

What degrees is the center of Africa located?

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well from what I know I love to talk. I love to talk about this and that and that and this. You know africa is such a poor nation that There is a catolog called world vision. Go on the internet and look up all about how to help africa because africa is in a very bad sitiuation.

What desert animal shakes until its buried in sand?

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The sandfish lizard (Scincus scincus) is known for its unique behavior of shaking its body to bury itself in the sand. This habit helps the lizard escape the hot desert sun and regulate its body temperature while also avoiding predators.

Does Mount Kilimanjaro have snow and ice on the summit?

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Yes, Mount Kilimanjaro does have snow and ice on its summit despite being close to the equator. However, the glaciers on the mountain have been shrinking in recent years due to climate change.

What is the main industry in many African countries?

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The main industry in many African countries is agriculture, including crops like cocoa, coffee, and cashews, as well as livestock farming. Additionally, there is a growing focus on industries such as mining, oil and gas, and tourism in various countries across the continent.

What four South American countries lie on the Tropic Capricorn?

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Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile are the four South American countries that the Tropic of Capricorn passes through.

Why do eastern and southern Africa have a milder and drier climate than those of West Africa?

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Eastern and southern Africa tend to have a milder and drier climate compared to West Africa primarily due to their proximity to the Indian Ocean and the influence of the trade winds. The southeast trade winds bring moisture to eastern Africa, while the cold Benguela Current affects the climate of southern Africa. In contrast, West Africa is impacted by the warm, moisture-laden winds from the Atlantic Ocean, leading to higher temperatures and humidity.

What is the hottest temperature in mali ever recorded?

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Around 50.6°C (123.1°F) is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Mali.

What is the transportation of equatorial guinea?

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In Equatorial Guinea, transportation primarily relies on road networks, with buses and taxis being commonly used for inter-city travel. The major cities are also connected by air travel, with several airports serving domestic and international flights. Additionally, maritime transport is essential for connecting the mainland with the surrounding islands.

What covers the savannahs of africa?

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The savannahs of Africa are primarily covered by grasses, shrubs, and scattered trees such as acacias. These areas have a mix of tall and short grasses adapted to the semi-arid climate and seasonal rainfall patterns of the savannah biome. Keen wildlife enthusiasts might glimpse various animals like elephants, lions, and wildebeests roaming these vast grasslands.

How many square miles is Cote D'ivoire?

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Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) has a total land area of approximately 124,502 square miles.

What four South American countries lie on the Tropic of Capricorn?

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Four South American countries that lie on the Tropic of Capricorn are Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile.

What is the outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100km?

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The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100km is known as the lithosphere. It consists of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle and is divided into tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below.

Was Africa once joined together with Australia?

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Yes, Africa and Australia were once part of the supercontinent called Gondwana, which existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. Over millions of years, the breakup of Gondwana led to the separation of Africa and Australia to their current positions.