



The equator is a major line of latitude located at 0 degrees latitude. It divides Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

2,629 Questions

Where does the equator and tropic of cancer meet?

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They DON'T meet. They are concentric parallel lines of latitude.

The Equator is 0 (Zero) degrees of latitude.

The Tropic of Cancer is 23.3 degrees N line of of latitude.

The corresponding Tropic oin the Southern Hemishere is the Tropic of Caprocorn at 23.3 degrees S line of latitude.

On the Globe/sphere/Earth the lines of latitude are parallel lines on the surface.

Being parallel lines they do NOT meet.

What will be the altitude of the sun on 21st June at the equator?

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On the 21st of June at the equator, the sun's altitude will be at its highest point, which is 90 degrees. This is known as the summer solstice, where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.

Which half of the earth has more land the part north of the equator or south of it?

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The part north of the equator has more land mass compared to the part south of the equator. The majority of Earth's land area is located north of the equator, with continents like North America, Europe, and Asia situated in the northern hemisphere.

What you the correct terminology for describing the location of the equator?

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The correct terminology for describing the location of the equator is "0 degrees latitude."

Is Paris north or south of tropic of cancer or equator?

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Paris is north of the Tropic of Cancer and north of the Equator.

Is the cropic of cancer north or south of the equator?

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The Tropic of Cancer is located north of the equator at approximately 23.5 degrees north latitude.

Are people dark skin below the equator?

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Yes, people with dark skin can be found below the equator, just as they can be found above it. The distribution of skin tones is not determined by latitude, but rather by genetics and environmental factors such as sun exposure.

What is the advantage for countries lying near the equator?

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Asked by Pinkster1999

Countries lying near the equator generally have a more constant and predictable climate, with consistent day length and temperatures year-round. This can benefit agriculture by allowing for multiple growing seasons and a wider range of crops to be cultivated. Additionally, proximity to the equator can also provide opportunities for tourism due to the presence of tropical beaches and diverse ecosystems.

Is Maldives lying on the equator?

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Asked by Pinkster1999

Madagascar is approximately 250-miles from the equator. Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa across the Mozambique Channel. Madagascar is the world's fourth-largest island.

How many continents have land along the equator?

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There are three continents that have land along the equator: Africa, South America, and Asia.

What do you call the imaginary line that divides the north and south halves of earth?

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The equator divides the earth between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere

Why is the equator an imaginary line?

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because equtor means equal and middle and that the equator is in the middle of Earth .

How do tornadoes spin in the equator?

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Tornadoes do not typically occur at the equator due to the lack of the necessary atmospheric conditions. The Coriolis effect, which helps in spinning tornadoes, is weaker near the equator, resulting in fewer tornadoes in that region.

Do equator mountain receives snow?

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Yes, some equatorial mountains, such as Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, do receive snow. This is because the high elevation of these mountains creates colder temperatures that can support snowfall, despite their proximity to the equator.

What continent lies completely north of the equator and east of prim meridian?

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Europe lies completely north of the equator and east of the Prime Meridian.

Is north to south of the equator longitude?

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No, longitude measures the angular distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, which runs north-south. Lines of longitude, also called meridians, run from the North Pole to the South Pole and are perpendicular to the equator.

How do you spell equator in Spanish?

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The word "equator" in Spanish is spelled "ecuador."

Where the Atlantic ocean is situated on equator?

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The Atlantic Ocean is located both north and south of the equator, but it is widest near the equator at around the middle part of the ocean. The equator runs through the ocean near countries like Brazil, Gabon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What US capital city is closest to the equator?

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Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii is the closest US state capital to the equator.

The closest U. S. territorial capital to the equator is Hagåtña, Guam.

Are tides less the closer to the Equator?

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Tides are generally lower near the Equator compared to regions farther from it due to the centrifugal force resulting from the Earth's rotation. This effect causes water to bulge at the equator, meaning tides are less extreme in these areas.

What is located at 0 degrees and 0 degrees where the equator and prime meridian cross?

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The intersection of the equator (0 degrees latitude) and prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) is located in the Gulf of Guinea, off the coast of West Africa. This point is known as Null Island, an imaginary island used to flag errors in mapping and geolocation data. It serves as a reference point for mapping systems when coordinates are incorrectly set at 0,0.

Is Libya located on the equator?

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No, Libya is not located on the equator. It is a country in North Africa, situated in the northern hemisphere above the equator.

What is the imaginary paradise on earth?

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The concept of an imaginary paradise on earth varies widely depending on cultural and religious beliefs. Common examples include the Garden of Eden in Judeo-Christian tradition, Shangri-La in Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and Valhalla in Norse mythology. These paradises are often depicted as idyllic, peaceful places where people live in harmony with nature and each other.

What is at 0 degrees equator and prime meridian?

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The coordinates 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude intersect at a point in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of West Africa. It is known as the Null Island, a fictional location used to represent the point where coordinate errors are logged.

Why is it cooler farther away from the equator?

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Areas farther away from the equator receive less direct sunlight, causing them to have lower average temperatures. Additionally, the angle at which sunlight strikes the Earth's surface at higher latitudes results in less heat being absorbed by the atmosphere. These factors combine to make it cooler the farther away from the equator you go.