


The Republic of Mali is a Western African landlocked country whose capital is Bamako. It covers more than 178,839 sq mi and has a population of 14.5 million as of 2009. Some of its natural resources are gold, salt and uranium.

968 Questions

Is Spain Mali or Madagascar not located along the prime meridian?

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Spain is not located along the prime meridian. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, London, in the United Kingdom. Mali and Madagascar are also not located along the prime meridian. Mali is situated more to the east of the prime meridian, and Madagascar is further to the east in the Indian Ocean.

What is the hottest temperature in mali ever recorded?

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Around 50.6°C (123.1°F) is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Mali.

What time is 9am EST equal to Mali time?

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9am EST is 2pm in Mali, assuming Mali is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) without daylight saving time. Mali does not observe daylight saving time, making this conversion straightforward.

Is mali in the north or south of the equator?

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Asked by BLIPPY09

Mali is located mostly in the northern hemisphere, with a small portion extending into the southern hemisphere. The majority of the country lies to the north of the equator.

What are the two main geographical features in mali?

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The two main geographical features in Mali are the Niger River and the Sahara Desert. The Niger River is the country's lifeblood, providing water for agriculture and transportation, while the Sahara Desert covers the northern part of Mali and influences the country's climate and landscape.

Human and physical features in mali?

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Mali is home to diverse human and physical features. Human features include vibrant cultures, such as the Bambara, Fulani, and Tuareg peoples, who contribute to the country's rich history and traditions. Physically, Mali is known for the Niger River, which plays a crucial role in the country's agricultural and transportation sectors, as well as the Sahara Desert in the north, which influences the climate and landscape of the region.

Is Timbuktu a real place?

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Yes, Timbuktu is a real city located in Mali, West Africa. It has a rich history as a center of trade, scholarship, and Islamic culture. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Is Mali in the Prime Meridian?

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No, Mali is not in the Prime Meridian. Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa, and the Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, England.

What is the latitude and longitude of Mali?

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The latitude and longitude coordinates for Mali are approximately 17.570692° N, 3.996166° W.

What is French Sudan today?

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French Sudan is now known as Mali. It gained independence from France in 1960 and has since become a sovereign nation in West Africa. Mali is known for its rich cultural history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant music and arts scene.

What religion are the people of Mali?

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The people of Mali generally practice Islam, with the majority of the population being Muslim. There are also smaller communities that adhere to traditional African religions and Christianity.

What is the percentage of Muslims in Mali?

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Approximately 95% of the population in Mali is Muslim. Islam is the predominant religion in the country and influences many aspects of daily life for Malians.

Why does mali have such a low population density?

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Mali has a low population density due to a combination of factors, including the vast Sahara desert covering much of its territory, limited arable land for agriculture, harsh living conditions in many areas, and internal conflicts that have displaced many people. Additionally, low access to healthcare, education, and basic services contributes to lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates, affecting population growth.

Is ti true ibn battutah was an Arab scholar who wrote an epic poem about the history of mali?

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Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan explorer and scholar known for his extensive travels across the Muslim world in the 14th century. While he wrote about his experiences in his famous travelogue "Rihla," there is no evidence he wrote an epic poem specifically about the history of Mali.

What did the spread of Islam in Ghana and mali result from?

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Islam spread in Mali and Ghana by the Arab Muslim traders.

What is fish mali called in English?

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jennifer lopez

What are typical dishes in Mali?

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They eat some cool foods i guess...Examples are:Lemongrass Tea,Malian Fish Stew,and Chicken and Peanut Stew..XP

they also eat many exotic fruit like orange flavored chicken to uglii

they also eat water and rice stew

They dont eat water and rice stew KMT, its food gosh! -___-

What are Mali pool cues made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many materials. Mali Cues, now run by Fred Mali, began making cues under thame Cuesports, for A.E. Schmidt in 1965. There general material use for cues includes the following -

Shafts - Rock maple

Butt - Assorted hardwoods

Standard finish - catalyzed urethane

Standard joint - Stainless steel

Standard wrap - Irish linen

Standard ferrules - Ivorine

Standard tip - LePro

Where was the kingdom of Mali?

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it was in west Africa in Ghana

What is the history of timbuktu town and the meaning behind the phrase as far away as timbuktu?

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dayten thats what its is

i want to make a shout out to my teachers professor chris and michelle

What is the history of the Timbuktu and the meaning behind the phrase as far away as Timbuktu?

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dayten thats what its is

i want to make a shout out to my teachers professor chris and michelle

When did the kingdom of mali and Ghana flourish?

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400 - 1400, during the era when the Roman Empire declined, the Byzantine Empire flourished, and Islam was founded.

What people broke away from Mali's empire and gained control of the all- important trade routes?

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What city controlled Trade routes and was the economic political and reigeous center

Is there a rainforest in mali?

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Mali does contain rainforest. According to estimates Mali contains roughly twelve and a half a million hectares of forest (that is 50,000 square miles). Current estimates suggest it is loosing about 0.56% of its forest cover a year- between 1990 and 2010 it lost 11.2% of its cover.

Roughly speaking 50,000 is 10% of the area of mali