



Islam is a monotheistic faith and the world's second largest religion. Followers of Islam, called Muslims, believe that God revealed His will to Muhammad and other prophets, including Moses, Abraham, Adam, and Jesus.

19,787 Questions

When was Islamic Center of Irvine created?

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Unlock the Hidden Desires in this Official Lyric Video!

What is qaf?

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Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) is a systematic procedure for assessing service effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness.

What is the laqab of hazrat nooh?

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What is tha laqab of hazrat nooh

What time is esha salaah?

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Esha prayer time is typically after the sun has fully set and the sky has become dark. It is the fourth of the five daily prayers performed by Muslims. You can check a local prayer timetable or Islamic website for the specific prayer times in your area.

Is Muslim a religon?

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Muslim" is not a religion, but rather a term that refers to a follower of Islam. Islam is the religion itself, which is a monotheistic faith that believes in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as conveyed in the Quran. Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the core beliefs and practices.

For more detailed information, you can visit Darulifta Ahlesunnat.

What is ang gwapo mo in maranao muslim translation?

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how to say gwapo in tausug

Why do earthquakes occur according to Islam?

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In Islam, it is believed that earthquakes are a manifestation of Allah's power and a reminder of His control over the Earth and its inhabitants. Earthquakes are seen as a natural phenomenon that serves as a sign for people to reflect on their actions and seek repentance for their sins. Muslims are encouraged to be humble, seek forgiveness, and help those affected by earthquakes as a form of charity and compassion.

What is Khumbi Mann Mushroom or Agaricus campesteris?

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Khumbi Mann is a type of edible mushroom that belongs to the Agaricus campestris species. It is commonly known as field mushroom and is prized for its mild flavor and meaty texture. These mushrooms can be found growing in grassy fields or pastures.

What is Kasni The Plant of Life?

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Kasni, also known as chicory, is a plant used in traditional medicine for its various health benefits. It is believed to have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and digestive properties. The plant is commonly used in herbal teas and supplements for promoting liver health, improving digestion, and reducing inflammation in the body.

Was optics advanced during the muslim empire?

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Yes, optics was advanced during the Muslim empire. Scholars like Al-Kindi, Ibn al-Haytham, and Alhazen made significant contributions to the field, including advancements in the study of light, vision, and the development of the camera obscura. Their work laid the foundation for modern optics.

What are non-fatal conditions that men face?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Some non-fatal conditions that men may face include depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and prostate issues. These conditions can impact men's quality of life and require appropriate medical attention to manage effectively. Regular health check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers can help in identifying and addressing these issues.

What is the great mosque of mecca made out of?

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The Great Mosque of Mecca, also known as the Masjid al-Haram, is primarily made out of marble, granite, and limestone. The structure is adorned with intricate designs and artwork, including calligraphy and geometric patterns. The mosque's focal point is the Kaaba, a cube-shaped building considered the most sacred site in Islam.

Is Haifa Wehbe a Christian?

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  • Yes, Haifa Wehbe is of the Christian faith. She is also a famous Lebanese singer and actress, and her religious background is Maronite Christianity, one of the Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. Read More

When were angels created?

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Angels are said to be spirit beings, so that would lead me to think an angel is pure energy.

Catholic AnswerAngels are created by God out of nothing, that is what creation is: bringing something into being from nothing. Everything other than God is created by Him.

What part of asia are there many followers of buddhism and islam?

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There are many followers of Buddhism in countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, Japan, and South Korea. Islam has a large following in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Afghanistan in Asia.

What are the two fertilizers in group 5A?

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The two fertilizers in Group 5A are ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

How Sunita Williams died?

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She did not die!!!

Sunita Williams (born September 19, 1965) is a United States Naval officer and a NASA astronaut. She was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition 15. She holds the record of the longest spaceflight (195 days) for female space travelers.

Why are fireworks forbidden is Islam?

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Fireworks are not explicitly forbidden in Islam. However, some scholars raise concerns about the potential harm they can cause, such as noise pollution, safety hazards, and wasteful spending. It is advisable to exercise caution and consideration for others when using fireworks.

What was the primary direction of Islamic expansion from the Arabian peninsula?

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The primary direction of Islamic expansion from the Arabian peninsula was towards the West, specifically into North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal). This expansion also reached eastward into Persia (modern-day Iran) and beyond.

Do you believe that it could be similar Human life on other planets?

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Asked by Elosery

It is possible that there could be forms of life similar to humans on other planets, but it is currently unknown. Scientists continue to explore the universe to understand the potential for extraterrestrial life.

Is Arabia an island?

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No, it is not an island. If you mean specifically Saudi Arabia, then it is a peninsula; bounded from south by the Indian ocean, from east by the Arabic (or Persian) Gulf, and from west by the Red sea.

What is the probability that earth is created by its own?

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The probability that Earth was created by itself is extremely low, as scientific evidence points towards Earth being formed through a process called accretion within the solar system. Various natural phenomena, such as gravity, collision of space debris, and chemical processes, contributed to the formation of Earth as a part of the development of our solar system.

In north and south poles there is day 6 months and night 6 months so how do the Muslims pray?

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Muslims in polar regions where there are continuous days or nights adjust their prayer times according to the closest city with normal day and night cycles. They follow the timing of prayer in Mecca or a nearby location where daylight and nighttime hours are more evenly distributed, ensuring that they still fulfill their daily prayers within the Islamic guidelines.

Describe importance of the location of Muslim countries?

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The location of Muslim countries plays a significant role in shaping their geopolitical dynamics, economic opportunities, and cultural exchanges. Proximity to key trade routes, resources, and neighboring countries can influence relationships with other nations and regional stability. Additionally, location can impact migration patterns, security challenges, and opportunities for diplomacy and cooperation within the Muslim world and beyond.

Why is drinking blood forbidden in Islam?

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Drinking blood is forbidden in Islam because it is considered impure and harmful to the body. Consuming blood is also associated with pagan rituals and is seen as a practice that goes against the teachings of cleanliness and respect for life in Islam.