



Islam is a monotheistic faith and the world's second largest religion. Followers of Islam, called Muslims, believe that God revealed His will to Muhammad and other prophets, including Moses, Abraham, Adam, and Jesus.

19,791 Questions

What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?

The worships and prayers ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and continued by the Muslim Ummah include the five daily prayers (Salah), fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm), giving charity (Zakat), and performing the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) for those who are able. These acts of worship are fundamental pillars of Islam and serve to strengthen the connection between the individual and Allah, as well as foster a sense of community and unity among believers. They are considered essential obligations for all Muslims to fulfill in order to demonstrate their faith and devotion to Allah.

Is nedved Muslim?

Nedvěd is not a Muslim. He is a retired Czech professional footballer who is known for his successful career in Juventus and the Czech national team. So, no need to worry about Nedvěd's religious beliefs, just enjoy his football skills!

What impact did the architectural features of the Dome of the Rock have on buildings throughout the world?

Oh honey, let me tell you, the Dome of the Rock was a trendsetter before trendsetting was cool. Its architectural features, like the golden dome and intricate mosaics, inspired buildings all over the globe to step up their game. From Spain to India, architects were like, "I want some of that Dome of the Rock magic!" So yeah, it basically set the bar high for architectural excellence worldwide.

Which religion had the greater international impact Christianity or Islam?

Oh, dude, that's like asking which is better, pizza or tacos? Both Christianity and Islam have had huge international impacts in their own ways. Christianity has been around longer and spread through colonization, while Islam spread through trade and conquest. So, it's kind of a tie, like comparing apples and oranges, you know?

What kind of uneasiness did Muslim observers have about tradeIn what way they support trade?

There were a few key ways in which Muslim observers were uneasy about trade and its support. One major issue was the potential for exploitation of workers, as well as the possibility of creating monopolies that could hurt consumers. Additionally, there were concerns about the impact of trade on social cohesion and the potential for it to create division within Muslim communities. Finally, there was also a worry that trade could lead to the spread of vice and corruption.

When did Mecca's merchants reject Muhammad's teachings?

Well, honey, the merchants of Mecca rejected Muhammad's teachings around the early 7th century. They weren't too keen on his message challenging their traditional beliefs and practices, so they gave him the boot. Can't win 'em all, right?

What does Islam delenda est means?

"Islam delenda est" is a phrase in Latin that translates to "Islam must be destroyed." It is a controversial and inflammatory statement that reflects a hostile attitude towards the Islamic faith. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, promoting violence or hatred towards any group of people is never the answer.

Is Luis Suarez a Muslim?

Nope, Luis Suarez is not a Muslim. He is actually a Uruguayan professional footballer known for his biting antics on the field. So, in terms of religion, he's more likely to be a devout footballer than a devout Muslim.

Is lateef crowder a Muslim?

There is limited public information available about Lateef Crowder's personal beliefs or religious affiliation. Without direct confirmation from Lateef Crowder himself or a reliable source, it is not possible to definitively state whether he is Muslim or not. It is important to respect an individual's privacy and not make assumptions about their religious beliefs without proper confirmation.

Are Muslims allowed to listen to music on Friday's?

In Islam, there is no specific prohibition against listening to music on Fridays or any other day of the week. However, opinions on music vary among Islamic scholars, with some considering certain types of music permissible while others deem it impermissible. It is important for Muslims to consult with knowledgeable scholars and adhere to their own understanding of Islamic teachings when making decisions about listening to music.

What were some of the natural resources of the Muslim countries that came under western domination in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Some of the natural resources of the Muslim countries that came under western domination are:

  • Oil and natural gas
  • minerals and raw material
  • plants and crops as wheat and cotton.
  • cheap labor

In Islam is it halal for a wife to swallow her husband's semen?

In Islam, there are varying opinions among scholars regarding the permissibility of a wife swallowing her husband's semen. Some scholars argue that it is permissible as long as it is done with mutual consent and within the bounds of a lawful marital relationship. Others may consider it makruh (disliked) or even haram (forbidden) based on interpretations of Islamic teachings. It is recommended for individuals to seek guidance from a knowledgeable religious authority for a more specific and detailed answer based on their personal circumstances.