


Quran (Koran)

This section of WikiAnswers is for question concerning Islam's Holy book, the Qur'an.

3,036 Questions

What verses are present in holy Quran about biodiversity?

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The Quran emphasizes the diversity of living beings as a sign of God's existence and power. Verses in the Quran that mention biodiversity include Surah An-Nur (24:45) which states that every living creature glorifies God, and Surah An-Nahl (16:10-11) which mentions how God has created diverse animals for humans to benefit from.

What does the Quran say about ozone layer?

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The Quran does not specifically mention the ozone layer. However, it emphasizes the importance of preserving and protecting the environment, urging humans to be stewards of the Earth and not disrupt the natural balance set by Allah.

Why is drinking blood forbidden in Islam?

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Drinking blood is forbidden in Islam because it is considered impure and harmful to the body. Consuming blood is also associated with pagan rituals and is seen as a practice that goes against the teachings of cleanliness and respect for life in Islam.

What do Muslims think of the big bang theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Muslims have varying perspectives on the big bang theory. Some see it as compatible with the Quranic concept of creation, while others may have concerns about potential conflicts with their religious beliefs. Overall, many Muslim scholars assert that science and religion can coexist harmoniously.

What is the treatment for hysteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Treatment for hysteria typically involves psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication if needed. It's important to address underlying emotional issues and learn coping strategies to manage symptoms. Building a support network and practicing self-care techniques can also be beneficial in managing hysteria.

What does the Holy Quran say about Iron?

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The Quran states in Surah Al-Hadid (57:25) that Allah sent down iron, in which there is great material for mankind, including weapons and tools. Iron is recognized for its strength and utility in various applications, reflecting the wisdom and power of Allah's design.

What is the biggest mosque in the world?

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The Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, also known as the Masjid al-Haram, is considered the largest mosque in the world. It surrounds the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam, and can accommodate millions of worshippers during Hajj pilgrimage.

Do Scottish people hate americans?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not all Scottish people hate Americans. Like any group of people, attitudes can vary among individuals. It's important to remember that generalizations or stereotypes about any group are not accurate or fair.

What are the effects of recitation the Holy Quran?

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Reciting the Holy Quran can bring peace, tranquility, and spiritual upliftment to the person. It is believed to strengthen faith, provide guidance, and bring blessings into one's life. Many find solace and a sense of connection to the divine through the act of reciting the Quran.

How is Islam spread over the country is that part of their religion?

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Islam spread through various means such as trade, conquests, and missionaries. It is not a requirement of the religion to spread by force, but historical factors like these contributed to its expansion. Islam also spread through peaceful means like through education and cultural exchanges.

How many Muslim countary in d world?

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There are 49 predominantly Muslim countries in the world, spread across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

What do you say or what arguments are there about the proofs of existence of God Almighty given by Muslim Scholars?

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Asked by Sadism

Muslim scholars have presented various arguments to prove the existence of God Almighty, such as the cosmological argument, teleological argument, and the moral argument. These arguments often stem from the Quran, observation of the world, and logical reasoning to demonstrate the presence of a divine creator. The belief in the existence of Allah is a cornerstone of Islamic theology, emphasizing a monotheistic worldview.

Sunnis vs Shiites and their distribution?

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Sunnis and Shiites are the two main sects of Islam. Sunnis make up the majority of Muslims worldwide, while Shiites are the minority. Sunnis are predominant in countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and Indonesia, while Shiites are mainly concentrated in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and parts of Lebanon. The division between Sunnis and Shiites dates back to a disagreement over who should succeed Prophet Muhammad as the leader of the Muslim community.

What is samadh?

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It seems like there may have been a typo in your question. If you meant to ask about "samadhi," it's a state of deep meditative absorption where the mind becomes completely still and focused. It is a goal in various spiritual traditions that leads to a sense of unity and connection with the divine or higher self.

How many years ago was Islam started?

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Asked by Wiki User

Islam is the religion of God. It is based on nature. In Islamic Theology the first man sent to the earth by God was Adam who was a prophet or apostle. He lived his life according to the obligations of Islam.

After that the world population started to grow and people started deviating from the way of Islam. Hence God sent many prophets (once again in Islamic theology about 124 thousand of them) to different nations, at different times . However the people kept changing the teachings of their prophets. In 712 A.D, the last prophet Hazrat Mohammad came to this world, through him God completed the religion which is called Islam in this world.The Quran is the complete and most comprehensive book of all which contains every teaching of Islam in it.

So it can be said that Islam started from the creation of this universe. But it was completed about 1400 years ago.

How many Hafiz the holy Quran in the world now?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've read that it's about 400,000, but I don't have a source for that information.

Who is Shah Waliullah?

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Shah Waliullah was an influential Islamic scholar and reformer in 18th-century India. He sought to revive and purify Islamic teachings in response to the political and social challenges of his time. His writings had a significant impact on Islamic thought and scholarship in South Asia.

What is the purpose of a pilgrimage?

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A pilgrimage is a journey undertaken for spiritual or religious reasons to visit a sacred place or engage in acts of devotion. The purpose often includes seeking spiritual growth, renewal, or connection with one's faith. It can also involve seeking blessings, healing, or forgiveness.

Why is the quran the model for poetry?

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The Quran is considered the model for Arabic poetry due to its eloquence, beauty, and linguistic sophistication. Many view its poetic style as unparalleled and believe it sets the standard for poetic expression in the Arabic language. Additionally, the Quran's impact on Arabic literature and culture has solidified its status as a model for poetry.

Which prophet was known as khalil Allah?

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Asked by Sana1121

Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is known as Khalil Allah, which translates to "the friend of Allah" in Arabic. He is highly respected in Islam for his unwavering faith and obedience to Allah.

What stories are important in Islam?

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Some important stories in Islam include those of the prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, as well as the story of the Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad. These stories serve as examples of faith, patience, and obedience to Allah, and are meant to provide guidance and lessons for Muslims to follow in their own lives.

How do you cite the Koran in APA format?

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Asked by Missy7

In APA format, citations for the Koran should include the name of the text in italics, followed by the chapter and verse number. For example, (Koran 2:255). A full citation should include details such as the translation used and the publication date of that translation.

How many pages is surah waqiah?

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Surah Al-Waqiah consists of 96 verses and generally spans around 2-3 pages in a standard Quran. The number of pages may vary slightly depending on the size and format of the Quran.

What are the benefits of reciting surah al kahf?

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Asked by JiaArshad

Reciting Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays is recommended as it brings blessings and protection from fitnah (trials and tribulations). It also serves as a source of light in preparation for the Day of Resurrection. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned that reciting this Surah helps in having a light that extends between the reciter and the Kaaba in Makkah.

Who wrote the first chapter of the quran?

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The first chapter of the Quran, known as Al-Fatihah, was written by the Islamic prophet Muhammad as revealed to him by Allah. It serves as an opening prayer for Muslims and is recited in every unit of the Islamic prayer (Salah).