


The Crusades, Saladin, Richard the Lion Heart and the bitter struggle for control of Jerusalem and the Middle East, it's impact on society and it's ramifications on today's society

2,920 Questions

How long did the wright brothers first fight last?

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The Wright brothers' first powered flight on December 17, 1903, lasted for about 12 seconds and covered a distance of 120 feet.

5 What group tended to be disproportionately prominent in the crusade against alcohol?

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The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was a group that was disproportionately prominent in the crusade against alcohol during the temperance movement. Led by women, the WCTU advocated for the prohibition of alcohol in the United States.

Who was the Crusader's foe?

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The Crusaders' main foes were the Muslim forces in the Holy Land, particularly the Seljuk Turks and later the Mamluks. These Muslim armies were defending their territories against the European Crusader incursions.

Why did Europeans go on the crusade?

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Europeans went on the Crusades in the 11th to 13th centuries primarily to reclaim the Holy Land (Jerusalem and the surrounding areas) from Muslim rule. The Crusades were also seen as a way to gain wealth, land, and political power, as well as to earn spiritual merit by fighting for the Church.

What three main groups fought in World War 1?

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The three main groups that fought in World War 1 were the Allies, which included countries like France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire, and the neutral countries that eventually joined the war effort, such as Italy and the United States.

New ideas from the Crusades?

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Some new ideas from the Crusades included the introduction of Arabic numerals to Europe, leading to advancements in mathematics and business. The Crusades also brought about a greater exchange of knowledge and cultures between the East and the West, leading to increased interest in trade and exploration. Additionally, the Crusades sparked debates about religious tolerance and the nature of warfare that influenced future societal developments.

Examples of abiotic factors?

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Examples of abiotic factors include temperature, humidity, sunlight, soil composition, and water availability. These non-living factors play crucial roles in shaping ecosystems and influencing the distribution and abundance of living organisms.

How many people died in the Crusades?

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Historians estimate that between one to three million people died throughout the various Crusades that took place between 1096 and 1291. The casualties included soldiers, civilians, and individuals from all sides involved in the conflicts.

What language is the word crusade from?

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The word "crusade" originates from Old French, specifically from the word "croisade," which means a campaign or a war fought under the banner of the Christian cross.

Was a propaganda movement a success or a failure one in the Philippines?

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The extent of success or failure of a propaganda movement in the Philippines can vary depending on the specific movement in question. Overall, some propaganda movements in the Philippines have had success in raising awareness, sparking resistance, and contributing to larger movements for social change, while others may have faced repression and challenges that limited their impact.

How many people are involved in helping the community?

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The number of people involved in helping the community can vary widely depending on the community and the specific initiatives being undertaken. It can range from a few individuals volunteering their time to large organizations with hundreds or even thousands of members working towards community development.

What did local police do to the people in the Birmingham childrens crusade?

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Local police in Birmingham during the Children's Crusade of 1963 used fire hoses and dogs to disperse the peaceful protesters, many of whom were children. They arrested hundreds of protestors, including children as young as eight years old, and faced widespread criticism for their harsh tactics.

Who wrote this in virtue of the new depositionsthe peasants attached to the soil will be invested within a term fixed by law with all the rights of free cultivators?

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Karl Marx wrote this in his work "The Communist Manifesto." He was referring to the idea that under communism, peasants would no longer be tied to the land and would have the same rights as free cultivators.

What was one reason the Bantu migrated?

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One reason the Bantu migrated was due to population pressure in their original homeland, driving them to seek new land for settlement and farming.

What were the religious economic and political reasons for the crusades?

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The Crusades were motivated by a combination of religious, economic, and political reasons. Religious motivations included reclaiming the Holy Land and defending Christianity. Economic factors included the desire for access to trade routes and resources in the East. Politically, the Crusades served to unite European kingdoms under a common cause and expand territories.

What effect did the Crusades have on the Christians?

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The Crusades had several effects on Christians, including increased religious fervor, expansion of trade and cultural exchange, and heightened religious intolerance towards other faiths. Additionally, the Crusades led to the establishment of military orders and a lasting impact on European feudal society.

How do you think the Muslims living in the Holy Land viewed the crusaders?

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Muslims living in the Holy Land during the Crusades likely viewed the crusaders as invaders and aggressors who threatened their land, religion, and way of life. They would have seen the crusaders as a violent and oppressive force that aimed to conquer their territories and impose their own beliefs on them. This led to significant tensions and conflicts between the two groups during this period.

What effect did the crusades have on Jews?

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The Crusades led to significant persecution and violence against Jewish communities in Europe, particularly during the First Crusade in 1096. Jews were targeted by Crusaders who viewed them as enemies, resulting in massacres and forced conversions. This persecution intensified anti-Jewish sentiments and stereotypes in Europe.

How did the Muslims behave in the crusades?

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Muslims defended their territories during the Crusades by engaging in military battles with the Christian forces. They utilized various strategies, such as fortifying their cities and seeking alliances with other Muslim powers. Additionally, they sometimes launched counterattacks to push back against the invading Crusader armies.

In addition to teaching some amount of tolerance the crusades alson encouraged?

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The Crusades also encouraged cultural exchange, trade, and technological advancements between the East and West. They led to the introduction of new ideas, products, and practices that influenced society and contributed to the development of global trade networks.

Why the crusades should not be considered a holy war?

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The Crusades were marked by violence, greed, and political agendas, rather than solely religious motivations. They resulted in widespread atrocities, including the massacre of innocent civilians. Furthermore, the actions of Crusaders often contradicted fundamental Christian principles of peace and love.

What 2 aspects of Christianity helped drive the crusaders to embark on the crusades?

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The idea of liberating the Holy Land from Muslim control and receiving spiritual rewards for participating in a holy war motivated the crusaders. Additionally, the promise of forgiveness of sins and the opportunity to secure a place in heaven through pilgrimage and fighting for the Church also played a significant role.

What was a major goal of the christian church durning the crusades?

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One major goal of the Christian church during the Crusades was to reclaim holy sites in the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, from Muslim control. The church saw this as a religious duty to assert Christian dominance in the region.

Why can the crusades be considered hypocrites?

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Because their religion made them do unnecessary things. BY: LANDEN MANUEL

How could a crusades change a serf life?

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How could the Crusades change a serfs’ life?