


History of Europe

While not the largest continent, Europe has been critical in the development of the world as it exits today. The development and spread of knowledge, techniques, and culture have effected most of the Americas and Africa, and influenced the rest of the world as well. Join us in exploring the rich history of Europe by asking and answering questions here.

500 Questions

How many people in belgium speak German?

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In Belgium, an estimated 0.6% of the population speaks German as their primary language, primarily in the eastern part of the country along the border with Germany.

Are you dutch?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, I am not Dutch. I am a computer program designed to assist with answering questions and providing information.

How did the arts flourished under suleiman?

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Asked by Wiki User

It didn't. All of the history book says that it has, but it never did. Your teachers are telling you it did flourish because they don't want to loose their jobs or homes. They are taught to brainwash all of you people that the arts were flourished under Suleiman. But really it was flourished under the magical unicorn. His name is Shaqinsi Marn. He lives in the southeastern part of India. It may seem that this is all a lie, but it's true. Look this name up on the internet and you will see the picture of Prime Minister Marn in his ceremony uniform.

What is the synonym of plow?

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Till, cultivate, or furrow.

What is the European State Model Please explain?

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Asked by Wiki User

The European State Model refers to the diverse political systems and governance structures seen across European countries. These models typically involve a mix of democratic principles, social welfare policies, and varying levels of government intervention in the economy. The European State Model is often characterized by a focus on promoting social cohesion, economic equality, and individual rights.

What are the 3 types of history in the bible?

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oral history , written history , history reccounted

What is the scientific reason for mount vesuvius' explosion?

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Mount Vesuvius' explosion was caused by the build-up of pressure from the movement of molten rock and gas beneath the Earth's surface. This pressure eventually caused the volcano to erupt violently, sending ash, gas, and magma into the air.

Who is Naram-Sin?

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Asked by Bfcagle35575

Naram-Sin was a ruler of the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia, reigning around 2254-2218 BCE. He is known for his military campaigns and is considered one of the most powerful kings of the Akkadian Empire. Naram-Sin was also deified during his lifetime, a rare honor in ancient Mesopotamia.

Spanish and portuguese explorers came here for treasure?

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Yes, Spanish and Portuguese explorers came to the Americas in search of treasure such as gold, silver, and other valuable resources. They hoped to find new lands to conquer and exploit for their own empires. This exploration led to the colonization and exploitation of indigenous populations in the New World.

Why was education of the masses became important during the Renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, there was a growing interest in humanism and the idea of individual potential. Educating the masses was seen as a way to spread knowledge, cultivate critical thinking skills, and empower individuals to contribute to society in meaningful ways. This emphasis on education helped fuel advancements in art, science, and culture during this period.

What was the language in bohemia in 1848?

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The dominant language in Bohemia in 1848 was Czech. This was a time of growing Czech nationalism and cultural revival, as Czechs sought to assert their identity against the backdrop of the Austrian Empire's multiethnic composition. German was also widely spoken, particularly among the urban population and elites.

How do you pronounce Yde?

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Yde is pronounced as "Ee-deh."

How is education related to historical globalization?

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Education has played a critical role in historical globalization by spreading ideas, technologies, and cultures across different regions of the world. Through colonial education systems and missionary schools, Western powers were able to impart their values and beliefs on indigenous populations, facilitating the spread of globalization. Additionally, education has helped to create a more interconnected and interdependent global society by fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

The demarcation of ageing is not the same in all areas justify?

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The demarcation of aging varies due to cultural factors, social norms, and biological differences among populations. In some cultures, reaching a certain age may signify a transition into old age, while in others, it may depend more on life events or milestones. Additionally, advancements in healthcare and technology have also led to differences in how people perceive and experience aging.

What is good bye in flemish?

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"Goodbye" in Flemish is "tot ziens" or "vaarwel".

What is presented to a retiree after thirty years of service?

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Retirement benefits such as a pension or 401(k) savings, possibly healthcare coverage, and depending on the employer, recognition or awards for their service.

What is the difference between bon appetit and bon appetite?

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Asked by Wiki User

APPETIT with an accent rightwards (accent de grave) on the E of the word appetit is a french word while APPETITE as we all know is an English word. But while saying BON APPETIT, we should not use an e after the word appetit and while writing the same, an accent must always be there.... :)

How is demarcation of constituencies done?

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Asked by Wiki User

The demarcation of constituencies, also known as the process of drawing electoral boundaries, is typically done by independent bodies or commissions tasked with ensuring fairness and representation in elections. Factors such as population size, geographic features, and community interests are considered in this process to create constituencies that are as equal and balanced as possible in terms of representation. Transparency and public consultation are often key elements to ensure the legitimacy and credibility of the demarcation process.

How do you say I am falling for you in Welsh?

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You can say "Rwy'n syrthio drosoch chi" in Welsh to express I am falling for you.

What is bon appetite?

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"Bon appétit" is a French phrase that translates to "good appetite" in English. It is commonly used as a polite way to wish someone a good meal before they begin eating.

What is bad in Welsh?

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In Welsh, "bad" can be translated as "drwg."

What was the alliance between Great Britain and Russia and France known as?

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The Triple Entente linked the United Kigndom, the French Third Republic, and the Russian Empire in 1907, following the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente. With agreements from Portugal and Japan, this alliance was a strong opposition to Germany's, Austria-Hungary's, and the Kingdom of Italy's Triple Alliance. In 1914, all three of the Triple Entente entered World War I as Allies against Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Which of these increased Spain's exploration of the Americas?

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The availability of advanced shipbuilding technology, funding from the Spanish monarchy, and the hope of finding valuable resources like gold and silver all significantly increased Spain's exploration of the Americas.