


Drama and Acting

Drama and acting refer to the art of portraying a fictional character before a camera or on a stage by means of gesture, movement and intonation. They requires the use of techniques to communicate the emotional weight of the situation.

16,556 Questions

When did the first Counter-Strike game come out?

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1.6 was the stable stand alone version. it was a halflife mod long before that.i have cs1.0 on my pc still and there were versions before that, for won servers. sadly won is gone but we played won2 for a while.

Is chemistry involved in stage lighting?

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Yes, chemistry is involved in stage lighting. The colors emitted from the light sources (such as LEDs or tungsten lamps) are the result of chemical reactions happening within the bulbs. Additionally, certain chemicals are used to create color filters or gels that alter the color of the light.

How does space convey meaning?

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Space can convey meaning through its organization and use. The arrangement of objects within a space can suggest relationships, hierarchy, or emotions. Additionally, the use of empty space can create a sense of balance, openness, or tension, all of which contribute to the overall meaning of the space.

Why did men only perform in Greek theatre?

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cause they wanted to

Who plays the marine biologist in Jaws?

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The marine biologist in Jaws is played by actor Richard Dreyfuss, who portrayed the character Matt Hooper.

Is Jupiter Cronus?

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No, Jupiter is not Cronus. Jupiter is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus, while Cronus is a different deity known as the father of Zeus in Greek mythology. Cronus was eventually overthrown by Zeus, who then became the ruler of the gods.

In Monsters Vs Aliens which comedy actor plays the voice of Dr Cockroach Ph.D?

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The character Dr. Cockroach Ph.D. in "Monsters vs. Aliens" is voiced by actor Hugh Laurie, known for his roles in the TV show "House" and the comedy series "Blackadder."

Who is the protagonist in October sky?

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The protagonist in "October Sky" is Homer Hickam, a young boy from a coal mining town in West Virginia who becomes inspired by the launching of the Sputnik satellite to pursue a career in rocketry.

Who are cronus's kids?

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Cronus, a figure in Greek mythology, had multiple children, including Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. These children became known as the Olympian gods and goddesses, who eventually overthrew Cronus, their father, in a war known as the Titanomachy.

Which forces are acting on a rocket in take off?

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During takeoff, the main forces acting on a rocket are thrust (generated by the rocket engine pushing exhaust gases out), weight (due to gravity pulling the rocket downward), and drag (air resistance pushing against the rocket as it moves through the atmosphere). Additionally, lift may also play a role in some rocket designs as they leave the ground and gain altitude.

What 2 forces are present during the liftoff of a rocket?

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During liftoff, the two main forces acting on a rocket are thrust and gravity. Thrust is generated by the rocket's engines, pushing it upward, while gravity pulls the rocket back towards the Earth. These forces must be balanced for the rocket to achieve liftoff and ascend into space.

What are some historical allusions in October sky?

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"October Sky" contains several historical allusions, such as the references to the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, including the launch of Sputnik. There are also nods to the Cold War tensions and the impact of the Korean War on the characters' lives. Additionally, the film showcases the cultural context of the 1950s in America, including societal expectations and technological advancements.

Steven Hiller code name in Independence Day film?

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Captain Steven Hiller's code name in the Independence Day film is "Eagle 1."

Who are the main characters of October Sky?

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The main characters of October Sky are Homer Hickam, Jr., a young aspiring rocket scientist and main protagonist, along with his friends Roy Lee, Quentin, and O'Dell, who join him in pursuing their dreams of building rockets in a small mining town in West Virginia.

What is October Sky about?

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"October Sky" is a film based on the true story of Homer Hickam, a young boy in a coal mining town who becomes inspired by the launch of Sputnik and pursues his dream of building rockets. The film follows Homer's journey as he overcomes challenges and struggles to achieve his goal, ultimately inspiring his community and himself.

What does space mean in drama?

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In drama, "space" refers to the physical environment where the performance takes place, including the stage, set design, and overall atmosphere. The use of space can influence the mood, tone, and dynamics of a scene, as well as the relationships between characters. It plays a crucial role in shaping the audience's engagement with the performance.

Characters in October Sky?

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The main characters in "October Sky" include Homer Hickam Jr., his father John Hickam, Homer's friends Quentin Wilson, Roy Lee Cook, and O'Dell Carroll, and Homer's teacher Miss Riley. These characters are instrumental in Homer's journey to pursue his dreams of building and launching rockets in a West Virginia coal-mining town.

What is Shakespeares globe?

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Shakespeare's Globe is a reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse associated with William Shakespeare. Located in London, the Globe Theatre stages Shakespeare's plays and other classic works, providing audiences with a glimpse into the theatrical practices of the 16th century.

Why is it not a good idea to get rid of a ocean sponge by chopping them up?

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Chopping up ocean sponges can lead to the release of harmful toxins and chemicals into the environment, which can disrupt the ecosystem and harm other marine life. Additionally, sponges play a crucial role in filtering water and maintaining water quality, so removing them can have negative impacts on the overall health of the ocean ecosystem.

What are some good songs that relate to Isaac Newton?

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  1. "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles - a song that references Newton's discovery of gravity.
  2. "Einstein on the Beach" by Counting Crows - a song that alludes to Newton as a prominent figure in science.
  3. "Sir Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye" by Epic Rap Battles of History - a humorous rap battle that brings to life Newton's rivalry with Bill Nye.

Where are the people from the moon and the sledgehammer?

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The phrase "people from the moon and the sledgehammer" does not make sense in a literal context as there are no people living on the moon (as far as current knowledge goes) and sledgehammers are tools. It may be part of an abstract or creative expression. If you provide more context, I can give a more accurate response.

How much money do shark biologist make?

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The salary of a shark biologist can vary depending on experience, qualifications, location, and employer. On average, shark biologists can earn between $50,000 to $80,000 per year. Research positions and advanced degrees can lead to higher salaries.

How many forces acting are on a rocket?

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There are typically four forces acting on a rocket during flight: thrust (propels the rocket forward), weight (force of gravity acting downward), lift (generated by rocket's fins to stabilize flight path), and drag (air resistance opposing forward motion).

How do you get fake tears to come out of your eyes?

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There are various methods to produce fake tears for theatrical purposes, including using eye drops, cutting onions, or blowing a fan towards your eyes. Additionally, some actors may train themselves to induce tears through emotional recall or physical triggers. It's important to prioritize eye safety and avoid using any harmful substances.