


Colonial America

The history of the thirteen British colonies that would eventually declare independence in 1776 and later become the United States.

29,710 Questions

What do men offer women?

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Because women are attracted by men and, man & women can be a good couple that's why men offer women.

What was the climate in the New York colony during the 1600 1700?

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The climate in the New York colony during the 1600-1700s was generally similar to what it is today, with cold winters and warm summers. However, there may have been variations due to natural climate cycles. Overall, the region experienced four distinct seasons with moderate rainfall throughout the year.

What are the landforms of colonial Connecticut?

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In broad terms, Connecticut is bisected by the Connecticut River, which has a broad tidal estuary. The river's broad valley is fertile farmland, used notably for apples, corn, and shade tobacco.

The northwest and northeastern corners of the state are hilly and forested. The eastern portion is known in modern times as part of the Last Green Valley between Washington DC and Boston. This sparsely populated, unpolluted swath of forests, rivers and lakes covers most of eastern Connecticut and parts of south-central Massachusetts.

The southern (Long Island Sound) shoreline is marked by salt marshes and beaches.

What did mid Atlantic colonies specialization in?

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The mid-Atlantic colonies specialized in diverse industries, including agriculture, trade, and manufacturing. They produced a variety of crops such as wheat, corn, and tobacco, and were known for their ports and trading networks that facilitated the exchange of goods. Additionally, the presence of skilled artisans and craftsmen contributed to a growing manufacturing sector in the region.

Why did settlers choose to live near the fall line?

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Settlers chose to live near the fall line because it marked the point upstream where boats could no longer navigate due to rapids and waterfalls. This made it an ideal location for trading and transportation, as goods could be transferred between land and water routes. Additionally, the fall line provided access to water power for mills and other industries.

How does the climate of New Jersey affect your life?

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The climate of New Jersey affects my life by influencing the type of clothing I wear throughout the year and the activities I engage in. I need to be prepared for both hot summers and cold winters, which dictates my wardrobe choices. Additionally, extreme weather events like snowstorms or hurricanes can impact travel plans and daily routines.

Why did fewer towns develop in the southern colonies compared to the New England colonies?

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Fewer towns developed in the southern colonies compared to the New England colonies because the southern region had large plantations that were spread further apart, leading to a more rural and decentralized settlement pattern. The economy in the southern colonies was based on cash crops like tobacco and rice, which required large tracts of land and fewer workers, whereas the New England colonies had smaller farms and a more diversified economy that supported more compact town development.

What time did the natives wake up?

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they wake up very early in the morning just like we wake up early.

What was the colonial or territorial days like in Missouri?

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During its colonial and territorial days, Missouri was characterized by a mix of European exploration, settlement, and conflicts with indigenous peoples. The region played a significant role in the fur trade industry, attracting French, Spanish, and later American settlers. Missouri's proximity to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers made it a strategic hub for transportation and trade. Conflicts arose between settlers and native tribes, leading to the displacement of many indigenous peoples.

What were the southern colonies geographical features?

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The southern colonies, including Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, had a warm and humid climate, fertile soil suitable for cash crop farming (tobacco, rice, indigo), and access to waterways such as rivers and the Atlantic Ocean for trade and transportation. The region also had swamps and forests that provided resources for industries like timber and naval stores.

Women seeking men?

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65, white male, 7 1/2 inch Looking for male or female fun! Gonzales. 225-335-3896. Keith

What are some seeds they would plant in the colonial times?

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Asked by Nikhil0208

During colonial times, common seeds planted included corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, wheat, and tobacco. These crops were essential for sustaining the colonists and trading with others.

How was the weather in colonial New Hampshire?

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The weather in colonial New Hampshire was variable, with cold winters and warm summers. The region experienced snowfall during the winter months and occasional severe weather events such as hurricanes in the summer. Overall, the climate was influenced by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and the changing seasons.

Who discovered rasgulla?

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Rasgulla is a traditional Indian sweet that has been enjoyed for centuries, so there is no single person credited with its discovery. It is believed to have originated in the Indian state of Odisha and West Bengal, both of which claim to be the birthplace of this popular dessert.

What were the religious and social orientation differences between new England and the south?

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In New England, the society was more Puritan and focused on religious practices, emphasizing education and community cohesion. In contrast, the South was more Anglican and had a hierarchical social structure based on wealth and land ownership, with a larger focus on agriculture and slavery.

What city is located 95 degrees west longitude and 30 degrees north latitude?

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The city located at 95 degrees west longitude and 30 degrees north latitude is Austin, the capital of Texas.

Which established church dominated Pennsylvania?

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The established church that dominated Pennsylvania was the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers. They played a significant role in the religious and political life of the colony, promoting principles of pacifism, equality, and toleration.

Who discovered pollination?

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Christian Konrad Sprengel is often credited with discovering pollination in the late 18th century. He published a book in 1793 that explained how plants rely on insects to transfer pollen between flowers for fertilization. His work laid the foundation for modern understanding of pollination.

Is Kenya a british colony?

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Kenya was a British colony until gaining independence in 1963.

How did the climate affect the middle colonies?

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The climate in the middle colonies, which included diverse climates from moderate to colder temperatures, impacted agriculture by allowing for the cultivation of different crops such as wheat, corn, and livestock. This diversity also contributed to economic growth and trade opportunities in the region.

What is the difference between Amsterdam and New York?

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Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and known for its historic canals, museums, and biking culture. New York City is one of the largest cities in the United States and a global hub for finance, culture, and fashion. While both cities are diverse and offer a wide range of attractions, they have distinct architectural styles, languages, and cultural nuances.

What type of colony was Kenya?

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From 1895 to 1920, Kenya (then named East Africa) was a protectorate. Then, from 1920 to December 1963, Kenya was a colony. However, a small strip of land on the Kenyan coast remained a semi-seperate protectorate until October 1963.

What was the social structure of Maryland like in the 1600's?

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In the 1600s, Maryland's social structure was hierarchical, with wealthy landowners at the top, followed by indentured servants, small farmers, and enslaved Africans at the bottom. Society was heavily influenced by the Catholic planters who owned large estates, governing the colony and shaping its laws and customs.

What is the Wampanoag government like?

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The Wampanoag government is organized as a confederation of individual bands or tribes, with each band having its own leadership structure. Traditionally, decisions are made through consensus-building among leaders, with a focus on community harmony and sustainability. Today, the Wampanoag tribes also work within the framework of the U.S. federal government, maintaining their sovereignty and self-governing capabilities.

How did the colonists in Pennsylvania survive the first winter?

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The colonists in Pennsylvania survived the first winter by relying on assistance from the local Native American tribes, such as the Lenape. They learned survival skills from the tribes, who also provided them with food and supplies. Additionally, the colonists practiced farming and hunting to sustain themselves during the harsh winter months.