

Southeast Asia

The countries of Southeast Asia include: Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and the Philippines. They have a unique history, regional interaction, culture, food, and religious makeup from nearby areas and regions.

995 Questions

What role did geography play in the early development of mainland southeast Asia?

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Geography played a significant role in shaping the early development of mainland Southeast Asia by influencing trade routes, agricultural practices, and cultural interactions. The region's diverse landscapes, including mountains, rivers, and tropical forests, impacted the movement of goods and people, the types of crops that could be cultivated, and the spread of ideas and technologies. This led to the formation of distinct societies and kingdoms with their own unique identities and histories.

What happened in 2004 that caused a tsunami in southeast Asia?

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An underwater earthquake occurred. The seafloor shifted by 15m and caused a large displacement in water, which caused a wave to form. The shock waves which radiated out of the epicenter also aided in the formation of the tsunami. The earthquake was 9.3 in magnitude and caused a wave which killed 280,000 people in total. The tsunami hit Sumatra worst, as it was closest to the epicentre.

Is Saudi Arabia in southwest asia?

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Yes, Saudi Arabia is located in Southwest Asia, specifically on the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by several countries including Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Yemen.

What large area of water lies within the coastline of Thailand Cambodia and Vietnam?

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The Gulf of Thailand lies within the coastline of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. It is an extension of the South China Sea and is known for its stunning beaches and diverse marine life.

What two tectonic plates make up a convergent boundary near southeast Asia?

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I beleive that the Eurasian, as well as the Indo-Australian Plates make up Southeast Asia

How did the tsunami in south east Asia form?

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The tsunami in Southeast Asia was triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26, 2004. The earthquake caused a sudden displacement of the ocean floor, creating a series of powerful waves that radiated outward in all directions, resulting in the devastating tsunami that hit several countries in the region.

How are climates in central america like those of southeast Asia?

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Both regions experience tropical climates with high temperatures and humidity. They also have similar wet and dry seasons, with high levels of rainfall throughout the year. Both regions are prone to tropical storms and hurricanes due to their locations.

What are the two land covers for the indochina peninsula?

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The two main land covers for the Indochina Peninsula are tropical rainforest and tropical savanna. The region is known for its dense forests, which provide habitat for a diverse range of plant and animal species. Additionally, there are areas of grasslands and open savannas in parts of the peninsula.

Is Thailand part of Indonesia?

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No, Thailand is a separate country located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a different country that is also located in Southeast Asia, but they are two distinct nations with separate borders and governments.

Do hurricanes form in southeast Asia?

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Yes, hurricanes do not typically form in Southeast Asia due to its location in the Western Pacific Ocean. Instead, this region is more prone to experiencing typhoons, which are essentially the same type of storm but given a different name based on the region where they occur.

What are two nations in southeast Asia are archipelagos?

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Archipelagos is a large or small group of islands scattered close together. Southeast Asia contains the largest archipelago. Countries such as Indonesia, The Philippines, Papa New Genie, and Japan

Are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions common in Southeast Asia?

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Yes, Southeast Asia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire, where several tectonic plates converge. Countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan experience frequent seismic activity and volcanic eruptions.

What is the time difference between Laos and Singapore?

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Singapore is GMT+8,and Myanmar is GMT +6.5, so Myanmar time is 1.5 hour behind Singapore. Example, Singapore 3pm, will be 1:30pm in Myanmar

Is laos north or south of Cambodia?

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Laos is north of Cambodia. They share a border to the north of Cambodia.

What is the name of the volcano in 1883 volcanic eruption in southeast Asia that killed 36000 people?

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The volcano that erupted in 1883 in southeast Asia, resulting in the Krakatoa eruption, was named Krakatoa. This catastrophic event led to the deaths of approximately 36,000 people and had far-reaching impacts across the region.

What is the largest port of south east Asia?

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The largest port in Southeast Asia is the Port of Singapore. It is one of the busiest and most important ports in the world, serving as a major hub for international trade and shipping in the region.

Which country is not located on part of the Indochina Peninsula?

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Indonesia is not located on the Indochina Peninsula. It is an archipelago country situated to the south and southeast of mainland Asia, separated by the Indian Ocean and located to the north of Australia.

Which description best fits the climate of Indochina?

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The climate of Indochina is typically characterized as tropical monsoon, with a wet season from May to October and a dry season from November to April. There are variations in temperature and rainfall across the region, with generally high humidity throughout the year.

Is the green snake of SE Asia poisonous?

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Yes, many green snakes in Southeast Asia are venomous. One example is the green pit viper, which is known for its potent venom. It's important to exercise caution and avoid handling any snake in the wild, unless you are trained to do so.

What about the Singapore?

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Singapore is good............

do you want to go to the universal studios......

many things can buy there.......

do you want to go to the Singapore city.........

it is good there too.....

What is the average household income in laos?

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The average household income in Laos is around $2,300 per year, which is equivalent to about $192 per month. However, there is significant variation in income levels between urban and rural areas in Laos.

How many people live in south east asia?

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Approximately 655 million people live in Southeast Asia.

Where is the greatest population density in indochina?

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The greatest population density in Indochina is typically found in urban areas such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Phnom Penh in Cambodia, and Vientiane in Laos. These cities have high population concentrations and infrastructure to support dense living conditions.

When did Brunei join Asean?

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Malaysia was a founding member of ASEAN, which was established in 1967.