

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are business strategies that deal with selling, buying, and combining of companies. Mergers occur when two or more companies are joined together. When one company buys another, either through friendly or hostile takeover, it is called acquisition.

593 Questions

Which stars in globular clusters are believed to be examples of mergers?

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Blue straggler stars in globular clusters are believed to be examples of mergers. These stars are thought to form from the merging of two smaller stars or from the collision and merger of two stars in a binary system, leading to them appearing brighter and bluer than other stars in the cluster.

Has the Mars company been involved in any mergers or acquisitions?

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Yes, Mars, Incorporated has been involved in several mergers and acquisitions over the years. For example, they acquired the Wrigley Company in 2008 and added the company to their portfolio of brands. Additionally, Mars has made several smaller acquisitions to expand their business in different markets.

What is merger reserve?

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WHat is a merger reserve?

Why was the Barisan Socialis against the idea of merger with Malaya?

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The Barisan Socialis was against the merger with Malaya because they believed it would not benefit the people of Singapore and would lead to the domination of Singapore by the Malayan ruling party. They were also concerned about losing their political influence and feared that the merger would favor the interests of the capitalist class over the working class.

What are theories knowledge acquisition?

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Theories of knowledge acquisition are explanations of how individuals acquire knowledge. Examples include behaviorism, which emphasizes learning through interactions with the environment, and constructivism, which focuses on the active construction of knowledge by the individual. Each theory offers unique perspectives on how people learn and understand the world around them.

What kind of doubt is involved in the acquisition of knowledge?

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Epistemic doubt is involved in the acquisition of knowledge, which refers to uncertainty about the reliability or truth of one's beliefs or the information being received. This doubt prompts individuals to engage in critical thinking, questioning, and seeking evidence to validate their beliefs and improve their understanding of the world. Ultimately, overcoming epistemic doubt through rigorous inquiry and reflection leads to more reliable and well-founded knowledge.

Solved case study on working capital management?

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In a typical case study on working capital management, you would analyze a company's current assets and liabilities to optimize its liquidity and operational efficiency. By focusing on areas such as accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable, you would suggest strategies to improve cash flow and reduce the company's financing costs. The goal is to strike a balance between ensuring there is enough working capital to support day-to-day operations while minimizing excess funds that could be more efficiently used elsewhere.

Why tata had acquired corus although it was in loss?

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Tata acquired Corus to expand its global footprint and access new markets. Despite Corus being in a loss-making situation at the time of the acquisition, Tata saw long-term potential in the company's assets, technology, and market presence. The acquisition also aligned with Tata's strategy to diversify its business and become a major player in the global steel industry.

What are the methods of acquisition in the library?

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The main methods of acquisition in a library are purchasing materials, such as books and journals, through vendors or publishers; receiving donations or gifts from individuals or organizations; and participating in interlibrary loan programs to borrow materials from other libraries for patrons. Some libraries also engage in consortia purchasing to collectively acquire resources with other libraries to reduce costs.

Where does the term pudden tane come from What's your name Pudden Tane aske me again and I'll tell ya the same?

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The term "pudden tane" likely originated as a humorous way to say "putten dane," which is a dialectal way of saying "put 'un down." The rhyme you provided is a playful response to being asked a question, suggesting that the person's name is "Pudden Tane" and that they will repeat it if asked again.

Mergers & Acquisitions?

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Mergers & Acquisitions is the strategy, management and financing of combining separate corporate entities into one. A merger is made of companies with similar sizes. An acquisition occurs when a larger company purchases a smaller company. Mergers & Acquisitions are financed by cash or stock.

Who runs Fiji water?

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this awesome dude named John Cochran

Can anyone give me some Examples of latest merger and acquisition in India?

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  1. Tata Steel's mega takeover of European steel major Corus for $12.2 billion. The biggest ever for an Indian company. This is the first big thing which marked the arrival of India Inc on the global stage. The next big thing everyone is talking about is Tata Nano.
  2. Vodafone's purchase of 52% stake in Hutch Essar for about $10 billion. Essar group still holds 32% in the Joint venture.
  3. Hindalco of Aditya Birla group's acquisition of Novellis for $6 billion.
  4. Ranbaxy's sale to Japan's Daiichi for $4.5 billion. Sing brothers sold the company to Daiichi and since then there is no real good news coming out of Ranbaxy.
  5. ONGC acquisition of Russia based Imperial Energyfor $2.8 billion. This marked the turn around of India's hunt for natural reserves to compete with China.
  6. NTT DoCoMo-Tata Tele services deal for $2.7 billion. The second biggest telecom deal after the Vodafone. Reliance MTN deal if went through would have been a good addition to the list.
  7. HDFC Bank acquisition of Centurion Bank of Punjab for $2.4 billion.
  8. Tata Motors acquisition of luxury car maker Jaguar Land Rover for $2.3 billion. This could probably the most ambitious deal after the Ranbaxy one. It certainly landed Tata Motors into lot of trouble.
  9. Wind Energy premier Suzlon Energy's acquistion of RePower for $1.7 billion.
  10. Reliance Industries taking over Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL) for 8500 crores or $1.6 billion.

Can you give latest examples of merger?

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Some examples of mergers include American Airways and Delta merging. A merger is different from an acquisition, but both businesses benefit in the long run.

What year did the AFL-NFL merger occur?

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The AFL-NFL merger occurred in 1970. At that time there were 10 teams in the AFL and 16 teams in the NFL. To even the number of teams among the two new conferences (AFC and NFC) the Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Colts, and Cleveland Browns agreed to move from the NFL to the AFC so there could be 13 teams in each conference. There have been six new expansion teams enter the NFL since the merger:

1976 - Tampa Bay, Seattle

1995 - Carolina, Jacksonville

1996 - Baltimore (The owner of the team in Cleveland moved his players to his new franchise in Baltimore in 1996, leaving Cleveland's team in Cleveland, but officially inactive. In 1999 Cleveland was activated, but were technically not an expansion team).

2002 - Houston (The team previously in Houston moved to Tennessee in 1997).

EDIT: The owner of the Browns until the 1995 season desided he wanted to move to Baltimore. The NFL, Modell ( owner ) and the city of Cleveland came to the argeement. Modell could take his players with current contracts go Baltimore and would start the 31st NFL Franchise .( Jacksonville being 30th ) NFL/Cleveland kept Cleveland Browns history, championships , colors and overall heritage in Cleveland for a expansion team when the time was right by turning the Browns organzation into a holding company ( Cleveland NFL football LLC) until the next owner took over. The NFL considers both the 46-95 Browns & 99- present Browns the same team so the Baltimore Ravens are the 31st NFL Franchise.

FACT: Baltmore and Tampa Bay are the only post merger teams to win a Super Bowl.

Which NFL team has the record for most consecutive winning seasons since the merger?

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The Pittsburgh Steelers are first, followed by the Dallas Cowboys; each has more then 400 wins since the merger.

In terms of Superbowls; the Pittsburgh Steelers (6) are first again, followed by the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers (5).

Why are merger and acquisition strategies popular in many firms competing in the global economy How would these strategies impact a firm's performance?

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Through merger/acquisition, a financially weak entity is merged with a stronger one, thereby facilitating to regain its lost health and compete in the market. This being the primary reason for this strategy to be popular in global economy.