

Decade - 1900s

This category has questions involving events, social trends, political beliefs, major discoveries, or general information related to the 1900's.

1,555 Questions

Is the space race worth it?

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The space race has led to numerous advancements in technology and scientific knowledge that have benefitted society as a whole. It has inspired future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields and has also fostered international collaboration. Overall, many people believe that the space race has been worth it for these reasons.

How many times zones were created?

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There are 24 time zones established worldwide, each representing a one-hour difference from the next. These time zones help coordinate and standardize timekeeping across different regions.

What year was the rocket invented?

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The first successful liquid-fueled rocket was invented by Robert H. Goddard in 1926. Rockets as a concept have been around for centuries, with early forms using gunpowder for propulsion.

What discovery in the 1900s suported Mendel's ideas?

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The discovery of the structure of DNA in the 1950s supported Mendel's ideas by providing a physical basis for the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next. This discovery helped to explain how traits are inherited and how genetic information is passed down in a predictable manner, in line with Mendel's principles of heredity.

Who were the two men responsible for introducing basic principles of modern geology in the early 1900s?

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The two men responsible for introducing basic principles of modern geology in the early 1900s were James Hutton and Charles Lyell. They proposed the theories of uniformitarianism and deep time, revolutionizing the understanding of geological processes and the Earth's history.

What equipment do miners use for when digging for gold?

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Miners use various equipment such as pickaxes, shovels, and gold pans to dig for gold. They may also use detectors to locate gold nuggets in the soil. Larger operations may use bulldozers, excavators, and sluice boxes to extract gold from the ground.

What discovery in the 1900s suppoprted mendels ideas?

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The discovery of DNA in the 1950s provided strong support for Mendel's ideas on inheritance. Understanding that genes are made up of DNA and that they are passed down from parents to offspring helped to confirm Mendel's principles of heredity.

What discovery in the 1900s supportd mendal's ideas?

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The discovery of DNA in the 1950s by Watson and Crick provided a molecular basis for Mendel's theories of inheritance. DNA carries genetic information, which is passed down from parents to offspring, reflecting the principles of segregation and independent assortment proposed by Mendel. This discovery helped to solidify Mendel's ideas and laid the foundation for modern genetics.

How did research about the sea floor in the second half of the 1900s affect scientific through about continental drift?

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Research about the sea floor in the second half of the 1900s, particularly the discovery of seafloor spreading and magnetic striping, provided crucial evidence to support the theory of continental drift. This research showed that new seafloor was continuously forming at mid-ocean ridges, pushing older seafloor away and supporting the movement of continents over time. This helped solidify the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how the Earth’s lithosphere is divided into plates that move and interact with each other.

How did research about the sea floor in the second half of the 1900s affect scientific thought about continental drift?

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Research on the sea floor, such as magnetic striping and age dating of rocks, provided strong evidence for plate tectonics and continental drift in the second half of the 1900s. These findings helped to change scientific thought, as they demonstrated the movement of lithospheric plates and provided a mechanism for how continents move and interact on Earth's surface. This research revolutionized our understanding of Earth's geology and led to the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics in the scientific community.

How did research about the sea floor in the second half of the 1900s affect scientist thought about continental drift?

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Research about the seafloor in the second half of the 1900s, particularly the discovery of mid-ocean ridges and magnetic striping patterns, provided strong evidence supporting the theory of plate tectonics. This new understanding of the seafloor helped scientists realize that the seafloor was spreading at mid-ocean ridges, leading to the acceptance of continental drift as part of the larger theory of plate tectonics.

What were some discoveries during the 1900s that supported Mendel's ideas?

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Some discoveries during the 1900s that supported Mendel's ideas included the rediscovery of Mendel's laws of inheritance, the confirmation of genes as the units of inheritance through research by Thomas Hunt Morgan, and the understanding of how genes are transmitted through chromosomes. These findings helped solidify Mendel's principles of inheritance in the field of genetics.

Why was the theory of the of the atom so controversial in the early 1900s?

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Complicate and new theories are continuously controversial; but this controverse is the source of progress in knowledge.

How many subatomic particles were discovered in the 1900s?

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Three subatomic particles were discovered in the 1900s: the neutron in 1932, the positron in 1932, and the neutrino in 1956.

How much did plastic cost in the 1900s?

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Plastic was not widely used in the 1900s, as it was still a relatively new material and manufacturing process. The cost would have varied depending on the type of plastic and the manufacturing method used at that time. However, it would have likely been more expensive than other common materials like metal or glass.

Where did Robert A Millikan do his work?

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Robert A. Millikan conducted his famous oil drop experiment at the University of Chicago in the early 20th century. This experiment allowed him to accurately measure the charge of an electron for the first time.

What was the most used instruments from 1900 to 1909?

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In the early 1900s, some of the most commonly used musical instruments included the piano, violin, and brass instruments like the trumpet and trombone. These instruments were popular in orchestras, chamber ensembles, and solo performances during this time period.

What were The targets used in the alpha particle atomic experiments in the early 1900's?

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Gold foil was typically used as the target in alpha particle atomic experiments in the early 1900s. This was famously utilized by Ernest Rutherford in his gold foil experiment to study the structure of the atom.

What was invented in 1904?

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In 1904, the first ice cream cone was invented at the St. Louis World's Fair. Also, Mary Anderson patented the windshield wiper, revolutionizing automotive safety. Additionally, the first US daily newspaper cartoon strip, "The Little Bears," was published by Jimmy Swinnerton.

Who painted a print in the early 1900s of an angel-like figure in a sea holding onto a rock titled Rock of Ages?

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The painting "Rock of Ages" depicting an angel-like figure holding onto a rock in the sea was created by Maxfield Parrish in the early 1900s. Parrish was known for his dreamlike and fantastical imagery, which often featured ethereal figures in natural settings.

Is it true the Oregon trail was more difficult to travel than the California trail because one had to cross the sierra nevadas?

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Yes, the Oregon Trail was generally considered to be more difficult to travel than the California Trail due to various challenges along the way, including navigating rough terrain, unpredictable weather conditions, and encounters with Native American tribes. Crossing the Sierra Nevadas was indeed a challenging part of the California Trail, but overall the Oregon Trail presented a greater range of obstacles for travelers.

How did people talk in 1900?

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In 1900, people communicated primarily through face-to-face conversations, letter writing, and telegrams. The language used was more formal compared to today, with a focus on proper etiquette and manners. Slang and colloquial expressions varied by region and social class.

The settlement and farming of Canada in the early 1900s?

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In the early 1900s, Canada experienced a significant wave of immigration, especially from Eastern Europe and Asia, resulting in increased settlement and farming activities. The Canadian government encouraged settlement through policies such as the Dominion Lands Act, offering land to homesteaders. Technological advancements, such as improved farming equipment and transportation networks, also helped fuel agricultural expansion during this period.