


Southeast Asian country formerly named Burma but renamed Myanmar in 1989

615 Questions

How do you draw Burma map?

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To draw a map of Burma (also known as Myanmar), you can use a map-making software or online tool that allows you to create custom maps. You can also sketch the outline of Burma on paper, making sure to include important geographical features such as rivers, mountains, and major cities. Additionally, you can refer to existing maps of Burma for guidance on the country's shape and topography.

Is Aung San Suu Kyi the current Prime minister of Burma?

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No, Aung San Suu Kyi is not the current Prime Minister of Myanmar (formerly Burma). She served as State Counsellor from 2016 to 2021, but she was ousted from power in a military coup in February 2021. The military now controls the government.

How many sq km is Myanmar?

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Myanmar covers an area of approximately 676,578 square kilometers.

What are the Five Themes of Geography on Burma?

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The Five Themes of Geography are: location (where is Burma located?), place (what are the characteristics of Burma?), human-environment interaction (how do people interact with the environment in Burma?), movement (how do people, goods, and ideas move in and out of Burma?), and region (what are the common characteristics that define specific regions within Burma?).

What two gemstones is Myanmar famous for producing?

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Myanmar is famous for producing high-quality rubies and jadeite. Rubies from Myanmar are known for their intense red color and excellent clarity, while Myanmar jadeite is highly valued for its vibrant green color and translucency.

What body of water is 400 miles west of Yangon Myanmar and 400 miles south of Dhaka Bangladesh?

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The body of water located 400 miles west of Yangon, Myanmar, and 400 miles south of Dhaka, Bangladesh is the Bay of Bengal. It is a northeastern extension of the Indian Ocean and is bordered by India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

What is the weather and terrain like in Burma?

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Burma, also known as Myanmar, has a tropical monsoon climate with three distinct seasons: hot dry season, wet season, and cool dry season. The terrain varies from central plains to rugged mountains, with the majority of the country being covered in forests and agricultural land.

How about Bacterial blight of rice in Myanmar?

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Bacterial blight of rice is a common disease in Myanmar caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. It leads to characteristic lesions on rice leaves, affecting photosynthesis and leading to yield loss. Management strategies include planting resistant varieties, implementing good agricultural practices, and applying copper-based bactericides.

What is the latitude of burma?

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The latitude of Myanmar (formerly Burma) ranges from approximately 10 to 28 degrees north. The capital city, Yangon, is located at a latitude of around 16 degrees north.

Classify the states into 4 groups having common frontiers Pakistan china myanmar Bangladesh?

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himachal pradesh


arunachal pradesh





arunachal pradesh


west bengal




How do you identify a real ruby gemstone from synthetic using 10X glass?

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When looking at a ruby gemstone through a 10X magnifying glass, natural rubies typically exhibit certain characteristics like inclusions (presence of natural imperfections) and growth lines. Synthetic rubies may lack these natural features and may exhibit consistent growth patterns or bubbles that are not found in natural rubies. Additionally, natural rubies may show color zoning - variations in color density across the gemstone, which might not be present in synthetic rubies.

Myanmar has the largest deposit of what mineral?

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Myanmar has the largest deposit of jade. The country is known for its high-quality jadeite, which is a valuable gemstone and is predominantly found in the Hpakant region in northern Myanmar.

Name of cyclone in Burma?

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Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar (formerly Burma) in 2008, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.

What is the estimated population of Myanmar in 2009?

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The estimated population of Myanmar in 2009 was around 50 million people.

How many population in Myanmar?

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The current estimated population of Myanmar is around 55 million people.

What is the scientific name for 'bumblebee bat'?

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The phrase 'Craseonycteris thonglongyai' is the scientific name of the 'bumblebee bat' of streamside limestone caves in eastern Burma and western Thailand. It also is called 'Kitti's hog-nosed bat'. It's the world's smallest bat, and possibly the world's smallest mammal, at 1.1-1.3 inches [29-33 millimeters] in length and 0.071 ounces [2 grams] in mass.

Why is the poem entitled prayer for Burma?

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The poem is entitled "Prayer for Burma" because it focuses on reflecting or invoking a plea or request for peace, healing, or divine intervention specifically targeted towards Burma (now known as Myanmar). The title signifies the theme and intention of the poem.

Newspaper reports on the struggle for democracy in myanmar?

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The struggle for democracy in Myanmar has been ongoing for decades, marked by periods of military rule and political unrest. Most recently, the military seized power in a coup in February 2021, detaining elected leaders and sparking widespread protests and violence. International condemnation has been swift, with calls for the restoration of democracy and the release of political prisoners.

What is the value of a First Edition of Marsmen In Burma that is autographed by John Randolph?

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The value of a First Edition of Marsmen In Burma autographed by John Randolph would depend on factors such as the condition of the book, the demand for the author’s signature, and overall market conditions. Generally, signed first editions can fetch a premium compared to unsigned copies, especially if the author is well-known or in high demand. It is recommended to consult with rare book dealers or auction houses for a more accurate valuation.

What is the national bird of Myanmar?

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The Giant Ibis is the national bird of Cambodia.

Myanmar is the capital of?

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The capital city of Myanmar (Burma) is Yangon

What is the telephone country code for Myanmar?

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Burma (Myanmar) is country code +95. Numbers have 6 to 10 more digits after the country code.

When calling from other countries, you must drop the trunk prefix '0' from the domestic number. For example, Yangon (Rangoon)'s area code 01 becomes +95 1.

Mobile numbers begin with +95 9.

How can you use myanmar font in google chrom?

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Myanmar font if there can be seen in languages. This is in advanced settings of settings.