


Countries, States, and Cities

Countries, states and cities are geographical divisions. Countries are the largest units usually covering a large area. Some countries are made up of smaller areas, called states, and they in turn are comprised of many cities.

29,632 Questions

Which is the greediest country?

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Most would say the USA is the greediest, with the number of "wars" it is currently fighting with no apparent gain except political and military control of those areas.BUT the greediest country which most people hate is located in Asia and the name is INDIA

What is the capital of Yellow knife?

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Yellowknife, city and capital (since 1967) of Northwest Territories, northwestern Canada.

Yellowknife, city and capital (since 1967) of Northwest Territories, northwestern Canada.

How do you know what countries belong to which continents?

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Continents are typically defined based on geological and geographical factors, such as tectonic plate boundaries and landmass size. There are accepted continental boundaries that help determine which countries belong to each continent. These boundaries can sometimes be subjective, leading to variations in classification depending on the source or criteria used.

What is the advantage for countries lying near the equator?

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Asked by Pinkster1999

Countries lying near the equator generally have a more constant and predictable climate, with consistent day length and temperatures year-round. This can benefit agriculture by allowing for multiple growing seasons and a wider range of crops to be cultivated. Additionally, proximity to the equator can also provide opportunities for tourism due to the presence of tropical beaches and diverse ecosystems.

Witch country do lions come from?

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Lions are native to parts of Africa, primarily found in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Botswana. They are also found in a small population in the Gir Forest of India.

What is the capital of benous Aries?

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Buenos Aires is the capital and most populous city of Argentina.

What country has the highest CO2 emissions in 2025?

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It is difficult to predict with certainty, but currently, China has the highest CO2 emissions globally. However, efforts to reduce emissions are ongoing worldwide, so the ranking may change by 2025.

Which city is called moon city?

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Jaipur in India is often referred to as the "Pink City" due to the pink walls and buildings that were painted in honor of the visit of Queen Victoria, as well as its vibrant culture and history. It is not typically referred to as the "Moon City."

What country has initials ltu?

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The country that has the initials LTU is Lithuania, a country located in the Baltic region of Europe.

What country does a wolf come from?

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Wolves are found across the Northern Hemisphere, including North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. They have adapted to a wide range of environments, from forests and mountains to tundra and grasslands.

Which country Neil Amstrong belong to?

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Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut who was the first person to walk on the Moon. He was from the United States.

Which town became a city in 2012?

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The town of Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, England, became a city in 2012 as part of Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Which capital city receives the greatest average of sunshine?

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According to records, the sunniest capital city on average is Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, which receives around 2,700 hours of sunshine per year.

What country is Langur monkeys found in?

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Langur monkeys are found in various countries across South and Southeast Asia, including India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and parts of Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam. They are commonly found in forests, grasslands, and urban areas with access to water sources.

Why is it dark in one country and light in another country?

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It is dark in one country and light in another due to the rotation of the Earth. The side of the Earth facing away from the Sun experiences night, while the side facing the Sun experiences daylight. This rotation creates the cycle of day and night around the globe.

What events happen on the equinox?

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On the equinox, day and night are approximately equal in length all over the world. It marks the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west on the equinox.

What country has most cardinals?

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The country with the most cardinals is Italy, as the Vatican City is located within its borders. The majority of cardinals are based in the Vatican City and Italy due to its historical connection to the Roman Catholic Church.

What is the color of the sky on a rainy day?

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The color of the sky on a rainy day can vary depending on factors like the time of day, amount of cloud cover, and intensity of the rainfall. It is often gray or dark gray due to the thick cloud cover and water droplets scattering light.

What country do coon hounds originate from?

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Coonhounds are a breed of scent hound that originated in the United States. They were specifically bred for tracking and treeing raccoons while hunting.

Which country is the Gerald durrell zoo?

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The Gerald Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, commonly known as Durrell Wildlife Park, is located on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands, UK. It was founded by naturalist Gerald Durrell in 1959 and focuses on conservation, captive breeding, and education efforts for endangered species.

What is the lagest city in kakashtan?

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The largest city in Kazakhstan is Almaty, with a population of over 1.9 million people. It is the cultural and financial center of the country, located in the southeastern part of Kazakhstan.

Which country has the most meteorites?

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Antarctica has the most meteorites due to its icy surface that preserves them well. Scientists regularly find meteorites there, making it a hotspot for meteorite discoveries.