


Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a Cold War military conflict that occurred in Southeast Asia Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia that began in 1959 and ended in April 1975. The war was between communist North Vietnam, supported by communist allies, and South Vietnam, bolstered by the US.

10,389 Questions

When does a community undergo succession?

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A community undergoes succession when one set of species is replaced by another over time in a particular area. This process can occur after a disturbance, such as a fire or a flood, which creates new opportunities for different species to establish and thrive.

What is the most famous dessert in the us?

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Apple pie is a popular and iconic dessert in the United States, often referred to as a symbol of American culture. Its combination of flaky crust, spiced apples, and sweet filling has made it a classic dessert enjoyed by many.

When is the Kent fireworks in Ohio in 2010?

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The Kent fireworks in Ohio in 2010 were held on July 3rd to celebrate Independence Day. The event typically includes a fireworks display along with other festivities.

What does the bike run rolling thunder to Washington mean?

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"Bike run rolling thunder to Washington" typically refers to the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride to honor prisoners of war and service members missing in action. Bikers gather in Washington, D.C., for a procession that raises awareness about the POW/MIA issue and pays tribute to those who served in the military.

What are two nations in southeast Asia are archipelagos?

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Archipelagos is a large or small group of islands scattered close together. Southeast Asia contains the largest archipelago. Countries such as Indonesia, The Philippines, Papa New Genie, and Japan

Which president got the gulf of Tonkin resolution passed?

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The gulf of tonkin resolution was passed by President Johnson, in 1964, in responce to the attacks launched by the north vietnamese, against the American ships in the gulf of tonkin.

Time period of roll of thunder?

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"Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor is set during the 1930s in Mississippi during the Great Depression.

Action and reactions of the public to the Iraq war?

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The public reaction to the Iraq war was mixed, with some supporting the action as a means to combat terrorism and remove a dictator, while others criticized it as based on false premises and leading to unnecessary loss of life. Public protests and demonstrations against the war were common, reflecting a strong opposition to the conflict. Over time, as the war continued and casualties mounted, public opinion shifted towards disillusionment and skepticism about the initial rationale for the invasion.

Do Vietnamese get snow?

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Actually, it DOES snow it Vietnam. But only on top of their highest mountain (10318ft Fansipan Peak), and only on a few days each year. Furthermore, accumulations are typically not very heavy. But the key point here is that it DOES happen from time to time.

Which peninsula is Vietnam part of?

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Vietnam's not on a peninsula, it's part of the Eurasian (Europe-Asia) Continent. However, if you really wanted to press your point, you could make it a peninsula; but it would be about the size of 1/2 the continental United States...involving Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia. And while you were at it, you could make India a peninsula too; India has the Arabian Sea on it's left (west side) and the Bay of Bengal on it's right (east side) with the Indian Ocean at it's southern tip. But, India too is part of the Eurasian Continent.

How did thalidomide affect babies?

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Thalidomide caused severe birth defects in babies whose mothers took the drug during pregnancy. These birth defects included limb deformities, such as missing or malformed limbs, as well as other malformations of organs like the ears, heart, and digestive system. Thalidomide exposure during pregnancy led to a tragic and widespread public health crisis in the 1950s and 1960s.

Does it snow in Vietnam?

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No, it does not snow in Vietnam due to its tropical climate. Snow is very rare in Vietnam, with only some mountainous regions experiencing occasional frost or snowfall during the winter months.

What is the geography of Cambodia?

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Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Thailand to the west, Laos to the north, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. The country features a diverse landscape that includes low-lying plains, the Mekong River delta, and the Cardamom Mountains in the southwest. The Tonle Sap Lake, a significant body of water, is located in central Cambodia.

What is meant by limit of resolution?

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The limit of resolution refers to the smallest distance between two objects that can still be distinguished as separate entities. It is determined by the ability of a measuring device or system to differentiate between two closely spaced objects. In microscopy, for example, it is the minimum distance between two points that can be distinguished as separate under the microscope.

Highs and lows of a gang?

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The highs of being in a gang may include a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and protection within the group. However, the lows may involve violence and criminal activities, danger to one's own life and the lives of loved ones, as well as the potential for legal consequences and imprisonment. Ultimately, the negative aspects often outweigh any perceived benefits of gang involvement.

What is triacetin used for?

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Triacetin is primarily used as a food additive to enhance texture and taste in various products like beverages, confectionery, and bakery items. It is also used as a carrier in pharmaceuticals to improve drug solubility and absorption. Additionally, triacetin is utilized in cosmetic and personal care products for its moisturizing and emollient properties.

How could did the conflict n have been prevented?

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The conflict could have been prevented through open communication, constructive dialogue, and a willingness to compromise from all parties involved. Building trust, understanding each other's perspectives, and addressing issues early on could have helped prevent the escalation of the conflict. Additionally, involving a neutral mediator or third party to facilitate discussions could have also been beneficial in finding a resolution.

What is augite used for?

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Augite is primarily used as a minor gemstone when it forms as part of rocks like basalt. It is also utilized in the building and construction industry as a source of crushed stone or aggregate due to its hardness and durability. Additionally, augite's presence in igneous rock formations can provide valuable insights into the geological history and formation of the Earth's crust.

Why is sweetcorn used?

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Sweetcorn is used in cooking for its sweet flavor and crunchy texture. It adds a pop of color and sweetness to dishes such as salads, soups, and casseroles. Sweetcorn is also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to meals.

Change of Prior Duty ChPriDu is used to what situations in Vietnam?

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Change of Prior Duty (ChPriDu) in Vietnam is used when an officer needs to be reassigned from their current position to a new duty due to specific reasons such as personal circumstances, health issues, or organizational needs. It allows for a change in the officer's responsibilities and duties without affecting their overall military status or position.

What was used to remove the leaves in Vietnam?

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Agent Orange, a powerful herbicide used during the Vietnam War, was used to remove leaves and vegetation in Vietnam. However, it had severe health and environmental consequences.

Where is the Vietnam wall located?

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The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is located in Washington, D.C., in the United States. It is situated near the Lincoln Memorial and is a popular site for visitors to pay their respects to those who served in the Vietnam War.

How did Daylight Saving Time affect the Vietnam War draft?

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Asked by Crystal

Daylight Saving Time did not directly affect the Vietnam War draft. However, the timing of daylight hours may have impacted activities related to the draft, such as recruiting events or physical examinations.

What connections between the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments?

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Both the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments highlight the power of authority figures to influence individuals' behavior. In the My Lai Massacre, soldiers carried out horrific acts under the command of their superior officer. Similarly, in Milgram's experiments, participants obeyed authority figures and administered electric shocks to others, even when they believed it was wrong. Both cases illustrate the influence of authority on individuals' actions.

Why do soldiers risk their lives?

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Soldiers risk their lives to protect the country, defend freedom, and uphold the values they believe in. They are willing to make sacrifices to ensure the safety and security of their fellow citizens.