

John McCain

The 2008 Republican nominee for President of the United States and US senator from Arizona

998 Questions

Where did Copernicus live and where?

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Nicolaus Copernicus lived in Poland for most of his life. He was born in Toruń and later moved to Frombork, where he spent the majority of his adult life working on his heliocentric theory of the solar system.

What is the difference between the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart?

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The Bronze Star is awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement or service in a combat zone, while the Purple Heart is awarded for being wounded or killed in action. The Bronze Star focuses on actions and achievements, while the Purple Heart signifies sacrifice and injury in service.

Where did Jane Roe grow up?

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Norma McCorvey, also known as Jane Roe, grew up in Texas. She was born in Louisiana but spent most of her childhood in Texas.

3 main idea about the death penalty?

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  1. The death penalty is a form of punishment where a convicted criminal is sentenced to death by the state for the crimes they have committed.
  2. It is a highly debated and controversial issue with arguments both for and against its use, citing moral, ethical, and practical concerns.
  3. The death penalty remains legal in some countries and states while others have abolished it due to concerns about its application, effectiveness, and impact on society.

How many people voted in the democratic caucus in 2008?

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Approximately 239,732 people participated in the Democratic caucus in 2008.

How many homes are for sale in The Villages Florida 32162-2693?

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I don't have real-time information on the number of homes currently for sale in a specific zip code. I recommend checking a real estate website or contacting a local real estate agent for the most up-to-date listings in The Villages, Florida 32162-2693.

What is the no child left behind program?

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The No Child Left Behind Act was a U.S. federal law enacted in 2002 that aimed to improve the educational standards and outcomes for all students. It required states to test students annually in reading and math and held schools accountable for student performance. The law also focused on closing achievement gaps among different student populations.

Why are eye pupils colored?

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The color of the pupil is due to the presence of pigments in the iris of the eye. The concentration and distribution of these pigments determine the color of the pupil, which can range from light blue to dark brown. The pigments help regulate the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.

Did John McCain take bribes from Charles Keating?

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Yes, John McCain was one of the "Keating Five," a group of senators who were accused of improperly intervening with federal regulators on behalf of Charles Keating, a savings and loan executive. McCain was accused of accepting political contributions and trips from Keating, but an investigation found that his actions were more a result of poor judgment rather than direct bribery.

What agreement does Keller make with Annie when Helen returns home?

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Keller agrees to give Annie complete control over Helen's education and discipline. Keller also agrees to follow Annie's methods, trusting her expertise in working with deafblind individuals. This agreement allows Annie to implement her techniques and help Helen make progress in her understanding and communication.

What is the firsthand record of a person place or event that has not been interpreted by another writer best describes a?

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A firsthand record of a person, place, or event that has not been interpreted by another writer is best described as a primary source. This type of source provides direct evidence or original information about the subject, offering a firsthand account of the topic without any filter or interpretation by others. Examples of primary sources include diaries, letters, eyewitness accounts, photographs, and artifacts.

What grade school did John Madden go to?

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John Madden attended Jefferson Elementary School in Daly City, California.

John Mcain flew in what war?

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John McCain flew in the Vietnam War. He served as a fighter pilot in the United States Navy and was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. He was held as a prisoner of war for nearly six years.

What was John McCain's role in the Keating 5 scandal?

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John McCain was one of the five US senators involved in the Keating Five scandal. He had received significant campaign contributions from savings and loan executive Charles Keating Jr., who was later found guilty of fraud. McCain was accused of improperly intervening on behalf of Keating during a federal investigation into Keating's savings and loan organization. However, McCain was ultimately cleared of any direct wrongdoing by the ethics committee and acknowledged that the experience led him to champion campaign finance reform.

Where did John McCain get his cosmetic surgery done?

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There is no concrete evidence or official information about John McCain undergoing cosmetic surgery. Therefore, it is not possible to determine where any hypothetical cosmetic surgery might have taken place.

Who was McCain married to?

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with her maiden name she was known as carol shepp

Where did Roberta McCain live?

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Roberta McCain lived in various places throughout her life, including South Dakota, Oklahoma, Connecticut, London, and ultimately Arizona.

Why did john mcCain win the silver star?

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John McCain was awarded the Silver Star for his heroic actions as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War. On October 26, 1967, McCain, then a lieutenant commander, led a bombing mission over Hanoi but was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Despite being injured and tortured, McCain refused an early release to uphold the POW code of conduct, which earned him the Silver Star for his exceptional valor and resilience in the face of enemy captivity.

Where was john mcain born and when?

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John McCain was born on August 29, 1936, in Coco Solo Naval Air Station, Panama Canal Zone.

How many years has John McCain been trying to win as president?

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John McCain ran for president twice. He first ran in 2000 and then again in 2008.

Who is Cindy Hensley McCain?

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Cindy Hensley McCain is an American businesswoman, philanthropist, and humanitarian. She is the widow of Senator John McCain and served as the chair of the McCain Institute for International Leadership, a think tank focused on promoting global security, economic opportunity, and human rights. She is also known for her work on issues related to human trafficking and refugees.

What kind of advertising was obama using when he said mccain was too old?

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Obama was using a form of comparative advertising known as negative campaigning. By suggesting that McCain was too old, Obama was trying to raise doubts about McCain's ability to handle the responsibilities of the presidency. This approach aimed to persuade voters that Obama was the better choice by highlighting a perceived weakness of his opponent.

What is GM Financial Status?

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As of my last update, GM Financial reported a solid financial status. The company has consistently delivered positive financial results, including strong earnings and growth in their global operations. However, it is always recommended to refer to the most recent financial reports or statements from GM Financial for the most accurate and up-to-date information on their financial status.

Was John McCain a good pilot?

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Yes, John McCain was widely regarded as a skilled and capable pilot. He served as a Navy pilot, flying combat missions during the Vietnam War and demonstrating bravery and expertise in his actions. He was awarded multiple honors and accolades for his piloting skills, including the Silver Star.