


Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was a British statesman and politician known for his wartime leadership during World War II. He was the only British prime minister who received the Nobel Prize in Literature and the first person created as an honorary citizen of the US.

1,366 Questions

How does smoking preserve kippers?

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Smoking kippers involves exposing them to smoke from burning wood or other materials. The process dehydrates the fish and inhibits bacterial growth, helping to preserve them by extending their shelf life and enhancing flavor.

What term did Winston Churchill use to refer to his bouts of depression?

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Asked by ElleJay

Winston Churchill referred to his bouts of depression as the "black dog." He used this term to describe the dark and debilitating nature of his mental health struggles.

What is Winston's idea of a love offering?

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Winston's idea of a love offering involves giving someone a gift or gesture to express affection, appreciation, or admiration. It is a way to show love and care for someone special in your life.

What time is Churchill most clearly using?

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Asked by Mari R

I cannot answer this question.

What did Winston churchill support?

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Winston Churchill supported various things throughout his political career. He was a staunch advocate of British imperialism and believed in maintaining the British Empire. He also supported the fight against Nazi Germany during World War II and was a key figure in leading the Allies to victory. Additionally, he supported the idea of a united Europe and was one of the early proponents of the European Union.

What learning disability's did Winston Churchill have?

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Winston Churchill is believed to have had dyslexia and a specific learning disability in writing, known as dysgraphia. Despite these challenges, he became a successful leader and renowned speaker who played a significant role in World War II as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. His perseverance and determination are seen as inspirational to individuals with learning disabilities.

Why is winston gay?

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It is not accurate or fair to assume someone's sexual orientation without their own confirmation. Sexuality is a personal and deeply individual aspect of a person's identity, and it is important to respect their privacy and personal journey in understanding and expressing their own sexual orientation.

When did Churchill say 'You make a living by what you get'?

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There is no definitive evidence or record of Winston Churchill saying the specific quote "You make a living by what you get." This quote is often misattributed to him but does not appear in any of his documented speeches or writings.

Was Winston Churchill a Humanist?

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Winston Churchill was not a Humanist. He was a British statesman and politician, well-known for his leadership during World War II. While Churchill was critical of organized religion at times, his beliefs were more aligned with Christianity, rather than Humanism.

What was churchill admired for?

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Churchill was admired for his exceptional leadership skills, his courage during World War II, and his powerful speeches that inspired and rallied the British people. He was also respected for his unwavering determination to defeat Nazi Germany and his role in forming alliances that led to victory. Additionally, his wit, intelligence, and strong character made him a highly respected figure both in Britain and globally.

Did Winston Churchill die of a stroke?

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No, Winston Churchill did not die of a stroke. He suffered a stroke in 1953 but recovered. He eventually died on January 24, 1965, from a combination of a stroke and other health issues.

What did the republicans believe that the us economy should be based on?

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Republicans generally believe that the US economy should be based on principles of free market capitalism, limited government intervention, and individual economic freedom. They advocate for lower taxes, deregulation, and a focus on private sector growth and innovation as drivers of economic prosperity. They also tend to prioritize fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets.

What did Winston Churchill do for Dover castle?

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Winston Churchill played a significant role in the restoration and transformation of Dover Castle during his time as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He ordered the castle to be reinforced and converted into a crucial defensive position during World War II. Churchill also used the tunnels beneath the castle as a military command center and to coordinate operations against German forces across the English Channel.

Did Winston churchill fly a spitfire?

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No, Winston Churchill did not fly a Spitfire aircraft. He was a statesman and leader of the United Kingdom during World War II, but he did not fly fighter planes. Instead, he supported and encouraged the pilots who flew Spitfires and other aircraft in the war effort.

What was the Stand or position Prime Minister Winston Churchill took on Nazi aggression against his nation?

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Prime Minister Winston Churchill took a firm stand against Nazi aggression, declaring that Britain would never surrender and would fight the Nazis until victory was achieved. He emphasized the importance of defending freedom and democracy, and rallied the British people to resist Nazi invasion during World War II. Churchill's strong leadership and resolute stance played a crucial role in the British war effort and inspired a sense of resilience and determination.

Who was the best prime minister in UK apart from Churchill?

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Margaret Thatcher is often considered one of the most influential and transformational Prime Ministers in UK history. She served from 1979 to 1990 and implemented conservative economic reforms known as Thatcherism, advocated for a strong foreign policy, and made significant changes to the role of the state in society.

Did windston churchill have a wife and kids?

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Yes - he married Clementine in 1908 - she bore him five children, Diana, Randolf, Sarah & Marigold. Marigold died of complications following a bout of cold. Mary, their last child was born on 15th September 1922.

When was Churchill Cup created?

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The Churchill Cup was created in 2003 as an annual rugby union tournament featuring professional and select national teams from around the world.

When was Churchill the most popular?

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Winston Churchill was most popular during World War II, particularly in the early stages when he became the British Prime Minister. His strong leadership and inspirational speeches during the war rallied the nation and united the British people in the face of adversity.

How much is churchill 5 cent stamp worth?

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Proper valuation will require a more detailed identification. If the stamp is British, there may be some variations in watermarks, perforation and even engraving. Consult a postage stamp catalog, Gibbon's is the standard used by most British collectors. It may be available in your local library. It will help you determine the specific stamp and provide a value for you.

How much is a 1965 Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina FD worth?

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Asked by Tbolen

You need to give us the denomination of the coin along with the country of origin. All you've done is tell us you have a coin minted somewhere in the Commonwealth, most likely the United Kingdom dated 1965. Your coin simply says Elizabeth II by the Grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith. It has nothing to do with the denomination.

How do you play squash?

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I would suggest the following 2 sites as a great start into the game:

In exceptional brief description, squash is a game where [usually] 2 players compete using a racquet to hit a ball onto a front wall above a tin marker on the wall. The ball must not touch the floor on its way to the front wall, and it must not bounce more than once before you return the ball safely to the front wall after your opponent's shot. These are the prime 2 parameters of the game.

You are enclosed by 4 walls and they can all be used as part of your shot play or/and your game strategy.

For the rest, you will need to learn the rules.

What is Winston Churchill's favourite football team?

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Yes Sir Winston Churchill supported a football team.

What happened to the Iron Sheik?

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He retired.

Answerhe got old. he officially retired in 1992 i believe. that is the last time he ever wrestled a full schedule, with wwe as col. mustafa. he still wrestles Indy dates and he will turn 67 in march.

'What was Winston Churchill's weakness?

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Asked by Wiki User

he had a small dick