



Asia is part of Eurasia and the world's largest and most populous continent, located in the eastern and northern hemispheres of the Earth. Asia has a number of regions and peoples and huge range of environments, cultures, histories and government systems.

5,116 Questions

Is Kenya part of Asia pacific region?

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No, Kenya is located in Africa, not the Asia Pacific region. The Asia Pacific region typically includes countries in the Asia and Oceania regions, such as countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands.

Why do more people in Europe and America than in Africa and Asia seem less worried about climate change?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because Europe and America are where the money is so publicity for climate change is highest there. It's pretty controversial science in spite of the fact that some say the arguement is over. Whether it is real or not, a lot of people are making a lot of money promoting the climate change agenda.

What are the physical features of southern and eastern Asia?

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Southern Asia is characterized by the presence of the Himalayan mountain range, which includes Mount Everest, the world's highest peak. Eastern Asia features various geographical features including the Gobi Desert, the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers in China, and the Korean Peninsula. Both regions have diverse landscapes ranging from mountains and plateaus to plains and coastlines.

How many cyclones have hit south Asian countries in the last 4 years?

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There have been several cyclones that have hit South Asian countries in the last 4 years, including Cyclone Fani in 2019, Cyclone Amphan in 2020, and Cyclone Yaas in 2021. The exact number can vary depending on what is considered a cyclone and which countries are included in the definition of South Asia.

What is the largest continent in the world and where is it?

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Asia is the largest continent in the world. It is located in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres and covers an area of about 44.58 million square kilometers.

Which parts were most affected by cyclones of South Asian country?

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Cyclones in South Asian countries can affect various parts, including coastal regions, low-lying areas, and islands. These areas are particularly vulnerable to cyclones due to their proximity to the sea and their exposure to strong winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, and flooding. Populated areas along the coast are often the most impacted by cyclones due to these factors.

What is the fondly called name of Russia?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not sure I understand this question! Do you mean like what is Russia's nickname? Because I don't think most countries have nicknames... If you mean like a shortened version or abbreviation (like United States of America --> USA) then sometimes you see RF for Russian Federation. But there is no widely known "pet" name, like Russ Russ or Russikins.

Which parts were most affected by cyclones in South Asia?

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Cyclones in South Asia most severely affect coastal regions, particularly areas in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka. These cyclones often result in storm surges, flooding, and destruction of infrastructure, homes, and agriculture in these vulnerable coastal areas. Displaced populations and loss of lives are also common consequences of cyclones in South Asia.

Why do east and south asia firm a region?

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Asked by LaDamienBrewtongp7846

East and South Asia form a region due to their geographical proximity and shared historical and cultural connections. These regions have also experienced similar economic development pathways and face common challenges such as population growth and environmental issues. Additionally, regional organizations and agreements have been established to promote cooperation and integration among East and South Asian countries.

Why do people live in southeast Asia when there's so many natural disasters?

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Despite the risks of natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis, people still choose to live in Southeast Asia due to factors such as economic opportunities, cultural ties to the region, and family connections. Additionally, many communities have adapted to their environment by implementing disaster preparedness measures and building resilient infrastructure to mitigate the impact of disasters.

What region is often grouped together with southeast Asia?

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Southeast Asia is often grouped together with East Asia, which includes countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. The region of Southeast Asia is made up of countries located on the southeastern part of the Asian continent and includes countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (also known as Burma), the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The region is known for its diverse cultures, tropical climate, and natural beauty. It is also an important economic region, with many of its countries experiencing rapid development and industrialization in recent years.

What island nation in east Asia is 75 percent mountainous where numerous natural hazards such as tsunamis earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are commonplace?

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Japan is the island nation in East Asia that fits this description. It is known for its mountainous terrain, with around 75% of the country covered in mountains. Additionally, Japan experiences frequent natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions due to its location along major tectonic plate boundaries.

What are the foods eaten in siberia?

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Traditional foods in Siberia include hearty dishes such as pelmeni (dumplings), borscht (beet soup), shashlik (grilled meat skewers), and stroganina (frozen raw fish or meat slices). Berries, mushrooms, and fish are also commonly consumed in Siberia due to the region's rich natural resources. Additionally, dairy products like cottage cheese and sour cream are popular in Siberian cuisine.

What is partly connected to mainland Asia?

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The Middle East is partly connected to mainland Asia. It is a transcontinental region that lies at the crossroads of Eurasia and Africa. While some countries in the Middle East are situated on the Arabian Peninsula, which is a peninsula in Southwest Asia, the region as a whole is often considered to be connected to mainland Asia.

What is accurate about monsoons in Southeast Asia?

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Monsoons in Southeast Asia are characterized by a seasonal reversal of winds, bringing heavy rainfall from the southwest in the summer and from the northeast in the winter. These monsoons are essential for agriculture in the region but can also lead to flooding and landslides. The strength and timing of monsoons can vary each year, affecting crop yields and water resources.

What is often grouped together with Southeast Asia?

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Asked by Wiki User

A. Indonesia B. The Philippines

Australia, The Philippines, Easter Island, Indonesia


Malaysia and Indonesia


Which are often grouped culturally with Southeast Asia?

Check all that apply.

A. Malaysia D. Indonesia

What country are Sumatra Borneo and Java a part of?

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They are part of Indonesia.

Which country is located directly east of Iraq?

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Iran aka The Islamic Republic of Iran

Where can peninsulas be found?

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Peninsulas can be found all around the world, typically bordering bodies of water such as oceans, seas, or lakes. Examples include the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East, the Baja California Peninsula in North America, and the Iberian Peninsula in Europe.

Do hurricanes form in southeast Asia?

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Yes, hurricanes do not typically form in Southeast Asia due to its location in the Western Pacific Ocean. Instead, this region is more prone to experiencing typhoons, which are essentially the same type of storm but given a different name based on the region where they occur.

What city is located 95 degrees west longitude and 30 degrees north latitude?

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The city located at 95 degrees west longitude and 30 degrees north latitude is Austin, the capital of Texas.

What is the area of Asia in square miles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asia - 17,212,000 sq. miles about 30% of the earths surface

First off, Wrong.

Second off, Wrong again. Water covers 75% of earths surface so how is Asia 30% of earths surface

Even still, If Asia was 17,212,000 square miles then the Earth must be the size of Pluto xD

Correct answer - Asia is more than 3 billion square miles

What is the largest continent in the land area?

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Asia is the largest continent in terms of land area. It covers around 30% of the Earth's land area and is home to over half of the world's population.

Which mountain range was formed when the plate containing the Indian subcontinent bumped into the continent of Asia?

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The Himalayas were formed when the Indian subcontinent collided with the continent of Asia, leading to the uplift of the world's highest mountain range.