



Europe, the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, comprises of the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, and shares 2% of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its land area. It is the third-most populous continent after Asia and Africa, having about 11% of the world's population.

7,978 Questions

How long can you stay in the US with a visa if traveling from England?

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The duration of your stay in the United States would depend upon the type of visa you are having. Here is the general overview:

  • Tourist Visa, B-2: Normally, they allow you to stay up to 6 months per visit. The actual period is determined by CBP, the Customs and Border Protection officer, at the port of entry.
  • Business Visa (B-1): Usually allows you to stay six months at a time, though the actual period of stay is left up to the CBP officer.
  • Student Visa (F-1): For the duration of your studies, plus 60 days' grace period to make preparation for your departure.
  • Work Visa (H-1B, L-1, etc.):The validity varies for various types of visas. For H-1B, it can be as long as 3 years in the first instance. Further extensions are possible.

Always check your visa conditions and contact the US Embassy in the UK or an immigration attorney for detailed advice depending on the type of your visa and particular situation.

Which nation in Europe had the most volcanic activity over the last 2000 years?

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Italy, specifically around the region of Naples and Sicily, has had the most volcanic activity in Europe over the last 2000 years. This is due to the presence of several active volcanoes such as Mount Vesuvius and Mount Etna. These volcanoes have been known for their frequent eruptions throughout history.

What are the Lowland countries of Europe?

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The Lowland countries of Europe are Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. These countries are characterized by their low elevation and flat terrain, with a significant portion of their land lying below sea level.

What Places In Europe Don't Get Snow?

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Some places in Europe that typically do not get snow include southern Spain, Portugal, southern Italy, and most of Greece. These regions have milder climates due to their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland also have relatively low occurrences of snow compared to other European countries.

Would you capitilize north seeking?

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No, "north seeking" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

What climate is most common above 70 degree North latitude in Europe and Russia. What countries have this climate?

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The most common climate above 70 degrees North latitude in Europe and Russia is the Arctic climate. Countries with this climate include Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, and Iceland. This climate is characterized by cold temperatures, long winters, and short, cool summers.

Which nation in Europe has had the most valcanic activity in the past 2000 years?

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Iceland has had the most volcanic activity in Europe over the past 2000 years. It is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary, resulting in frequent volcanic eruptions. Iceland is known for its high concentration of active volcanoes and geothermal activity.

What is the climate like in northeastern and east central Europe?

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The climate in northeastern and east central Europe is typically continental, characterized by cold winters and warm summers. There can be significant temperature variations throughout the year, with plenty of snowfall in winter and occasional heatwaves in summer. Precipitation levels vary, with some regions experiencing consistent rainfall while others may see drier conditions.

How can you move to Europe from Kenya?

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To move to Europe from Kenya, you typically need to obtain a visa or residency permit. This usually involves finding a job, studying, or having family ties in Europe that allow you to stay. It's important to research the specific requirements of the country you plan to move to and follow the necessary steps for obtaining legal permission to reside there.

What type of landform is the Iberian Peninsula?

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The Iberian Peninsula is mainly comprised of plateaus and mountain ranges, such as the Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevada. It also has coastal plains along its western and northern edges.

How do the prevailing westerly winds and the North Atlantic drift affect the weather in Western Europe?

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The prevailing westerly winds bring mild and moist air from the Atlantic Ocean to Western Europe, moderating temperatures and bringing frequent rainfall. The North Atlantic drift, a warm ocean current, also contributes to keeping the region's climate relatively mild compared to other regions at similar latitudes. These combined factors make Western Europe's climate generally mild and wet, with less temperature extremes.

Where in the rest of Europe would equal the latitude of Scotland?

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The latitude of Scotland is roughly equivalent to the southern parts of Scandinavia, such as the southern regions of Norway and Sweden. Other areas in Europe that share a similar latitude to Scotland include the northern parts of Germany and Poland.

What are three types of climates in Spain and Portugal?

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  1. The Mediterranean climate: characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, with most rainfall occurring in the winter months.

  2. The Oceanic climate: found in the coastal regions, featuring mild temperatures, high humidity, and relatively consistent rainfall throughout the year.

  3. The Semi-arid climate: present in the interior regions, with hot, dry summers and cool winters, low precipitation, and a large temperature range between day and night.

Why is Europe's physical geography so diverse?

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Europe's physical geography is diverse due to its complex geological history, which involved the collision and separation of different tectonic plates over millions of years. This led to the formation of diverse landforms such as mountains, plains, and coastlines. Additionally, Europe's location at the crossroads of different climate zones contributes to its varied landscapes and ecosystems.

What helps give the UK its moderate climate?

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The UK's moderate climate is due to its location between the Atlantic Ocean and the European continent, which brings maritime influence and moderates temperature extremes. The Gulf Stream also plays a significant role in warming the country's climate by bringing warm water from the Gulf of Mexico.

Which mountain range separates Europe and Middle East?

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Europe does not really have a boundary with the Middle East. Turkey is between Europe and the Middle East and you could say the Caucasus mountains separate Europe from countries that are close to the Middle East, so that may be the answer you are looking for.

What river begins in the Alps and flows into the North Sea?

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With it's headwaters in the Swiss Alps, the Rhine river flows northward through Germany and the Netherlands, finally emptying into the North Sea.

See the related map and Wikipedia article listed below for more infomtion:

What size is A7 paper?

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A7 paper size is 74 x 105 millimeters or 2.9 x 4.1 inches.

Where is Scotland on a map of europe?

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Scotland is located in the northern part of the United Kingdom. It shares a border with England to the south and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, the North Sea to the northeast, and the Irish Sea to the south.

Which of the Scanndinavian countries is most mountainous?

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Norway is the most mountainous Scandinavian country, with rugged terrain and numerous mountain ranges, including the Scandinavian Mountains and the Jotunheimen range.

Is black hair common in Europe?

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Black hair is less common in Europe compared to other regions, such as Asia or Africa. However, it can still be found in some European populations, particularly in countries with a diverse genetic makeup or with historical ties to regions where black hair is more common.

What causes mild temperatures in Europe?

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Mild temperatures in Europe are mainly caused by the moderating effect of the North Atlantic Current, which brings warm water from the Gulf Stream to western Europe. This current helps to keep temperatures relatively stable and mild throughout the year in many parts of Europe. Geographic factors, such as proximity to large bodies of water or mountain ranges, can also influence local temperature patterns.

What country in Europe has a fjord coastline?

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The following are all African countries which have the sea bordering them to some degree: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic republic of the Congo, Dijbouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara (if you count it as a country), Zambia,

Which describes Europe?

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Located east of the Atlantic Ocean

How do peninsulas shape Europe?

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Peninsulas in Europe, such as the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan Peninsulas, have influenced the region by providing natural boundaries and access points for trade and cultural exchange. They have also contributed to the diversity of landscapes, climates, and ecosystems in Europe. Additionally, peninsulas have played a role in the historical development of different civilizations and cultures in Europe.