



Questions and answers about the Jewish religion, its beliefs, practices, holidays, culture, and people.

24,127 Questions

Why didn't the pharaohs want to let the captive go?

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: sex and household workers

What is the time between the 2nd day of passover and the 1st day of shavuot?

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The period between the 2nd day of Passover and the 1st day of Shavuot is 49 days. This time is known as the Counting of the Omer, a period of spiritual preparation and anticipation leading up to the holiday of Shavuot.

Do Jewish scientists believe in genesis or the big bang theory?

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Many Jewish scientists believe in both Genesis and the Big Bang theory. They may see Genesis as a symbolic or metaphorical explanation for creation, while accepting the scientific consensus of the Big Bang theory as a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It is not uncommon for individuals to hold both religious and scientific beliefs simultaneously.

Why was the Jewish Bible Rewritten but why did they not keep one side Jewish and one side English was do they alternate things for what cause?

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The Jewish Bible was not rewritten; different translations and interpretations exist for accessibility and understanding by different audiences. Many bilingual editions present Hebrew and English side by side to aid in understanding and studying the original text alongside its translation. Alternating content or presentation helps preserve both the original meaning and language nuances while also providing accessibility to a broader readership.

How many Jews in the world have blue eyes?

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There is no specific data available on the exact number of Jews in the world with blue eyes. Eye color is a diverse trait that can vary widely among individuals of any ethnic or religious group.

Are plants kosher?

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Yes, plants are generally considered kosher according to Jewish dietary laws. However, it is important to properly check fruits and vegetables to ensure they are free from insects, which are not considered kosher. It is recommended to consult with a rabbi or follow specific guidelines for ensuring the kosher status of plants.

Does Judaism have only one sect?

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No, Judaism has multiple sects including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, each with its own beliefs and practices. These sects vary in their interpretations of Jewish law, tradition, and religious observance.

Can Jews eat garlic mushrooms?

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Yes, Jews can eat garlic mushrooms as long as they are prepared in accordance with kosher dietary laws. This means ensuring that the mushrooms are free from insects, the garlic is not harvested with grains, and that the dish is not cooked or served with dairy products if it is a meat-based meal.

What are four astronomically important days of the year?

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The four astronomically significant days of the year are the winter solstice (around December 21st, shortest day of the year), the summer solstice (around June 21st, longest day of the year), the vernal equinox (around March 20th, when day and night are roughly equal length), and the autumnal equinox (around September 22nd, again when day and night are roughly equal length).

What Disney princess do u look most like you have blackbrown hair dark hazel eyes really lightskin with a olive tint and you have been asked if you are Chinese Jewish Mexican or Egyptian but ur white?

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It sounds like you may resemble Princess Jasmine from Aladdin with your dark hair, hazel eyes, and olive tinted skin. Jasmine is often mistaken as being from various ethnic backgrounds due to her unique appearance in the movie.

What traits do Judaism and Islam share?

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Judaism and Islam both believe in the existence of one God, emphasize the importance of prophetic tradition, and share a strong emphasis on ethical behavior and social justice. They both also have dietary restrictions and specific prayer rituals.

What is the month after Av in the Hebrew calendar?

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In the Hebrew calendar, the month of Av is followed by the month of Elul.

Does jew's ears reproduce by spores?

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Yes, Jew's ear fungus (Auricularia auricula-judae) reproduces by producing spores. These spores are released into the environment and can germinate under suitable conditions to form new fungal growth.

Is jew's ears a fungi?

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Yes, Jew's ear is a type of fungus that is commonly found on trees. It is also known as wood ear or jelly ear due to its jelly-like appearance and is often used in Asian cuisine for its crunchy texture.

What do Judaism think about organ transplated?

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Asked by Mail4u2harbi

Judaism generally supports organ transplants as a way to save lives, as long as it does not involve desecrating the body or causing harm to the donor. Organ donation is seen as a mitzvah, or a positive act, since it can help fulfill the Jewish value of pikuach nefesh, or the obligation to save a life.

Was max planck Jewish?

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No. Planck's paternal great-grandfather and grandfather were both professors of

theology in Göttingen. His father was a law professor in Kiel and Munich, and his paternal

uncle was a judge.

Planck was baptised with the name of Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck.

Do Jews accept blood transfusions?

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While individual beliefs and practices may vary, in general, Jewish teachings prioritize preserving life. Many Jewish authorities allow and even encourage blood transfusions in order to save lives. Individual Jews may consult with their rabbi or religious authority for guidance on this matter.

Do Jews have curly hair?

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Some people may believe so. The actual answer depends on whether a Jew would style his or her own hair in a curly fashion. Logically speaking, Jews are no different than other humans. Do humans have curly hair? Not all. The same answer corresponds to the above question.

Is it true Jewish people most common type of blood is ab negative?

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There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that AB negative blood type is more common among Jewish people. Blood type distribution varies among different populations, but there is no specific correlation between blood type and ethnicity or religion.

Name four of the Jewish groups in judea and explain how they differed?

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1. The Sadducee's- favored cooperation with Rome.

2. The Pharisees- believed that close observance of religion law would protect the Jewish identity from Roman influences.

3. The Essenes- Lived apart from society, sharing goods in common. Like many other Jews, they waited for God to save Israel from oppression.

4. The Zealots- Called for the violent overthrow of Roman rule. They caused a Jewish revolt, which began in A.D. 66, only to be crushed by the Romans four years later. That is when the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.


When was Israel founded as a Jewish homeland?

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The development of the concept of the Southwest Levant as the Jewish Homeland was a result of the Conference of San Remo (1920) and the Mandate for Palestine (1922). In the latter document, the British Mandate of Palestine was specifically designed to be the "Jewish National Homeland". When Israel declared independence in 1948, Israeli leaders argued that the creation of the Jewish State was in continuance of this previously determined concept.

Do Jews come from mars?

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No, Jews do not come from Mars. Jews are a religious and ethnic group with roots in ancient Israel and diaspora communities around the world, but their origins are not extraterrestrial.

Prayer times in Judaism?

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In Judaism, there are designated times for prayer throughout the day. The main prayer services are Shacharit (morning), Mincha (afternoon), and Ma'ariv or Arvit (evening). Additionally, there are special prayers and blessings recited throughout the day.

Identify key figures and basic beliefs of Israelites and determine how these beliefs compared with those of others in the geographic area?

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Key figures of the Israelites include Abraham, Moses, and King David. Their beliefs centered around monotheism, the covenant with God, and adherence to the laws of the Torah. Compared to others in the region who practiced polytheism, the Israelites stood out for their strong allegiance to a single deity and their emphasis on ethical living as guided by their scriptures.