


Valleys are geological depressions located between two or more mountains or hills. Most valleys are either U-shaped or V-shaped, and the floors usually span six miles. The Nile and Death Valleys are two well-known valleys.

1,137 Questions

Where and which is the natural biggest holes in the earth?

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The largest natural hole on Earth is the Kimberley Big Hole in South Africa, which was created by diamond mining. The deepest natural hole on Earth is the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, which was drilled for scientific research and reaches a depth of over 7.5 miles.

What cross valley profile is typical of canyons and valleys eroded and deepened by alpine or valley glaciers?

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The choices for this question are either a: U cross-Valley Profile, Y Cross-Valley Profile, V cross-valley profile, or S Cross Valley Profile.

The answer to this question is a: U cross-valley profile is typical of canyons and valleys eroded by alpine or valley glaciers.

Why do glaciers form U-shaped valleys rather than V-shaped valleys?

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Glaciers form U-shaped valleys due to their ability to erode and transport large amounts of rock and sediment. As glaciers move downhill, they carve and widen the valley floor, creating a broad and deep U-shaped profile. In contrast, rivers mainly erode the valley through the process of hydraulic action, which tends to create narrower and steeper V-shaped valleys.

How are glacial valleys straightened?

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Glacial valleys can be straightened through a process called glaciation. As glaciers move down valleys, they can reshape them by eroding and bulldozing material, creating straighter and smoother profiles. This process is known as glacial erosion and can result in the formation of U-shaped valleys.

What is a deep valley created by the downward cutting of a riverbed?

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A deep valley created by the downward cutting of a riverbed is called a gorge. It is typically characterized by steep, rocky walls and can vary in size and depth depending on the erosive power of the river. Gorges are often formed by the continuous erosion caused by the flowing water over time.

What happens to rainwater where it reaches the earths surface?

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When rainwater reaches the Earth's surface, it can either infiltrate the ground and replenish groundwater reserves, flow over the surface as runoff into rivers and streams, or get absorbed by vegetation for use in photosynthesis and growth. The way rainwater behaves depends on factors like soil type, slope of the land, and the amount of rainfall.

Where is the largest U shaped valley in Europe?

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The largest U-shaped valley in Europe is Ordesa Valley, located in the Spanish Pyrenees within the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park. This stunning valley was carved out by glaciers during the Ice Age and is a popular destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts.

What important anthropological discovery was made in the Great Rift Valley?

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One important anthropological discovery made in the Great Rift Valley is the uncovering of numerous fossil remains of early human ancestors, such as the famous Lucy specimen in Ethiopia. These discoveries have provided valuable insights into human evolution and migration patterns over the course of millions of years.

Are there zombies in Death Valley?

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No, there are no zombies in Death Valley. The area is a national park in California known for its extreme temperatures and unique desert landscape, but it is not a setting for fictional creatures like zombies.

What causes valley breezes?

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Valley breezes are caused by temperature differences between the valley floor and surrounding higher elevations. During the day, the valley floor heats up more quickly than the surrounding mountains, causing warm air to rise and flow up the valley. This creates a cool breeze that can provide relief during hot summer days.

Can a tornado form in a valley?

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Yes, tornadoes can form in valleys under the right conditions. Valleys can channel and intensify wind flow, which can enhance the development of a tornado. The topography of a valley can also create areas of low pressure that contribute to tornado formation.

Which plates form the rift valley in the red sea?

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The African Plate and the Arabian Plate are the plates that are moving apart and forming the rift valley in the Red Sea. This separation is causing the two plates to diverge and create new crust, leading to the formation of the Red Sea rift valley.

In some areas of the world large masses of moving ice create valleys through weathering and erosion. This is an example of?

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glacial erosion, where large sheets of moving ice erode the landscape over time, carving out valleys and shaping the terrain. This process is responsible for the formation of features such as U-shaped valleys and moraines in regions that have experienced glaciation.

What type of plate movement might cause a rift valley to form?

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Divergent plate movement, where tectonic plates move away from each other, can cause a rift valley to form. As the plates move apart, the lithosphere thins and cracks, creating a depression which eventually results in the formation of a rift valley.

What produces a U-shaped valley?

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A U-shaped valley is typically produced by the erosive forces of a glacier moving through a previously V-shaped valley, which widens and deepens the valley over time due to the ice's ability to erode and transport large quantities of rock and sediment.

What tectonic plates are located in great rift valley?

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The Great Rift Valley runs through East Africa and is formed by the divergence of the African Plate and the Somali Plate, as well as other smaller plates in the region like the Nubian Plate and the Arabian Plate. The movement of these plates is responsible for the geological features and seismic activity in the Rift Valley region.

What is the rift of an earthquake?

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The rift of an earthquake refers to the fracture or break along a fault line where the two blocks of the Earth's crust move relative to each other during an earthquake. This movement causes the release of energy in the form of seismic waves that produce the shaking felt on the Earth's surface.

What is one way a Rift Valley can form?

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A Rift Valley can form when tectonic plates pull apart, creating a linear depression or valley. The crust stretches and thins, causing the land to sink and creating a low-lying valley with steep sides. Examples include the East African Rift Valley and the Great Rift Valley in Africa.

Vent and rift differ?

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Vent refers to an opening in the Earth's surface through which volcanic materials such as lava and gas are discharged, while a rift is a large crack or fissure in the Earth's crust caused by tectonic forces pulling the crust apart. Vents are associated with volcanic activity, while rifts are related to tectonic plate movement.

What do valleys mainly form from?

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Valleys mainly form from erosion caused by forces such as rivers, glaciers, and weathering. Over time, these forces carve out the land, creating low-lying areas between hills or mountains.

How was the Eastern African Rift Valley formed?

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The Eastern African Rift Valley was formed by tectonic plate movement where the African continent is splitting apart. This process is known as continental rifting, which causes the Earth's crust to stretch and thin, leading to the formation of a rift valley. The rift valley in Eastern Africa is a classic example of this geologic phenomenon.

What did loess do that created problems for Huang Valley farmers?

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Loess is a fine-grained, nutrient-rich windblown sediment that can accumulate and cover farmland. In the Huang Valley, loess deposition can lead to soil erosion, increased risk of landslides, and difficulty in agricultural practices due to its loose and unstable nature.

How do plates move to form Rift Valley?

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Plates move apart at divergent boundaries due to the forces of mantle convection, where hot material rises and cooler material sinks. This process creates tensional forces that cause the lithosphere to crack and extend, forming a Rift Valley. Erosion and volcanic activity can further shape and deepen the valley over time.

What can plate movements do to valleys?

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Plate movements can create or destroy valleys through processes such as uplift, subsidence, or erosion. For example, when tectonic plates collide, they can push up the Earth's crust, creating mountain ranges and valleys in between. Alternatively, plate movements can also cause valleys to be filled in by sediment deposits or be eroded away by rivers and glaciers.

What are the two forces the formed the Great Rift Valley?

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The two forces that formed the Great Rift Valley are tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity. As the plates beneath the Earth's surface shifted and separated, it led to the stretching and eventual formation of the valley. Additionally, volcanic eruptions in the region also contributed to shaping the landscape of the Great Rift Valley.