


The Republic of Indonesia is a country in Oceania and Southeast Asia. It comprises 17,508 islands and has a land area of 735,355 sq mi. It is the fourth most populous country in the world with about 238 million people.

2,241 Questions

What dinosaur was found in Indonesia?

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One dinosaur found in Indonesia is the Titanosaur, which lived during the Late Cretaceous period. This dinosaur is known for its large size and likely had a herbivorous diet. Fossils of the Titanosaur have been found on the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.

What time 7 am EST in Indonesia?

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7 am EST is 7 pm in Indonesia. Indonesia is 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

Why is it called Indian Ocean Tsunami Not Indonesian Tsunami?

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The term "Indian Ocean Tsunami" is used because the tsunami affected multiple countries surrounding the Indian Ocean, not just Indonesia. The impact of the tsunami was felt in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and others, leading to the broader geographical reference in the name.

Are the volcanoes of Indonesia formed due to subduction zones between the Eurasian Plate and the Indo Australian Plate?

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Yes, the volcanoes in Indonesia are mainly formed due to subduction zones. The Indo-Australian Plate is subducting beneath the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate, causing magma to rise to the surface and creating volcanic activity in the region. This subduction process has led to the formation of a volcanic arc that includes famous volcanoes like Krakatoa and Mount Merapi.

How far is Krakatoa from the Indonesia?

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Krakatoa is located in Indonesia, specifically in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. It is approximately 160 kilometers (100 miles) west of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

How many volcanoes are there in Sulawesi?

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There are around 129 active volcanoes in Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Describe tsunami that wreaked havoc on the western shore of Indonesia December 2004?

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The tsunami that struck the western shore of Indonesia in December 2004 was triggered by a massive undersea earthquake measuring 9.1-9.3 on the Richter scale. The tsunami's waves reached up to 100 feet in height, causing widespread devastation across several countries in South and Southeast Asia. It resulted in over 230,000 casualties and left millions displaced.

How many people died in the java Indonesia tsunami in June 2 1994?

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The tsunami in Java, Indonesia on June 2, 1994 resulted in the deaths of over 200 people.

Is Indonesia on the Tropic Of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn?

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Indonesia is near the equator, so it is neither on the Tropic of Cancer nor on the Tropic of Capricorn. Instead, Indonesia lies along the equator, which means it experiences a tropical climate throughout the year.

What is the hottest temperature in Indonesia?

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The highest temperature ever recorded in Indonesia was 48.2°C (118.8°F) in Sukabumi, West Java in 2015. Indonesia experiences high temperatures due to its location near the equator and tropical climate.

How many active volcanoes are in the country of Indonesia?

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Indonesia has around 130 active volcanoes, which is the highest number of active volcanoes in any country in the world. This is due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire, where tectonic plate boundaries result in frequent volcanic activity.

What are omnivores in the Indonesian rainforest?

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Omnivores in the Indonesian rainforest include animals like orangutans, macaques, civets, and sun bears. These animals have a diet that consists of both plant matter and meat, allowing them to adapt to a variety of food sources available in the rainforest ecosystem.

What is the name of the tallest mountain in Indonesia?

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The tallest mountain in Indonesia is Puncak Jaya, also known as Carstensz Pyramid, located on the island of Papua. It stands at an impressive height of 4,884 meters (16,024 feet) above sea level.

Will the japan Tsunami 2011 hit Indonesia?

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The 2011 Japan Tsunami did not directly hit Indonesia. The tsunami was generated by a powerful earthquake off the coast of Japan and primarily affected the Japanese coastline. Indonesia is located quite a distance away from the epicenter of the earthquake.

How many people died in the 2004 Indonesia tsunami?

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Approximately 230,000 people are estimated to have died in the 2004 Indonesia tsunami.

What time is now in Indonesia?

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I'm unable to provide real-time information, but you can check the current time in Indonesia by using a world clock feature on a search engine or a time zone converter.

Is Thailand part of Indonesia?

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No, Thailand is a separate country located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a different country that is also located in Southeast Asia, but they are two distinct nations with separate borders and governments.

What happened after the Indonesia earthquake?

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After the Indonesia earthquake, there was extensive damage reported, including collapsed buildings, landslides, and loss of life. Rescue and relief efforts were initiated to provide assistance to those affected, with teams working to search for survivors and provide medical aid. The government declared a state of emergency in the affected regions to coordinate the response and support recovery efforts.

What caused the 7.7 magnitude earthquake that sent a tsunami more than 10 feet high into Indonesia in October 2010?

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well im not sure what specifically caused this particular tsunami, but generally tsunamis occur because of plates moving on the earths surface below the ocean. plates often slide apart, close together, and they even slide right into eachother. this a causes huge waves forming tsunamis.

Why does it never snow in Indonesia?

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Snow typically does not occur in Indonesia because it is located near the equator, where temperatures are consistently warm. Snow requires temperatures below freezing to form, which is not common in tropical regions like Indonesia. Additionally, Indonesia's proximity to the sea helps moderate its climate, further reducing the likelihood of snow.

What is the difference between climate of Pakistan and the Indonesia?

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Pakistan has a diverse climate with hot summers and cold winters, while Indonesia has a tropical climate with high humidity and rainfall throughout the year. Pakistan experiences distinct seasons, while Indonesia has a more consistent climate due to its proximity to the equator.

What is the of the volcano in Java Indonesia?

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The most famous volcano in Java, Indonesia is Mount Merapi. It is an active volcano located near Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in Indonesia.

What special plant life is on Indonesia?

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Some special plant life found in Indonesia includes the Rafflesia arnoldii, which produces the world's largest flower, the Amorphophallus titanum, also known as the "corpse flower" due to its foul odor when in bloom, and various species of orchids which are abundant in the country's tropical forests. The country's diverse ecosystems also support a wide range of unique plant species such as pitcher plants, epiphytes, and various types of palms.

If it's 4 PM in South Africa what time is it in Bali Indonesia?

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South Africa is on South Africa Standard Time UTC/GMT +2 hours

Bali, Indonesia is on Central Indonesian Time UTC/GMT +8 hours

2 + 8 = 10

4 PM + 10 hours = 2 AM