


Holidays and Traditions

Holidays, celebrations and festivals from around the world. This category covers religious and non-religious holidays and their associated traditions, as well as some multicultural events.

8,671 Questions

Why is half the year day and half the year night in the Antarctic?

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The Antarctic experiences half a year of continuous daylight and half a year of continuous darkness due to its location near the South Pole. This phenomenon is known as polar day and polar night, and it occurs because of the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun.

What are the right ascension and declination of the star procyon?

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The right ascension of the star Procyon is approximately 7 hours and 39 minutes, while its declination is approximately +5 degrees and 14 minutes. These coordinates are for the epoch J2000.

How do you get the rocket on ascension to launch?

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To launch the rocket on Ascension in Call of Duty Zombies, you need to locate and activate the three lunar landers stationed around the map. Once all three landers are activated, the rocket will be ready for launch. Players can then wait for the countdown and witness the rocket launching.

Is Christmas celebrated at the same time around the world?

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No, Christmas is not celebrated at the same time around the world. While most countries celebrate Christmas on December 25th, some Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate it on January 7th due to differences in calendar systems. Additionally, some countries may not traditionally observe Christmas as a holiday.

What is ascension earth?

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Ascension Earth refers to the belief in a spiritual awakening or shift in consciousness that leads to a higher vibrational state of being for the Earth and its inhabitants. It is often associated with personal growth, self-awareness, and a deeper connection to the universe.

Does the same amount of rain on earth every year?

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No, the amount of rain on Earth can vary each year due to different weather patterns and climate conditions. While some regions may experience consistent levels of rainfall annually, others may see fluctuations in precipitation levels.

How does planting the same crop every year in the same harmthe soil?

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Planting the same crop every year in the same soil can deplete essential nutrients specific to that crop, leading to nutrient imbalances in the soil. It can also increase the population of soilborne pests and diseases that target that particular crop, potentially reducing yields over time. This practice can also disrupt the soil's natural ecosystem, decreasing its overall health and resilience.

Is the saying 'The nearer the new moon is to Christmas day the harder the winter will be' true?

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There is no scientific basis for this saying. The timing of the new moon in relation to Christmas day does not have any significant correlation with winter weather patterns. Weather conditions are influenced by a variety of factors, and cannot be predicted based on the position of the new moon.

How did people survive the Thailand Boxing Day tsunami?

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Many people survived the Thailand Boxing Day tsunami by seeking higher ground, holding onto floating objects, staying calm, and helping others. Some were saved after being pulled into buildings or trees by the force of the water. Additionally, advance warning systems and evacuation procedures have been implemented since then to help minimize the impact of such disasters.

How do you make a simple firework?

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To make a simple firework, mix potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal together to create the explosive mixture. Pack the mixture into a small tube or container, insert a fuse, and light it carefully from a safe distance. Remember to always follow safety precautions and regulations when handling fireworks.

What is an assumption in chemistry?

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An assumption in chemistry is a statement or proposition that is accepted as true without proof or evidence. Assumptions can be based on prior knowledge, theoretical models, or simplifications to make calculations or predictions easier. It is important to be aware of the assumptions being made in order to understand the limitations of a particular study or calculation.

What important tool did Linus Pauling use to determine the structure shape of proteins?

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Linus Pauling used X-ray crystallography to determine the structure and shape of proteins. This technique involves directing X-rays through a crystal of the protein and analyzing the resulting diffraction pattern to deduce its three-dimensional structure. Pauling's work using X-ray crystallography was crucial in advancing our understanding of protein structure and function.

What did Punxsutawney Phil predict on 2 Feb 2010 regarding that year's winter weather?

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Punxsutawney Phil 2010 See His Shadow.


Groundhog Day

How do they celebrate indepdence day in Kenya?

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In Kenya, Independence Day is celebrated on December 12th with various festivities and ceremonies across the country. This includes flag-raising ceremonies, parades, cultural performances, and speeches by government officials to commemorate the country's independence from British colonial rule in 1963. People also celebrate with family gatherings, traditional meals, and other cultural activities.

What year was Ash Wednesday?

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Ash Wednesday is actually a Christian commemoration which occurs every year, 40 days before Easter.

However, if the question refers to the disastrous Ash Wednesday bushfires which occurred in Victoria and South Australia, ironically beginning on the real Ash Wednesday, this happened on 16 February 1983.

Which plant is hung over doors to bring good luck?

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The plant commonly hung over doors to bring good luck is a horseshoe plant, also known as a lucky bamboo plant. It is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and positive energy into the home.

Why do people go for holiday in warm countries?

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People may choose warm countries for holidays to escape cold weather, experience different cultures, relax on beaches, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and water sports. Warm destinations can also provide a break from the routine and offer opportunities to soak up the sun and vitamin D.

Bahamas what is there family traditionals?

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In the Bahamas, families often have traditions such as gathering for holiday celebrations like Junkanoo, a colorful street parade held on Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Other traditions include preparing traditional Bahamian dishes like conch salad, guava duff, and johnnycake for special occasions and family gatherings. Additionally, storytelling, music, and dance play a significant role in passing down cultural traditions and creating a sense of community within Bahamian families.

What is the principe of ninhydrin test?

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The principle of the ninhydrin test is based on the reaction of ninhydrin with amino acids or proteins to form a purple or blue color complex. This test is commonly used to detect the presence of amino acids in a sample, making it a useful tool in protein analysis and forensic science.

When is international chemist day?

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International Day of the Chemist is celebrated on November 7th every year to recognize the work and contributions of chemists towards the betterment of society.

In one town how many people died in ash Wednesday?

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The exact number of people who died on Ash Wednesday varies depending on the specific town and historical event being referred to. However, Ash Wednesday is traditionally a day of prayer and reflection in the Christian calendar and is not typically associated with large-scale tragedies or disasters.

Were the Ash Wednesday fires actually on Ash Wednesday?

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Yes, the Ash Wednesday fires were a series of bushfires that occurred in south-eastern Australia on Ash Wednesday, 16 February 1983. The fires resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life.

Fifty two the number of days in a year multiplied by seven the number of days in a week is 364 If there are 365 days in a year where did the extra day come from?

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Asked by Goldpurpleblue

The extra day in a year is accounted for by adding a leap day on February 29th every four years in what is known as a leap year. This additional day helps to align the calendar year with the astronomical year.

What are some non religious holidays that kenya celebrates?

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* Christmas on December 25 * New Years Day on January 1 * Eid-al-Fitr - Muslim holiday * Diwali - Hindu Holiday * Boxing Day on December 26 * Madaraka Day on June 1 - anniversary od self-governmen * Moi Day - October 10 after their president * Jamhuri Day - anniversary of Kenya's independence, December 12 * Kenyatta Day, named for the first president after independence, October 20

Names of countries that have 365 days of sunshine?

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Countries that are known for having 365 days of sunshine include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates. These countries typically have a desert climate with very little rainfall and consistent sunny weather throughout the year.