


Founding Fathers

The core group of individuals who created the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and fought the American Revolution is known as the Founding Fathers. They are credited with the establishment of the United States as it is today.

8,866 Questions

Who helped found the first American antislavery society and signed the declaration of independence?

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Our good friend, Dr. Benjamin Franklin

The Abolitionist Society in the United States was founded by Bishop Coke of the Methodist Church and George Washington.

How did Benjamin Franklin predict the weather?

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Benjamin Franklin predicted the weather by observing various weather indicators such as cloud formations, wind direction, and air pressure. He also kept detailed records of his observations and studied patterns over time to make more accurate predictions. Franklin's interest in weather prediction led him to develop various theories and methods for forecasting weather.

Did Benjamin Franklin study astronomy?

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Yes, Benjamin Franklin studied astronomy as a hobby during his lifetime. He was interested in various scientific disciplines and even proposed a theory on the movement of meteors. Although not his primary area of expertise, Franklin's curiosity led him to explore and contribute to the field of astronomy.

How many times did Benjamin Franklin try to discover electricity before he was successful?

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Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity; rather, he conducted famous experiments that helped to understand its properties. He conducted his key experiment with the kite and key only once.

Was Benjamin Franklin a storm chaser?

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No, Benjamin Franklin was not a storm chaser. He was a statesman, inventor, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin did conduct research on electricity and lightning, famously flying a kite in a thunderstorm to study the properties of lightning.

How did Benjamin Franklin come up with daylight savings?

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Benjamin Franklin did not come up with daylight savings time. The idea was first proposed by George Hudson in 1895 and later implemented during World War I as a way to conserve energy. Benjamin Franklin did write an essay in 1784 suggesting that waking up earlier could save on candle usage.

What old navigation tool would a GPS be most closely associated?

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A GPS would be most closely associated with a compass as an old navigation tool. Both are used to determine direction and navigate through various locations, but a GPS provides more precise and advanced navigation capabilities compared to a traditional compass.

Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by?

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Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by introducing her to scientific concepts and encouraging her to pursue her interest in natural science. He fostered her curiosity and critical thinking skills, which helped shape her perspective on the world and informed her poetry and writing.

What is nominal power of generator?

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The nominal power of a generator refers to the maximum power output that the generator can continuously provide under normal operating conditions. It is typically expressed in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW) and is an important specification to consider when sizing a generator for a specific application.

What is the new name of actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans?

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Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is the new name for Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. The reclassification occurred in 2006.

What is the name of Fe2SO33?

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Iron (III) sulfite

What is the name for CaPO42?

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Asked by Lizkatstar

The name for CaPO4 is calcium phosphate.

Is the Jefferson Memorial made of white marble?

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Yes, the Jefferson Memorial is made of white marble. The exterior features white Georgia marble and the interior is lined with white Vermont marble.

Who is galieo?

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Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. He made significant contributions to observational astronomy, physics, and the development of the scientific method. Galileo's work laid the foundation for modern physics and astronomy.

What are some unexplained mysteries of World War 2?

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Some unexplained mysteries of World War 2 include the disappearance of British flight 19 which vanished in the Bermuda Triangle, the fate of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary and disappeared after being captured by the Soviets, and the whereabouts of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy, after his mysterious solo flight to Scotland in 1941.

Who is the father of radiation biology?

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Hermann Muller is often referred to as the "father of radiation biology" for his pioneering work on the genetic effects of radiation exposure in the early 20th century. His discoveries laid the foundation for understanding the risks and impact of ionizing radiation on living organisms.

Who selected the location for the US Capital?

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The location for the US Capital was selected by Congress in 1790 as part of the Residence Act. The decision to establish a new capital city along the Potomac River was made to appease both northern and southern states and to create a neutral ground for the federal government.

Do you think that there is a treasure that the fathers hid that you don't know about?

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I don't have the ability to think, but based on what I know, it is possible that there could be hidden treasures or secrets that are unknown to me. People throughout history have hidden treasures or left behind mysteries that have yet to be discovered.

What is the difference between John Locke's philosophy and George Berkeley's philosophy?

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John Locke believed in the existence of material substance and attributed our perception of objects to sensory experiences. George Berkeley, on the other hand, argued that only ideas and perceptions exist, and that material substance is merely a construct of our minds. Additionally, Berkeley rejected Locke's idea of primary and secondary qualities, asserting that all qualities are equally dependent on perception.

What are all of Ben Franklin's proverbs?

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Some of Benjamin Franklin's well-known proverbs include "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and "Haste makes waste." Franklin was known for his aphorisms and philosophical musings on life and society.

The name of the founding fathers?

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The founding fathers of the United States include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, among others. They played integral roles in shaping the country's government and laying the foundation for its institutions.

Who were Illinois's founding fathers?

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Illinois's founding fathers were early French explorers and fur traders, such as Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette, who first explored the region in the late 17th century. Later, settlers from other American territories and countries like England and Germany also contributed to the development of Illinois.