



A person having custody of a child exercises exclusive parental authority and responsibility over the child’s physical provisions, moral and emotional health, medical treatment, discipline, religion, property, control, and place of residence.

8,803 Questions

How do you avoid DNA test if mother requests it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Avoiding a DNA test if the mother requests it is not recommended. It's important to address the situation honestly and openly to establish clear communication. Engaging in a dialogue and discussing any concerns respectfully can help reach a resolution that is fair to all parties involved.

If parents who already have a son decide to have a second child it will have an equal chance of being either sex?

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Yes, each child's sex is determined independently, so having a son previously does not affect the probability of having a son or daughter in the future. The chance of having a son or daughter each time is about 50%.

To determine the identity of their biological parents adopted children sometimes request DNA tests these tests involve comparing DNA samples from the child to DNA samples taken from the likely pare?

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Adopted children can request DNA tests to determine the identity of their biological parents by comparing their DNA to potential parent samples. These tests involve analyzing specific genetic markers to determine shared genetic material, which can confirm or establish a biological relationship between the child and the tested individuals. DNA testing can provide conclusive evidence of biological parentage in cases where traditional methods, such as records or testimonies, are unavailable or inconclusive.

What percentage of the child's DNA come from the father?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roughly 50% of the child's DNA comes from the father. This is because the child inherits half of its genetic material from each parent, with each parent contributing approximately 50% of the genetic information.

Can you be ordered by a court to get a DNA test?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a court can order an individual to undergo DNA testing, typically in cases where paternity or other familial relationships need to be established for legal proceedings such as child custody or inheritance disputes. Failure to comply with a court-ordered DNA test can result in legal consequences.

What problems happen for a child of mixed race when or if parents divorce?

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The child will feel left out in some cases, misplaced and displaced and may suffer from inferiority complex.

What does residential mean?

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Asked by Livininbopland

"Residential" typically refers to properties, buildings, or areas that are designated or used primarily for housing or living purposes, as opposed to commercial or industrial uses. It can also refer to activities or services that are related to living in a place such as residential care facilities or residential neighborhoods.

Is parental alienation considered being unfit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parental alienation alone may not be enough to determine someone as unfit, but it can negatively impact the relationship between a parent and child. It is essential to consider the individual circumstances and the best interests of the child when assessing parental fitness.

Are male children more likely to go bald later if their father has baldness?

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There is a genetic component to baldness, and having a father with baldness can increase the likelihood of male children experiencing baldness later in life. However, baldness is also influenced by other factors such as hormones, age, and overall health. So while male children are at an increased risk, it is not a guarantee that they will go bald.

Who gives you more DNA your mother or father?

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Asked by Wiki User

You inherit approximately 50% of your DNA from your mother and 50% from your father. Each parent contributes equally to your genetic makeup.

Can neptune support life?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Neptune is not capable of supporting life.

Neptune is a gas giant, which means it has no solid surface to stand on or support water. It also has an exposed core of molten rocks and ammonia, so if you tried to stand on Neptune, you'd sink into the planet and be incinerated.

Neptune also has the fiercest wind storms discovered so far in our solar system, which are capable of shredding life or flinging them into space. It is also absolutely freezing and has no breathable atmosphere.

What galaxy do you live in?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am a digital assistant and do not have a physical presence, so I do not "live" in a galaxy. I exist in the digital realm to assist you with your questions and tasks.

How do you establish paternity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paternity can be established through a DNA test, typically done by collecting samples from the child, alleged father, and, if available, the mother. This test compares the genetic markers to determine biological relationships. Legal paternity can also be established voluntarily through a signed acknowledgment of paternity or through a court order.

What is the length of time to get full custody in Florida?

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The length of time to get full custody in Florida can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case, such as the complexity of the issues involved and whether the case is contested or uncontested. It typically takes several months to a year or more to finalize a custody determination in Florida through the court system. Factors such as negotiation, mediation, and court scheduling can affect the timeline.

Your mom gave you this thing and you dont know what to do with it do you know what to do with it?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're not sure what to do with something your mom gave you, it's best to ask her directly for guidance. She will likely be able to provide you with instructions or suggestions on how to use or handle the item. Communication is key!

What problems might you encounter having your 90-year-old parents live with you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some challenges you might face with your 90-year-old parents living with you include increased caregiving responsibilities, managing their healthcare needs, potential strain on your finances, and maintaining a balance between their independence and your support. It is important to have open communication, seek additional support when needed, and prioritize self-care to effectively handle these challenges.

How long does it take to change primary custody in Washington state if both parents agree to the change?

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Asked by Wiki User

If both parents agree to a change in primary custody in Washington state, the process can be relatively quick. It typically involves submitting a written agreement to the court, having a judge review and approve the agreement, and then issuing a court order reflecting the new custody arrangement. This process can usually be completed within a few weeks to a couple of months.

When a man finds out his son is not really his after 15 years can he sue the biological father for support now that he has DNA proof and can anything be done to the mother for lying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laws on paternity fraud vary by jurisdiction. In some places, the deceived man may be able to sue the biological father for child support, but it can be complex legally. As for the mother, there may be legal consequences for misrepresentation, such as fraud, but it also depends on the specific laws where the case takes place. Consulting with a family law attorney is recommended to understand legal options in this situation.

What is objectivity in child care?

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Objectivity in child care involves making decisions and providing care based on facts, evidence, and professional standards rather than personal biases or emotions. It ensures that all children receive equal treatment and that decisions are made in the best interest of the child's well-being and development. Practicing objectivity helps maintain fairness, consistency, and a child-centered approach in child care settings.

Do step grandparents have legal rights?

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Asked by Wiki User

absolutly none they are as inadimate as a coat rack in a court of law

How long can your child go without seeing his dad?

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The impact of not seeing a parent can vary depending on the child's age, emotional bond with the parent, and the circumstances surrounding the separation. It's generally recommended to maintain regular contact and visitation with both parents to support the child's well-being and healthy development. Communication and consistent contact with the non-custodial parent can help mitigate the effects of separation.

'If both parents sign over temporary custody to a grandparent can the parent who has physical custody terminate the guardianship and take the child back i reside in san Diego ca?

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Asked by Wiki User

In San Diego, California, a parent who has physical custody can potentially terminate a temporary guardianship granted to a grandparent if they can demonstrate to the court that it is in the child’s best interest to do so. The court will review the situation and make a decision based on the child's well-being. It is advisable to seek legal counsel to understand the specific steps and requirements in such situations.

How do you find information on making a father relinquish his rights and when a father relinquishes his parental rights is he still obligated to pay court ordered child support in the state of Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Texas, a father can voluntarily give up his parental rights through a legal process called "termination of parental rights." Once the rights are terminated, the father is no longer obligated to pay child support. However, it's essential to consult with a family law attorney to understand the legal implications and requirements specific to your case.

Does the child have to have the fathers last name to get child support?

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No, a child does not need to have the father's last name to receive child support. Child support is determined based on the responsibility to financially support a child, regardless of the child's last name.