


Divorce and Marriage Law

Marriage law refers to a set of rules that govern the forms and validity of marriage. Divorce is a remedy available for married couples who wanted to separate and legally dissolve their marriage bond, usually for the purpose of remarriage.

6,928 Questions

What else can you do if you had done everything to save your marriage quit or divorce?

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If you've done everything to save your marriage and are still struggling, there are a few more steps you can consider before deciding to quit or divorce:

Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, a neutral third party like a marriage counselor can offer new perspectives and solutions. For example, my friend Lisa and her husband were on the brink of divorce, but after seeing a counselor, they learned better communication techniques and resolved their issues.

Take a Break: A temporary separation can give both partners time to reflect and understand what they truly want. My cousin, Alex, and his wife took a six-month break, which helped them realize their love for each other and they reunited stronger.

Focus on Self-Improvement: Work on yourself individually. Sometimes personal growth can positively impact your relationship. For instance, my neighbor Maria started focusing on her hobbies and self-care, which improved her confidence and relationship with her husband.

Reevaluate Priorities: Reflect on what initially brought you together and try to reconnect on those levels. My friend John and his wife revisited their favorite activities from when they were dating, which rekindled their bond.

It's important to prioritize your well-being and happiness.

How is property settlement is determined after divorce in kenya?

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In Kenya, property settlement after divorce is determined based on various factors, including the contributions of each spouse to the acquisition and maintenance of the property, the needs of any children involved, and the duration of the marriage. The court may also consider any agreements made by the spouses regarding property division. It is advisable for each spouse to seek legal advice to understand their rights and obligations during the property settlement process.

If we are getting married in Arizona but you live in California so if you get a marriage license in Arizona will it be viewed legally in California as well?

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Yes, a marriage license obtained in Arizona is generally valid and recognized in California. You will need to follow the specific requirements and procedures set by California to ensure that your marriage from Arizona is legally recognized in California.

If you got married in Kenya how to you get divorced in the UK and is my marriage legal in the UK?

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To get divorced in the UK after getting married in Kenya, you would generally need to meet the residency requirement and file for divorce through the UK courts. Whether your marriage is legal in the UK would depend on whether it was conducted according to the legal requirements of Kenya and is recognized as valid in the UK. It's advisable to consult with a solicitor who is experienced in international family law to guide you through the process.


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Here are Tips for a Healthy Marriage:

  1. Spend Time with Each Other. Married partners need time together in order to grow strong.

  2. Learn to Negotiate Conflict.

  3. Show Respect for Each Other at All Times. ...

  4. Learn About Yourself First.

  5. Explore Intimacy.

  6. Explore Common Interests.

  7. Create a Spiritual Connection.

  8. Improve Your Communication Skills.

What is separation pay in the military?

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Separation pay in the military is a one-time lump sum payment given to service members who are involuntarily separated under certain circumstances, such as reduction in force or medical reasons. It is meant to provide financial assistance as they transition to civilian life. The amount of separation pay is determined by factors such as length of service and reason for separation.

Why did the north and the south separate?

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The North and South separated due to differing views on issues such as slavery, states' rights, and economic policies. These tensions culminated in the American Civil War, fought from 1861 to 1865, resulting in the secession of Southern states and the formation of the Confederate States of America.

8 common names for different types of lipids?

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  1. Triglycerides
  2. Phospholipids
  3. Steroids
  4. Waxes
  5. Fatty acids
  6. Glycolipids
  7. Sphingolipids
  8. Ceramides

What is timing in domestic affairs?

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Timing in domestic affairs refers to the strategic consideration of when to initiate, implement, or adjust policies, decisions, or actions to achieve desired outcomes. It involves being aware of external factors, public opinion, political dynamics, and other variables that can impact the success of a particular course of action. Effective timing can be crucial for navigating political challenges and maximizing opportunities in domestic governance.

Fastest way to get divorce?

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The fastest way to get a divorce is through an uncontested divorce, where both spouses agree on all terms and can file a joint petition. This can streamline the process and avoid lengthy court battles. Additionally, hiring a mediator or working with a collaborative divorce team can help expedite the process.

What kind of schooling does a divorce attorney need?

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A divorce attorney typically needs to complete a bachelor's degree, followed by a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from an accredited law school. Additionally, they must pass the bar exam in the state where they wish to practice law. Specializing in family law during law school and gaining experience through internships or clerkships can also be beneficial for a career in divorce law.

Does your husband have to provide financial support when he walks out on children?

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In most cases, a husband is legally required to provide financial support for his children, regardless of whether he walks out on them or not. This support is typically enforced through child support laws to ensure that the children's basic needs are met. It's important to consult with a legal professional to understand your specific rights and obligations.

What is the difference between an annulment and a divorce in the Philippines?

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An annulment is a legal process that declares a marriage void from the beginning, as if it never existed, while a divorce is the legal dissolution of a valid marriage. In the Philippines, divorce was only recently legalized in 2019, while annulment has been available as a legal remedy for invalid marriages.

Does anyone know what the law guidelines are for California right of first refusal when pertaining to family law?

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In California family law, the right of first refusal allows a parent who has custody of a child to offer the other parent the opportunity to care for the child before seeking alternative childcare arrangements. The specifics of right of first refusal agreements can vary and should be outlined clearly in the parenting plan or custody agreement. It's recommended to consult with a family law attorney for guidance on how to best incorporate right of first refusal into your custody arrangements.

What causes fire?

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Fire is caused by oxygen and CO2

Without oxygen it can't burn...

you might want to look more in depth in this....

Fire is very dangerous and can kill millions there was no cure to fire done by izzyfor4reel

Yo, you really need to improve on this

What is this,it's like a gr.2 answer

Why is a fiance also called a Benedict elect?

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A fiancé is not the same as a Benedict elect. A fiancé is a person who is engaged to be married, while a Benedict elect is someone who has been chosen by the papal conclave to become the next Pope. The title "Benedict elect" specifically refers to the period between the selection of a new Pope and their formal proclamation.

How does an adult emancipate from a family?

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An adult can emancipate from their family by petitioning the court for emancipation, which typically involves proving financial independence and the ability to support oneself. Emancipation legally severs the rights and responsibilities of the parent-child relationship, allowing the individual to make their own decisions and live independently.

Is there any hope of saving your marriage if you have been separated for three years?

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It is possible to save a marriage after being separated for three years, but it will require both partners to be committed to working on the issues that led to the separation, seeking professional help such as counseling, and being open to rebuilding trust and communication. It may be a challenging process, but with dedication and effort from both parties, reconciliation is possible.

If men are going through a separation or divorce why do they still refer to their exes as their wives?

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Men may still refer to their exes as "wives" out of habit, respect for the past relationship, or to simplify explanations to others. It may not always reflect their current legal status but could be a reflection of the role the person played in their life during the marriage.

How do you divorce someone who was deported seven years ago and you have a child together that he has never seen or supported?

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You can file for divorce through the court in your jurisdiction even if your spouse has been deported. The court may require you to show proof of attempts to notify your spouse about the divorce proceedings. You may also be able to seek child support independently through the appropriate legal channels.

If an Englishman marries a Kenyan woman in Kenya in a 'quick' marriage to bring her to England are they legally married in England?

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Yes, a marriage that took place in Kenya between an Englishman and a Kenyan woman is generally recognized as legal in England as long as it was conducted according to the laws of Kenya. However, it is advisable to check with the local authorities or seek legal advice to ensure the marriage is valid and recognized in all jurisdictions.

What to do in an uncomfortable marriage?

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It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about how you are feeling. Consider seeking couples therapy to address any underlying issues and work on improving the relationship together. If the situation becomes unbearable, it may be necessary to consider the possibility of separation or divorce.

What is the divorce rate among psychologists?

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There is no specific divorce rate data available exclusively for psychologists. Divorce rates vary among professions and are influenced by various factors such as age, income, and education level. It's essential to consider individual circumstances rather than generalizing based on profession.

Divorce and cross dressing?

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Divorce and cross dressing are two separate experiences that individuals may navigate in their lives. While divorce involves the legal dissolution of a marriage, cross dressing refers to the act of wearing clothing typically associated with the opposite gender. It is important to recognize and respect individuals' choices and identities in both contexts.

What is the statistics of divorce rate in Ghana?

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As of 2021, the divorce rate in Ghana is estimated to be around 0.5 per 1000 people. However, it's important to note that divorce rates can vary over time and be influenced by various social, economic, and cultural factors.