


Citizenship and Marriage

Marriage to a citizen is one way for an alien to obtain citizenship in some countries. Questions about the requirements and processes of marrying and obtaining citizenship are welcome here.

4,913 Questions

Does Kenya allow dual citizenship?

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Yes, Kenya allows dual citizenship for its citizens since August 2010. This means individuals can hold citizenship in Kenya along with another country without having to renounce either.

If you got married in Kenya how to you get divorced in the UK and is my marriage legal in the UK?

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To get divorced in the UK after getting married in Kenya, you would generally need to meet the residency requirement and file for divorce through the UK courts. Whether your marriage is legal in the UK would depend on whether it was conducted according to the legal requirements of Kenya and is recognized as valid in the UK. It's advisable to consult with a solicitor who is experienced in international family law to guide you through the process.

Is manila north or south of the equator?

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Manila is north of the equator.

What is the names of Ellen Ochoa's kids?

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Ellen Ochoa does not have any children. She is a former astronaut and the first Hispanic woman to go to space.

Where do Australians go on vacation?

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Australians often go on vacation to popular destinations such as Bali, Thailand, New Zealand, Europe, and the United States. They also enjoy exploring their own country, visiting places like the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, the Great Ocean Road, and the Whitsunday Islands.

How much is the 2010 black Prius?

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The price of a 2010 black Prius can vary depending on its condition, mileage, and location. On average, a 2010 model Prius can range from $6,000 to $10,000 in the used car market. It is recommended to check with local dealerships or online listings for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Countries Kenya passport can enter visa free?

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Kenyan passport holders can enter several countries visa-free, including Mauritius, Malaysia, Jamaica, Fiji, Barbados, and Singapore. However, the visa requirements can change, so it is always best to check the latest information before you travel.

Why was DNA fingerprinting invented?

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DNA fingerprinting was invented as a method to identify individuals based on their unique genetic information. It was first developed by Sir Alec Jeffreys in 1984 as a tool for forensic analysis and paternity testing. DNA fingerprinting revolutionized the field of genetics and has since been widely used in criminal investigations, paternity disputes, and conservation biology.

Fastest way to get divorce?

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The fastest way to get a divorce is through an uncontested divorce, where both spouses agree on all terms and can file a joint petition. This can streamline the process and avoid lengthy court battles. Additionally, hiring a mediator or working with a collaborative divorce team can help expedite the process.

What did Citizen Edmond Genet underestimate in Americans?

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Citizen Edmond Genet underestimated the authority of President George Washington and the United States government in controlling foreign policy. Genet wrongly believed he could bypass official channels and rally American support for France against Britain. Ultimately, his actions strained relations between the United States and France.

How long will take for form I 129 F to be processed?

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Processing times for Form I-129F (fiancé visa petition) can vary depending on the service center and the current backlog of applications. On average, it may take around 6-9 months for the petition to be processed. It's important to check the USCIS website for the most up-to-date information on processing times for your specific situation.

How long does it take to get a Filipino to the US if you marry her in the Philippines?

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The process of bringing a Filipino spouse to the US through marriage could take anywhere from 8 months to 2 years or more, depending on various factors such as the type of visa being applied for, the processing times of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and the completion of required paperwork and interviews. The process involves filing a petition, completing forms, attending interviews, and meeting specific requirements set by the government.

Is there any hope of saving your marriage if you have been separated for three years?

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It is possible to save a marriage after being separated for three years, but it will require both partners to be committed to working on the issues that led to the separation, seeking professional help such as counseling, and being open to rebuilding trust and communication. It may be a challenging process, but with dedication and effort from both parties, reconciliation is possible.

If an Englishman marries a Kenyan woman in Kenya in a 'quick' marriage to bring her to England are they legally married in England?

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Yes, a marriage that took place in Kenya between an Englishman and a Kenyan woman is generally recognized as legal in England as long as it was conducted according to the laws of Kenya. However, it is advisable to check with the local authorities or seek legal advice to ensure the marriage is valid and recognized in all jurisdictions.

Why is responsible citizenship?

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Citizenship caries with it not only voting rights but also the right to government benefits, and protections. Illegal Immigrants have rights too but mostly just our most basic rights to protections.

Can be Interracial children accepted in the us?

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Yes, interracial children are accepted in the US. The US is a diverse country with people from many different backgrounds and cultures, and interracial relationships are common. While some individuals may still hold prejudices, there are laws in place to protect against discrimination based on race or ethnicity.

What percentage of American women would marry the same man?

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As of what? A woman needs to be married to this man, and divorce him, am I right? If this is your question it will be hard to justify or even count if a woman will marry again the man that she divorce, agreed?

How many people got married in the UK in 2007?

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Around 235,460 marriages took place in the UK in 2007.

How many us citizens over over 18 years old?

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According to U.S. census figures dated 2006, the total U.S. population is 299,398,485 of which 75.4% are 18 or older. This results in a population of approximately 225,746,457 that is 18 years or older. Source: U.S. Cencus Bureau Website:

Percentage of Illegal Immigrants in California prisons?

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As of 2018, around 6% of the total prison population in California are undocumented immigrants. This percentage has been relatively stable over the past few years. It is important to note that not all undocumented immigrants in prison were convicted of immigration-related crimes; many are there for other offenses.

How can a person lose their citizenship?

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A person can lose their citizenship by voluntarily renouncing it, by committing certain crimes such as treason or espionage, or by acquiring citizenship in another country and actively engaging in activities that are considered detrimental to the country they are a citizen of.

What percent of US citizens are uninsured?

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As of 2020, approximately 8.8% of the US population, or about 28 million people, were uninsured. This number can fluctuate due to various factors like economic conditions, healthcare policies, and access to insurance options.

What is a human right realized in the us but not in another country?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends. What do you mean by human rights?

For example, right to not self-incriminate is fundamental to a US Citizen. A US citizen can refuse to answer questions because of this right.

But, in many other countries, you can be forced to divulge information even if it incriminates you. From the asker:I am a boy scout and I needed help with Cit. in the World Merit Badge Req. 7B. Look that up to find out and understand. I can't find a news organization, so I am asking this community for it.

When were Chinese Americans allowed to become American citizens?

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Chinese immigration to the U.S. consisted of three major waves, with the first beginning in the 19th century. Chinese immigrants in the 19th century worked as laborers, particularly on the transcontinental railroad, such as the Central Pacific Railroad, and the mining industry, and suffered racial discrimination.
So hostile was the opposition that in 1882 the United States Congress eventually passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited immigration from China for the next ten years. This law was then extended by the Geary Act in 1892.

In 1924 the law barred further entries of Chinese; those already in the United States had been ineligible for citizenship since the previous year. Also by 1924, all Asian immigrants (except people from the Philippines, which had been annexed by the United States in 1898) were utterly excluded by law, denied citizenship and naturalization, and prevented from marrying Caucasians or owning land.

In 1943, Chinese immigration to the U.S. was once again permitted - by way of the Magnuson Act - thereby repealing 61 years of official racial discrimination against the Chinese. Large scale Chinese immigration did not occur until 1965 when the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 lifted national origin quotas.