


US Constitution

The supreme law of the United States, the Constitution provided the framework for the creation of the United States government.

59,388 Questions

Why is its the duty of citizens to obey laws?

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We as citizen follow laws because our founding fathers said we had to. Without law think of all the ciaos this world would be. It sure wouldn't be a cup of tea now would it?

- Hannah L.

Large areas of grassland owned by the federal government are referred to as the?

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Large areas of grassland owned by the federal government are referred to as rangelands. These areas are typically used for grazing livestock and are managed by agencies like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the U.S. Forest Service.

Is the close the final step of the sales process?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

No, closing is not the final step of the sales process. After closing a sale, there are still steps like delivering the product or service, providing support to the customer, and following up for feedback or referrals. Building long-term relationships with customers is an essential part of the sales process after closing a deal.

What do we call the right of people accused of breaking the law to be tried by a group of fellow citizens?

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This right is called the right to a trial by jury. It allows the accused to have their case heard by a group of impartial peers who will decide on the verdict based on the evidence presented during the trial.

What are the next 3 presidential successions?

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The next three presidential successions, in order, would be the Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and then the President pro tempore of the Senate.

What is the meaning of law of the infinitesimal dose?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

The law of the infinitesimal dose is a concept in homeopathy that states that as a substance is diluted beyond Avogadro's number, its potency increases. This means that even when a substance is extremely diluted and only traces remain, it can still have an effect on the body.

What device protects system against lightning strikes but does not protect against Sags and brownouts?

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Surge protectors are devices that protect systems against lightning strikes by diverting excess voltage to the ground. However, surge protectors are not designed to protect against sags and brownouts, which are characterized by a decrease in voltage levels. To safeguard against sags and brownouts, a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or voltage regulator may be necessary.

How do presidents govern and make policy?

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Presidents assume a multi-layered part in overseeing and forming strategy. Here is a breakdown of their key instruments:

Administrative Impact:

Proposing Regulation: Presidents can propose bills to Congress that address their arrangement objectives. They could work with administrators to draft and refine the bills.

Marking and Rejecting Bills: When a bill passes Congress, it goes to the president. They can either sign it into regulation or blackball it, dismissing the bill. Congress can supersede a rejection with a 66% vote in the two houses, however this is exceptional.

Chief Orders:

Mandates with the Power of Regulation: Presidents can give leader arranges that have the power of regulation, however don't need Legislative endorsement. These are many times used to carry out existing regulations or address strategy regions not unequivocally covered by regulation.

Managerial Power:

Driving the Presidential Branch: Presidents supervise a huge organization of government organizations. They delegate organization heads (with Senate affirmation) who do their strategy mandates. This permits them to shape strategy execution.

Public Influence:

Revitalizing Public Help: Presidents influence their harasser podium, utilizing discourses, question and answer sessions, and web-based entertainment to construct public help for their arrangement objectives. This strain can impact Congress and popular assessment.

Party Legislative issues:

Assembling their Party: Presidents are the head of their ideological group. They can campaign party individuals from Congress to help their arrangements. This impact is most grounded when the president's party controls the two places of Congress.

International strategy:

President: Presidents have critical power in international strategy, going about as President of the military. They can convey troops, arrange deals (with Senate endorsement), and impact worldwide relations.

It's memorable's critical that administering and policymaking are seldom uneven undertakings. Presidents frequently arrange and think twice about Congress, particular vested parties, and the general population to accomplish their objectives.

Here are a few extra focuses to consider:

The Strength of the Administration: A president's capacity to sanction their plan relies upon different elements like their political capital, financial circumstances, and the cosmetics of Congress.

Governing rules: The US arrangement of balanced governance restricts a president's power. Congress can dismiss their proposition, and the High Court can topple leader orders considered illegal.

By understanding these instruments and impediments, you can acquire a more clear image of how presidents shape American governmental issues and strategy.

What are the emerging branches of bioinformatics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some emerging branches of bioinformatics include metagenomics, single-cell sequencing analysis, structural bioinformatics, and integrative omics analysis. These areas focus on understanding complex biological systems, analyzing large datasets, and integrating different types of biological data to gain comprehensive insights into biological processes.

What is the concept of fundamental rights?

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Fundamental rights are a set of basic rights and freedoms guaranteed to individuals by a constitution or law. These rights are considered fundamental because they are essential for the protection and well-being of individuals, ensuring their dignity, liberty, and equality within society. The concept of fundamental rights typically includes the following key principles:

Inalienable Rights: Fundamental rights are inherent to individuals by virtue of their humanity, and they cannot be arbitrarily taken away or surrendered. They are considered natural rights that exist independently of government recognition.

Protection Against State Action: Fundamental rights primarily serve as a check on the power of the state by limiting its ability to infringe upon the liberties and freedoms of individuals. Governments are obligated to respect, protect, and fulfill these rights, and any laws or actions that violate them can be challenged in courts.

Universal Application: Fundamental rights are typically applicable to all individuals within a jurisdiction, regardless of their race, gender, religion, nationality, or other characteristics. They aim to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for everyone within society.

Diverse Rights: Fundamental rights encompass a broad range of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. These rights may include freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as rights to equality, education, healthcare, and fair trial.

Balancing Rights and Responsibilities: While fundamental rights grant individuals certain freedoms, they also come with responsibilities towards society and fellow citizens. The exercise of one's rights should not infringe upon the rights of others or undermine public order, morality, or the legitimate interests of the state.

Enforceability: Fundamental rights are typically enforceable through legal mechanisms, such as constitutional provisions, statutes, or international treaties. Individuals have the right to seek judicial remedies or redress if their rights are violated by state authorities or private entities.

In many democratic societies, fundamental rights are enshrined in constitutions or legal frameworks to provide a foundation for democratic governance, protect individual liberties, and promote justice and equality. They play a crucial role in upholding the rule of law, fostering social cohesion, and advancing human dignity and well-being.

What effect did the Tenth Amendment have on Hurricane Katrina?

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The Tenth Amendment did not have a direct impact on Hurricane Katrina. The Tenth Amendment reserves powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or the people, but in the case of natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, there is typically coordination and collaboration between federal, state, and local authorities to respond effectively.

How many years was newton president of the royal society?

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Isaac Newton was President of the Royal Society for 24 years, from 1703 until his death in 1727.

What is power and what is the unit for power?

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Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. It is measured in watts (W), with one watt equal to one joule per second.

Why do nations responsible for 55 percent of emissions have to approve the Kyoto agreement before it becomes law?

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The Kyoto Protocol operates under a system of binding targets where nations commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by a certain amount. For the agreement to be effective, it requires the support and participation of major emitters, accounting for at least 55% of global emissions, to ensure meaningful impact on climate change mitigation. This threshold helps to ensure that key contributors to emissions reductions are on board with the agreement.

What are the requirements that metal must meet before it can be used in a fuse?

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A metal used in a fuse must have a low melting point to ensure it can melt and interrupt the circuit when necessary. It should also have high conductivity to allow current to flow easily through it. Additionally, the metal should have good mechanical properties to withstand the electrical and thermal stresses during operation.

What happens when a president does not uphold the constitution as he says in his oath of office?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means nothing first they took away rights based on a war against terro

rism when the terrorist was not Sudan Hussaim and when they allowed Bush to walk away after murdering millions of people they allowed every president following to to override the constituion passing laws to remove more and more of it this is what i have seen but everyone needs to trust thier own instinct

Can you Give an example of a national law?

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The Clean Air Act in the United States is an example of a national law that aims to protect air quality by regulating emissions of pollutants from industrial sources and vehicles.

Which states in the United States have the highest number of volcanoes?

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Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. This includes volcanoes that haven't erupted for thousands of years.

Each shell represents a distinct state of electron?

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Asked by CalebJ

Yes, the different shells in an atom correspond to distinct energy levels where electrons can be found. Each shell can only hold a certain number of electrons, and they are filled in order of increasing energy. The shells are designated by letters (K, L, M, etc.) and are further divided into subshells based on shape (s, p, d, f).

Why do the cells lining the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver?

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The cells lining the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver because the stomach is constantly exposed to acidic enzymes and mechanical stress from food digestion, which can damage the lining and require more frequent cell renewal. In contrast, the liver is not exposed to such harsh conditions and does not require as rapid cell turnover for its functions.

Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by?

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Benjamin Newton influenced Emily by introducing her to scientific concepts and encouraging her to pursue her interest in natural science. He fostered her curiosity and critical thinking skills, which helped shape her perspective on the world and informed her poetry and writing.

Picture or map of the state with the most us representative?

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California has the most U.S. Representatives with a total of 53 congressional districts. It is the most populous state in the U.S., which accounts for its large number of representatives in the House of Representatives.

The new Russian constitution greatly enhanced the powers?

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of the President by allowing them to serve additional terms and providing them with the authority to appoint key government officials, judges, and regional governors. This has been seen as a consolidation of power within the executive branch and a potential threat to the system of checks and balances in Russia.

How do you explain why is hiring necessary and when?

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Hiring is necessary when a company needs additional skills or resources to meet business objectives, expand operations, or fill a gap in knowledge or expertise. It is essential to ensure that the organization has the right talent in place to drive innovation, growth, and success. This process is crucial for building a strong team that can contribute positively towards achieving business goals.

Is it considered bending the law if you lie in court?

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Asked by Renny3s

Yes, lying in court is considered perjury, which is a criminal offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. It undermines the justice system by compromising the truth-seeking process and can lead to serious consequences for all involved parties. It is important to always be truthful when testifying in court.