


Famous People

Famous People are those whose names are well-known by scores of people. Questions about historical and present-day's most influential people; be it scientists like Nicola Tesla and Isaac Newton, celebrities like Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, philosophers like Aristotle and Francis Bacon, politicians like John F. Kennedy and Tony Blair, philanthropists like Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie, and other famous people, will be answered here.

15,605 Questions

What was a pillory?

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A pillory: A wooden board with holes for hands and the head. Usually used for punishment.

Does Edward Teller have a favorite quote?

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One of Edward Teller's favorite quotes was "The science of today is the technology of tomorrow."

Who is the composer of ngayong wala ka na?

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The composer of the song "Ngayong Wala Ka Na" is Frenchie Dy.

Who is Agapito G. Flores?

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Agapito Flores was born in Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines on September 28, 1897. He worked as an apprentice in a machine shop and later moved to Tondo, Manila where he trained at a vocational school to become an electrician.

It has been reported that Agapito Flores received a French patent for a fluorescent bulb and that the General Electric Company bought Flores' patent rights and manufactured and sold his fluorescent bulb (making millions from it). However, all the inventors named above and more predate Agapito Flores' possible work on any fluorescent bulb.

According to Dr. Benito Vergara of the Philippine Science Heritage Center, "As far as I could learn, a certain Flores presented the idea of fluorescent light to Manuel Quezon when he became president. At that time, General Electric Co. had already presented the fluorescent light to the public."

So he is only famous for NOT inventing the fluorescent tube.

What is Scotty McCreery's favorite color?

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His favorite color is a deep red

Who is the Italian chemist?

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One famous Italian chemist is Giulio Natta, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1963 for his work on high polymers.

Why was Galileo sentenced to life in prison?

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Galileo was sentenced to life in prison because he supported the heliocentric model of the solar system, which contradicted the geocentric model supported by the Catholic Church at the time. His work was considered heretical and he was tried by the Inquisition, leading to a sentence of life in prison which was later commuted to house arrest.

How many times did Yuri gagrin go in space?

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Yuri Gagarin went to space once on April 12, 1961, on the Vostok 1 spacecraft, becoming the first human to journey into outer space.

How many songs is Galileo mentioned in?

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Galileo is mentioned in the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen.

What were some famous things Galileo do?

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He invented (rather modified and perfected) the telescope. He discovered the 4 biggest moons of Jupiter. His observations strengthened the heliocentric universe theory (that is the earth revolves around the sun and the earth isn't the centre of the universe).

How Sunita Williams died?

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She did not die!!!

Sunita Williams (born September 19, 1965) is a United States Naval officer and a NASA astronaut. She was assigned to the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 14 and then joined Expedition 15. She holds the record of the longest spaceflight (195 days) for female space travelers.

How did Galileo change the simple apparatus that Zacharias Janssen invented?

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Galileo improved upon Janssen's simple microscope by adding a focusing device that allowed for better magnification and clearer images. He also made adjustments to the lens placement and experimented with different lenses to enhance the instrument's performance. Through his modifications, Galileo significantly enhanced the functionality and effectiveness of the early microscope.

How did Galileos father influence him?

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Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a musician who encouraged his son to study and appreciate mathematics and science, which likely influenced Galileo's later interest in astronomy and physics. Vincenzo also pushed Galileo to attend the University of Pisa, where he began his study of mathematics and natural philosophy.

How did Galileo's work come in to conflict with the church and how was the conflict solved?

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Galileo's support for Copernican heliocentrism contradicted the church's geocentric view of the universe, leading to conflict with the Inquisition. He was tried for heresy in 1633 and forced to recant his beliefs, spending the rest of his life under house arrest. The conflict was not resolved until 1992 when the Catholic Church officially acknowledged its error in condemning Galileo.

What did luke howard invent?

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Luke Howard did not invent anything, but he is known as the "Father of Meteorology" for his system of classifying clouds, which he presented in 1802. He categorized clouds into four main types—cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus—based on their appearance and how they form in the sky. Howard's cloud classification system is still used today.

What controversy did Galileos work cause?

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Galileo's work caused controversy because it challenged the accepted geocentric model of the universe, which placed Earth at the center. His support for the heliocentric model, with the sun at the center, contradicted religious teachings of the time. This led to conflicts with the Catholic Church and Galileo being condemned for heresy.

Is aishwarya rai's eyes naturally blue?

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No, Aishwarya Rai's natural eye color is greenish-hazel. Blue contact lenses are sometimes used for specific roles or appearances in movies, but her natural eye color is not blue.

What was assac newtons job?

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Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, and astronomer. He is most famous for his work on the laws of motion and universal gravitation. He made significant contributions to the field of optics and is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time.

Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to?

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Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to propose the heliocentric model of the universe, which placed the Sun at the center with the planets orbiting around it. This idea challenged the prevailing belief in the geocentric model, where Earth was considered the center of the universe. Copernicus's work laid the foundation for the scientific revolution.

When was the first time Jane Goodall road a horse?

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There is no specific information available about Jane Goodall riding a horse for the first time. Dr. Goodall is primarily known for her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees as a primatologist and conservationist.

What is sylvia earle job?

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Sylvia Earle is a renowned oceanographer and marine biologist. She is also an explorer, author, and lecturer who has dedicated her life to researching and advocating for the protection of the world's oceans.

How many kids did Dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkins have?

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Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin had three children.

Did Robert Koch contract anthrax through his experiments?

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No, Robert Koch did not contract anthrax through his experiments. He took strict precautions to protect himself and others while working with dangerous pathogens, such as using protective gear and following proper safety protocols.

What did Giovanni schiaparelli discover about Mars?

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Giovanni Schiaparelli, an Italian astronomer, observed and mapped features on Mars, including what he called "canali," or channels, which were later misinterpreted as "canals," leading to speculation about intelligent life on Mars. His observations contributed to the understanding of Mars' surface features and influenced the public perception of the Red Planet.

Who are Kitty Fossey and George Fossey?

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Kitty Fossey is a voice actress known for her work on various animated TV shows. George Fossey is a fictional character on the TV show "Frasier," portrayed by the actor Brian Cox.