



Discrimination is the ability to discern differences between objects. The word is frequently used to denote prejudice against a race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or social grouping. Currently, there are laws to protect people against discrimination.

500 Questions

Is it only older people who are opposed to Community cohesion?

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No, opposition to community cohesion can come from people of all ages. It is important to understand that individuals' views on this issue can vary based on their personal experiences, beliefs, and values, regardless of their age.

What is prejudice against older people?

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Prejudice against older people, also known as ageism, is a negative attitude or belief towards individuals based on their age. It can involve stereotypes, discrimination, and unfair treatment toward older adults simply due to their age. Ageism can impact various aspects of life, including employment opportunities, healthcare access, and social interactions.

Is age discrimination advantage or disadvantage?

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Age discrimination is considered a disadvantage as it unfairly limits opportunities and negatively impacts individuals based on their age rather than their abilities or qualifications. It can lead to societal inequalities and hinder diversity and inclusivity in the workforce.

Is low salary the main cause to bribery?

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Low salary can be a contributing factor to bribery as individuals may feel compelled to seek additional income through unethical means. However, there are often multiple complex factors that can lead to bribery, such as societal norms, lack of enforcement, and culture of corruption.

What is the Age Discrimination Act of 1967?

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The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 is a federal law that prohibits employment discrimination against individuals who are 40 years of age or older. It applies to both employees and job applicants and prohibits age-based discrimination in hiring, promotion, compensation, and other employment practices.

What is discrimination based on age called?

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Discrimination based on age is called ageism. This can involve stereotypes, bias, or prejudice against individuals or groups based on their age, either younger or older.

Effects of gender inequality?

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Gender inequality can lead to limited opportunities and rights for women, such as access to education, employment, and decision-making roles. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and discrimination, creating a cycle of unequal treatment and power dynamics. Addressing gender inequality is key to achieving a more equitable and just society for all individuals.

What is Institutional Discrimination?

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Institutional discrimination refers to patterns of discrimination that are built into the structures, policies, and practices of organizations or institutions, leading to unequal treatment or opportunities for certain groups of people based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. This type of discrimination can be systemic and deeply ingrained, perpetuating disparities and inequalities in society.

Cultural anthropologists who focus on revealing how legal systems discriminate against?

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Cultural anthropologists who focus on revealing how legal systems discriminate against specific groups or communities study how power dynamics, biases, and inequalities shape these systems. They analyze how laws, policies, and practices can perpetuate discrimination based on factors like race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. By examining the social and cultural contexts in which legal frameworks operate, they aim to advocate for more equitable and just legal systems.

What are the examples of discrimination against ex-offenders?

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Discrimination against ex-offenders can take the form of being denied employment opportunities, housing, or educational opportunities based on their criminal record. They may also face social stigma and exclusion from certain community resources or services. Additionally, ex-offenders may face challenges in accessing healthcare, government benefits, or voting rights due to their criminal history.

What's the pattern of discrimination against people trying to buy homes in minority and racially changing neighborhoods called?

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This pattern is called redlining, where individuals or communities are denied access to housing or financial services based on their race or ethnicity. It was a discriminatory practice historically used by banks and lending institutions to restrict access to mortgages and loans in certain neighborhoods, particularly those with minority or changing demographics.

How does hate speech cause violence?

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Hate speech can contribute to violence by spreading harmful attitudes and beliefs that can dehumanize certain groups of people. This can create an environment where discrimination, aggression, and conflict are more likely to occur. When people are exposed to hateful rhetoric, it can fuel existing prejudices and lead to acts of violence against vulnerable individuals or communities.

Do black people always steal?

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No, black people do not always steal. This stereotype is false and harmful. It is important to avoid making assumptions about individuals based on their race.

Are black people more violent?

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No, there is no evidence to suggest that black people are inherently more violent than people of other races. Violence is a complex issue influenced by a variety of social, economic, and environmental factors. It is important to avoid generalizations and stereotypes about any group of people.

What percent of black males have been to prison?

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Approximately 34% of black males will be incarcerated at some point in their lifetime, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. This statistic highlights the disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system on this demographic group.

What do you do if you get mugged?

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If you get mugged, prioritize your safety by not resisting and complying with the mugger's demands. Avoid making sudden movements that may provoke the situation further. After the incident, seek help from nearby individuals or contact the authorities to report the crime and seek necessary assistance.

Is there anyone willing to give a second chance to someone who has made poor choices in the past Is there anyone out there who doesn't discriminate against a criminal background?

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Yes, there are individuals and organizations that support giving second chances to individuals with criminal backgrounds. These can include community organizations, employers with re-entry programs, and advocates for criminal justice reform who believe in the importance of rehabilitation and reintegration into society. It may take time and effort to find these opportunities, but they do exist.

What is rasicim?

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Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. It can manifest in various forms, such as systemic racism, institutional racism, or individual acts of prejudice. Racism undermines social cohesion and perpetuates inequality and injustice.

What can students do to combat and prevent prejudice discrimination and violence today?

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Students can combat prejudice, discrimination, and violence by educating themselves about different cultures and perspectives, speaking out against injustices when they witness them, promoting inclusion and diversity within their community, and actively supporting initiatives and organizations that work towards equality and peace. By actively engaging in these actions, students can help create a more tolerant and compassionate society.

What is Steinbeck's view on racism in 'Of Mice and Men'?

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Steinbeck portrays racism subtly in "Of Mice and Men" through the character of Crooks, the African American stable hand. Crooks is isolated due to his race and experiences discrimination and loneliness on the ranch. Steinbeck shows the pervasive effects of racism on individuals' lives, highlighting the challenges faced by marginalized groups in a society that discriminates against them.

What is the technique that is used to shape the story One Christmas Eve by Langston Hughes - its about racism?

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In "One Christmas Eve" by Langston Hughes, the technique used to shape the story about racism is primarily through character interactions and dialogue. Hughes showcases the impact of racism through the experiences and emotions of the characters, demonstrating the societal injustices and prejudices they face. This technique helps convey the message of unity, empathy, and resistance against racism.

Does discrimination still exist today any examples?

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Yes, discrimination still exists today in various forms, such as racism, sexism, ageism, and discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. For example, pay inequity between genders, prejudice against certain ethnic groups, and barriers faced by individuals with disabilities are all examples of persistent discrimination in society.

In romiette and julio how does racism effect them?

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Racism affects Romiette and Julio in the novel by creating barriers to their relationship due to societal prejudices and stereotypes based on their different ethnic backgrounds. They face discrimination and opposition from those around them, which leads to conflict and challenges in their relationship. The racism they experience highlights the larger issues of inequality and prejudice in their community.

Was Karl Marx a racist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Note: this question calls for opinions, and here are some from our contributors. It should be noted that the term "racist" was not in common use when Marx lived. Some sources do acknowledge that he displayed certain prejudices, and those prejudices can be seen in some of his writings.

what our contributors said:

Yes, in at least one way. He despised the Jewish race, even though he himself was

born to Jewish parents (but baptized as a youth, when his family converted to Christianity). Marx would refer people who held theories and philosophies that were contrary to his as "dirty Jews." Marx also saw in Jews a love of religion that he himself thought was simply a tool for the upper class to use to oppress and suppress the lower classes. Marx despised virtually every religious denomination and the people who belonged to them.

* The person above me does not realize that Marx was basing his opinions on his own untested theory of Communism/socialism. The modern era of capitalism and neo-imperialist America has dawned upon us, a vast majority of Western Europe is atheist and the conclusive answer is that Marx was wrong in suggesting that Religion helped the upper class control the working class. Therefore modern day 'neo-marxism' can let go of the religious theories that Karl Marx enthused, Capitalism has proved much stronger and independent from other forms of authoritarianism. All the masses need for complete blind co-operation with the Imperialist world is a mass amount of commodities.

I conclude in suggesting that Karl Marx was not racist only hateful to capitalists, and to express this discontent he used typical and acceptable insults of his time. Neo-Marxism is not racist nor should it be anti religion unless it is deemed necessary.*

A Rejoinder:

Respectfully, speaking, the above answer in asterisks, fails to distinguish between the FACT of Marx's anti-Semitism and the partial REASON for his anti-Semitism. Take for example this quote from an article by James B. Whisker in the Journal of Historical Review entitled "Karl Marx Anti-Semite," and can be accessed via Related Links, below.

"Marx made specific charges against the Jews in his polemic. Jews worship Mammon, not God. Jews practice usury. Their true religion is predicated upon the acquisition of money through any and all means. The emancipation of all Europeans means the emancipation from Jewry: "emancipation from usury and money, that is, from practical, real Judaism, would constitute the emancipation of our time." Jews seek to control the world through the control of money: "What is the object of the Jew's worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money. . . . What is the foundation of the Jew in this world? Practical necessity, private advantage. . . . The bill of exchange is the Jew's real God. His God is the illusory bill of exchange." Marx further alleges: "Money is the one zealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may stand. Money degrades all the gods of mankind and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-constituted value set upon all things. It has therefore robbed the whole world, of both nature and man, of its original value. Money is the essence of man's life and work which have become alienated from him: this alien monster rules him and he worships it."

The author of the article describes Marx's views toward Jews in particular not just capitalists. Marx does not say Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, Muslim, Calvinist or any other specific religious capitalists, worship Mammon, practice usury or have a religion based on the acquisition of wealth. He states that "Jews" are guilty of these. He states that this is the Jew. The worship of Mammon (material wealth), practice of usury and preoccupation with wealth are charges that have been made all throughout history against Jews.

If Marx were simply commenting on capitalists in general, he would not have singled out Jews for particularly harsh treatment. In addition, if he were making comments on the nature of capitalists by likening them to Jews, there would be no doubt about his anti Semitism, since he would have had the anti Semitic opinion first and then apply it to capitalists to denigrate capitalists.

Marx also had anti-Semitic views wholly unrelated to capitalism. He disrespected them because of their devotion to religion as well, a commodity for which Marx had no use whatsoever.

Lastly, I would tale issue with the above statement that Marx should not be viewed as a racist because he simply used "typical and acceptable insults of his time." The use of typical and acceptable insults in vogue at the time does not absolve Marx of anti-Semite charges. It indicts the society as a whole for its ingrained racism.

Whatever his REASON for being anti-Semitic, the FACT is he WAS anti-Semitic. That makes him a racist.


He was also known to use the epithet, "Stupid Jew of negro blood." Any attack he could levy on the opponent was valid in his mind. Ad hominem was one of his preferred methods of "debate."

Writer name Vijayi Vishwa Tiranga Pyara?

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Vijayi Vishwa Tiranga Pyara is a phrase in Hindi that translates to "May the Indian tricolor flag always emerge victorious worldwide." It is often used to express patriotism and national pride in India.