



The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.

7,212 Questions

What is social determinism?

Oh, dude, social determinism is basically the idea that society and social structures determine people's actions and behavior. It's like saying, "Hey, you're just a product of your environment, man." So, if you're stuck in a boring town with no opportunities, you can blame social determinism for your lack of excitement. But hey, don't worry, you can always move to a cool city and blame social determinism for making you too awesome for your old hometown.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of an extended family?

One advantage of an extended family is the availability of a larger support system, providing emotional, financial, and practical assistance. Additionally, children may benefit from exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences within an extended family. However, potential disadvantages include conflicts arising from differing opinions or values, as well as challenges in maintaining privacy and autonomy within a larger family unit. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of an extended family structure is essential for fostering positive relationships and overall well-being.

How true is the statement 'Flattery acts as an intoxicant'?

People who like to compliment or flatter you a lot, say how pretty you are and constantly compliment you to the point where you will explode. Flattery makes one feel good about themselves, which is compared to being intoxicated. So this statement is true in most cases.

Who is Fr Valentin Marin?

Ah, Fr. Valentin Marin is a wonderful soul who dedicated his life to spreading love and kindness. His gentle spirit and compassionate heart touched the lives of many, leaving a lasting impact on those around him. Just like a beautiful painting, his legacy continues to inspire others to be their best selves and spread positivity in the world.

How are parents responsible for the unruly behaviour of teenagers in your society?

the parents are responsible for the unruly behaviors of teenagers in the society.Most parents give unnecessary freedom to their kids forgetting their roles to play as parents in the up bringing of their children so tell me, how do they expect the child to know the difference between good and bad.

Just as the saying goes "like father like son" or "like mother like daughter". some children took after their parents thereby actin like their parents and in a case where the parents have an unbearable attitude and the child takes over from them, would you blame it on the child? No, blame it on their very first teacher on earth THEIR PARENTS.

What is undefined status?

Undefined status is basically a fancy way of saying "I have no clue." It's like trying to find your keys in the dark - good luck with that. So, in simpler terms, undefined status means something hasn't been determined or specified yet. Hope that clears things up for ya!

What is an example of plain folk propaganda?

An example of plain folks propaganda would be like the following.

"Sherrod Brown for Senate campaign ad, talking about plain folks values."

and another one would be like the following:

"It's Morning in America."

The definition of Plain Folks propaganda is: Appealing to regular people's values like family, patriotism.

How dominant culture influences the weak culture?

Dominant culture influences weaker cultures through various mechanisms such as cultural imperialism, economic power, and political influence. Dominant cultures often impose their values, beliefs, and practices onto weaker cultures, leading to cultural homogenization and marginalization of indigenous traditions. This can result in the loss of cultural identity and autonomy for the weaker culture, as they may feel pressured to conform to the norms and standards set by the dominant culture. It is important for societies to recognize and preserve the diversity of cultures to prevent the erasure of unique traditions and perspectives.

What is the difference between a frequency diagram and a bar chart?

Well, honey, a frequency diagram displays the frequency of each data value within a given range, usually using bars or lines. Meanwhile, a bar chart represents categorical data with rectangular bars, each bar's length proportional to the value it represents. So, in simple terms, one deals with numbers and ranges, while the other is all about categories and bars. Hope that clears things up for you, darling!

What is a social consequence?

A social consequence refers to the impact on individuals or society resulting from certain actions, behaviors, or events. It can include changes in relationships, attitudes, norms, or institutions within a community. Social consequences can be positive or negative, depending on the situation.

Definition of social problems?

Social problems refer to issues or conditions that negatively affect individuals or society as a whole, often resulting from structural inequalities or injustices. These problems can involve aspects such as poverty, discrimination, inequality, crime, and inadequate access to resources or opportunities. Addressing social problems may require collective action, policy changes, and efforts to promote social justice and equality.

What is the name of carbon dioxide gas test?

The test to detect the presence of carbon dioxide gas is called the limewater test. It involves passing the gas through limewater (a solution of calcium hydroxide) and observing a milky white precipitate forming if carbon dioxide is present.

Can you change your ethnic origin?

No, your ethnic origin is inherent and cannot be changed. It is based on your ancestry, cultural background, and often includes shared traditions and history. It is important to embrace and celebrate diversity and the uniqueness of each individual's ethnic heritage.

What term applies to the stages people pass through from birth to death beginning with childhood and concluding with the older years?

The term that applies to this concept is the "life course." It refers to the various stages and transitions that individuals go through from birth to death, encompassing childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older age.

Which two theorists viewed society as a living organism and are identified as being the earliest structural functionalists?

Emile Durkheim and Herbert Spencer both viewed society as a living organism and are considered the earliest structural functionalists. They believed that society is composed of interrelated parts that work together to maintain social stability and harmony.

What are the three elements of social change?

The three elements of social change are individuals, institutions, and power dynamics. Individuals can drive change through their actions and beliefs, while institutions can support or hinder change through policies and practices. Power dynamics play a crucial role in shaping the direction and pace of social change.

What are the social problems surrounding limestone?

Some social problems surrounding limestone mining include displacement of communities near mining sites, potential health hazards from dust and pollution, and conflicts over land rights and resources. Additionally, mining operations can disrupt local economies and livelihoods, leading to social tensions and inequalities.

What might happen in the US if the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen?

If the wealth gap continues to widen in the US, it could lead to increased social unrest, higher levels of poverty, diminished social mobility, and a decrease in overall economic growth. This can undermine social cohesion and lead to greater inequality in access to resources and opportunities.

Sublimation in the water cycle?

Direct transformation of ice in vapours is an example of sublimation.

Which set of subjects would share the most genetic heredity?

Identical twins would share the most genetic heredity, as they result from a single fertilized egg splitting into two embryos. Therefore, they have almost identical genetic makeup.

What is good about living in a shanty town?

Some potential benefits of living in a shanty town could include a sense of community and support among residents, lower cost of living compared to urban areas, and creative solutions to everyday challenges.

What are the factors enforcing group formation?

Factors that enforce group formation include shared goals or interests, a sense of belonging or identity, the need for social support or cooperation, and the presence of external threats or challenges that require collective action. Additionally, factors such as proximity, communication channels, and social norms can also influence group formation.