


Database Programming

Databases are collections of tables that maintain and display information, often collaboratively; this information can be used for interaction with an application or gaining general knowledge. Questions about database engines and modifying or using them belong in this category.

8,762 Questions

What is primitive and composite data types in DBMS?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primitive datatypes are the basic units of a language; each primitive value contains a single datum (as opposed to an array of multiple items) and describes that datum literally. Primitive data is very straightforward. Primitive datatypes are, as their name suggests, simple. They can hold text messages, frame numbers, movie clip size values, and so on, but they don't readily accommodate higher levels of complexity.

Examples: Number, string, boolean, undefined, and null.

Composite data Types are complex data type. For more elaborate data handling -- such as simulating the physics of a dozen bouncing balls or managing a quiz with 500 questions and answers -- we turn to composite datatypes. Using composite data, we can manage multiple pieces of related data as a single datum. Whereas a single number is a primitive datum, a list (i.e., an array) of multiple numbers is a composite datum.

Examples: Suppose we wanted to track the profile of a customer named Derek. We could create a series of variables that store Derek's attributes as primitive values

What is hierarchical habitat selection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hierarchical habitat selection is a process by which animals select habitats at multiple spatial scales to meet their various ecological needs. It involves selecting areas that offer resources necessary for survival and reproduction, while considering factors such as food availability, shelter, and security. This approach allows animals to optimize their use of habitats and maximize their fitness.

What is the procedure for a cystoscopy?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

A cystoscopy is a procedure where a thin tube with a camera is inserted into the urethra to examine the bladder. The patient is usually given a local anesthetic or sedative to minimize discomfort. The doctor then inspects the bladder lining for any abnormalities and may take tissue samples for further analysis. After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort or minor bleeding while urinating, but this should subside within a few days.

Who made the word God?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "God" originated from Old English and Germanic languages, with its roots tracing back to a Proto-Indo-European word meaning "to call" or "to invoke." The concept of a supreme being or deity has been part of human cultures and religions throughout history, and variations of the word exist in different languages and belief systems.

What was Meta comet's nickname?

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Asked by Wiki User

Meta Comet (Chief of Wampanoag) also known as King Phillip to settlers

List the advantages and disadvantages of satellite surveillance and explain why each one is an advantage or disadvantage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of satellite surveillance include wide coverage, providing real-time data, and being able to monitor remote areas. Wide coverage allows for comprehensive monitoring of large areas, real-time data enables quick responses to events, and monitoring remote areas enhances security and environmental monitoring.

Disadvantages of satellite surveillance include high costs, potential for privacy violations, and susceptibility to weather conditions. High costs limit accessibility to smaller organizations, privacy violations may occur through constant monitoring, and weather conditions can impact satellite imaging quality and coverage.

What is the smallest unit of space on a hard drive that can be used to store a file?

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Asked by Wiki User

The smallest unit of space on a hard drive that can be used to store a file is called a "sector." A sector typically holds 512 bytes of data, although newer hard drives may have larger sector sizes. Multiple sectors are grouped together to form clusters, which are used to store files on the hard drive.

Describe the external level of the ansi sparc?

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Asked by Wiki User

The external level of the ANSI/SPARC architecture represents how users view the data stored in the database. It defines the logical view of the data for each user, which includes specifying the data format, structure, and access permissions that users interact with. This level shields users from the complexities of the internal and conceptual levels of the architecture.

How do you retrieve an image from a database using PHP?

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Asked by Wiki User

To retrieve an image from a database using PHP, you would first need to fetch the image data stored in the database using SQL queries. Then, you can display the image by setting appropriate headers in PHP to specify the image content type, and output the image data. Finally, you can embed the image data in an HTML img tag or write it directly to the browser output.

Smallest unit of space allocated to a file?

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Asked by Wiki User

The smallest unit of space allocated to a file is a cluster or block, which is a contiguous group of sectors on a hard drive allocated to a single file. The size of a cluster can vary depending on the file system and the size of the disk.

What is an example of data redundancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of data redundancy is when the same information is stored in multiple places in a database. For example, if customer addresses are stored in both an "order details" table and a "customer information" table, it creates redundancy. This redundancy can lead to inconsistencies if the data is not properly maintained.

Are DNA databases a good idea What concerns would there be?

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Asked by Wiki User

DNA databases can be a valuable tool for solving crimes and advancing genetic research. However, concerns include privacy issues, potential misuse of data, consent for DNA collection, and potential for discrimination based on genetic information. Implementing stringent regulations and safeguards is crucial to address these concerns.

What is normalization and objective of normalization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and dependency. The objective of normalization is to minimize data redundancy, ensure data integrity, and improve database efficiency by structuring data in a logical and organized manner.

What triggers isostatic subsidence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Isostatic subsidence is triggered by changes in the weight or mass of the Earth's crust, such as the removal of a heavy load of ice or sediment. This removal causes the crust to slowly adjust to achieve equilibrium, leading to subsidence.

What tags should be used to retrieve information for a database about changes in the height of an ocean surface over a 20 year period?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use tags like "ocean surface height", "sea level change", "20-year data", "oceanography", and "climate science" to retrieve information for a database about changes in the height of an ocean surface over a 20-year period.

What does Laboratory Information Management System or LIMS System do?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a software system that helps manage samples, tests, results, and workflows in a laboratory setting. It can track sample information, ensure data integrity, automate processes, and improve overall efficiency and productivity in the laboratory. Additionally, a LIMS system can help with regulatory compliance and provide data analysis and reporting capabilities.

What is the concept of data base?

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Asked by Wiki User

A database is an organized collection of data, typically stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. It allows for efficient retrieval, storage, and manipulation of data, making it easier to manage information. Databases are used in various applications such as websites, businesses, and research.

What is the function of a biometric system?

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Asked by Wiki User

A biometric system is used to identify individuals based on their unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris patterns, or voice. It enhances security by providing a more reliable and efficient way of authentication compared to traditional methods like passwords or PINs.

What is the Terra Server used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Terra Server is a cloud-based infrastructure service provided by Google Cloud for research and analysis of large-scale genomics data. It offers tools and resources for storing, analyzing, and sharing genomic data to accelerate biomedical research and collaboration.

What does digitization mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In brief, the digitization of a document is the conversion of a paper document into various digital formats. With the advent of digital technology, it is now possible to convert physical documents like newspapers, periodicals, books, images, texts, and other business paperwork into a digitized version such as pdf, doc, Xls, XML, jpeg, gif, HTML, CD, tape.

What is concept of data base?

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Asked by Wiki User

A database is an organized collection of structured data stored electronically in a computer system. It allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data. Databases are commonly used in various applications to store and manage large volumes of information for easy access and analysis.

A database is an efficient way to share information because it?

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Asked by Wiki User

can be searched quickly for the most relevant observations.

What is genomic data?

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Asked by Wiki User

Genomic data refers to information about an organism's complete set of DNA, including its genes and other sequences. This data can be used to study genetic variations, traits, and diseases, and to understand how genes work together to control biological processes. Advances in sequencing technologies have made it easier and more affordable to generate large amounts of genomic data for research and clinical applications.

What is are secondary databases in bioinformatics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Secondary databases in bioinformatics are databases that provide curated information derived from primary sources such as research articles and other databases. They often offer organized, processed, and annotated data, making it easier for researchers to access and utilize biological information for further analysis and interpretation. Examples of secondary databases include UniProt, NCBI Gene, and KEGG.

What is geological data management?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geological data management involves the organization, storage, analysis, and interpretation of various types of geological data, such as maps, images, samples, and reports. It aims to ensure that data is accurate, accessible, and effectively utilized for decision-making in geological projects and research. Proper management of geological data is essential for assessing geological risks, resource identification, and environmental protection.