


Racism is a type of prejudice towards a certain racial group, usually a minority. People can carry out unjust acts towards these people through limited citizenship rights, social discrimination, hate crimes, etc. This type of prejudice still exists in many parts of the world.

1,540 Questions

An example of segregation?

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Segregation in the United States included policies that enforced the separation of races, such as Jim Crow laws which mandated the segregation of public facilities like schools, restaurants, and public transportation. The segregation of Black and white communities also extended to housing practices, where restrictive covenants and redlining policies limited where Black individuals could live.

What is segregation in the US?

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Segregation in the US refers to the enforced separation of different racial or ethnic groups, particularly in public facilities, housing, and schools. This practice was prevalent during the Jim Crow era, with laws and social customs keeping black and white Americans apart. Though legally abolished with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, de facto segregation continues to persist in many aspects of American society.

Why is segregation good?

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Segregation is not inherently good; it often leads to inequality, discrimination, and harm to marginalized groups. Integration and inclusivity help promote diversity, equality, and understanding among individuals, which are key for a more harmonious society.

Who was affected by segregation?

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Segregation in the United States primarily affected African Americans, who were subjected to racial discrimination and forced to use separate facilities, attend separate schools, and live in separate neighborhoods. Other minority groups, such as Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans, also faced varying levels of segregation and discrimination.

Who stopped the segregation?

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Segregation in the United States was primarily stopped by the Civil Rights Movement, led by prominent figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and civil rights activists who fought against discriminatory laws and policies. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were key legislative measures that helped to end segregation.

What is nuclear racism?

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Nuclear racism refers to the disproportionate impact of nuclear-related activities such as waste disposal, uranium mining, and nuclear power plants on marginalized communities, particularly communities of color. These communities often face higher risks of exposure to radiation and environmental contamination, leading to health disparities and social injustice.

What are the different changes in the novel ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko?

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Some of the significant changes that occur in the novel "Ceremony" by Leslie Marmon Silko include the protagonist Tayo's journey towards healing and reconciliation with his past trauma, his reconnection with his Laguna Pueblo culture and traditions, and his acceptance of his mixed identity as a Native American and a World War II veteran. Additionally, the novel explores themes of environmental degradation and the impact of colonialism on indigenous communities.

Why is gta 5 racist against one of the white characters?

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While some players argue that the portrayal of white character Trevor in Grand Theft Auto V is racist, it's important to note that the game as a whole often employs satire and dark humor to depict various characters, regardless of their race. The game is known for its controversial and edgy content that pushes boundaries in its storytelling.

What is the Jewish view on racism?

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Judaism teaches that all human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and therefore racism is seen as a violation of this fundamental belief. Jews are commanded to love their neighbor as themselves (Leviticus 19:18) and to pursue justice and equality for all individuals. Racism is contradictory to these core principles of Judaism.

Where did the stereotype that asians are good at math come from?

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The stereotype that Asians are good at math can be traced back to several factors such as cultural emphasis on education, strong family support for academic achievement, and top performance by Asian students in math competitions. These factors contribute to the stereotype, but it is important to recognize that individuals are diverse in their abilities regardless of ethnicity.

What are some examples of racism in persepolis?

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In "Persepolis," racism is depicted through the discrimination and prejudice against Iranians by Western countries. For example, Marjane Satrapi faces racism while living in Austria, where she is insulted and mistreated by people due to her Iranian identity. Additionally, the book highlights the stereotyping and generalizations made about Iranians as a result of cultural ignorance and bias.

Why are there still racial issues in the world?

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Racial issues persist due to historical injustices, systemic discrimination, and deeply ingrained biases in societies. Addressing these issues requires challenging societal norms, promoting understanding and empathy, and enacting policies that promote equality and inclusion. Ongoing efforts to educate, raise awareness, and foster dialogue are crucial in creating a more equitable and just world.

How can you act a race?

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Asked by Darthvaderd

Acting a race refers to portraying a member of a specific ethnic or racial group. To act a race respectfully and accurately, it's essential to do thorough research and understand the nuances of that group's culture, history, and experiences. It's also important to avoid stereotypes and consult with individuals from that community to ensure authentic representation.

Is Jewess a politically correct term?

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No, the term "Jewess" is considered outdated and can be seen as offensive. It's better to use "Jewish woman" or "woman of Jewish descent" to refer to a female person who is Jewish.

What provokes anti-semitism?

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Anti-Semitism can be provoked by a variety of factors including historical stereotypes, misinformation, social and economic tensions, political scapegoating, and religious biases. It is important to address and combat these root causes in order to prevent and counteract instances of anti-Semitism.

Why are black people so loud?

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It is not accurate or fair to make generalizations about any group of people based on their race. Loudness is a behavior that varies between individuals and is influenced by a variety of factors, including personality, culture, and environment. Judging a whole race based on a stereotype is not productive or respectful.

Who wrote Racism Antisemitism and Psychoanalysis?

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The book "Racism, Antisemitism, and Psychoanalysis" was written by Earl Hopper. It explores the intersection of these topics and how psychoanalytic theory can shed light on racist and antisemitic attitudes and behaviors.

Why are black people so strong?

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that all black people are inherently stronger than people of other races. Strength is influenced by a variety of factors such as genetics, nutrition, and physical training. Stereotypes about physical abilities based on race are not accurate or helpful.

What are racial stereotypes?

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Racial stereotypes are oversimplified beliefs or judgments about a particular racial group that are often based on misconceptions, biases, or limited exposure to diverse individuals. These stereotypes can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and negative attitudes toward individuals based on their race. It's important to challenge and dismantle these stereotypes through education, awareness, and promoting understanding and inclusivity.

Why do white parents teach there kids to hate black people?

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What are the negatives of racism?

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Racism perpetuates discrimination, inequality, and injustices based on race. It creates divisions and hostility among people, leading to conflicts and harm. It also limits opportunities and prevents individuals from reaching their full potential due to prejudice and bias.

How did racism affect africans?

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Hypertension afflicts 50 million Americans and is most common in African Americans, who are 40% more likely to suffer from it than whites. In addition to studies, which found that genetic differences promote hypertension in African Americans, several medical studies have concluded that racism, which causes psychosocial stress, leads to hypertension and life-threatening illnesses in the black population.

How apartheid affected South Africa?

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Apartheid was the tide of racism which threatened the humanity of non-white people across South Africa. In 1948 the first Apartheid Minister, Daniel Malan, was elected into office. By 1950 the first law requiring races to be registered with the state and Apartheid became a catalyst, igniting the nation in the war for civil rights. Through the horrors of the blatant racism South Africa began to form the seeds of what is now its firm grasp of civil rights.

What was an effect on segregation?

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African Americans started their own businesses.

How many whites are rob by blacks in America per year?

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It is important to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or assumptions about specific racial groups. There is no reliable data or statistics that support the idea that a specific race is responsible for all crimes committed against another race. It is crucial to approach these topics with sensitivity and avoid making generalizations.