

Decade - 1970s

The 1970s was the decade that started on January 1, 1970, and ended on December 31, 1979. The most notable events in the 1970s include the Ugandan-Tanzanian War (1978-1979), and the Munich massacre (1972).

1,516 Questions

What was the biggest tornado in the 1970's?

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The biggest tornado in the 1970s was the April 3, 1974, tornado outbreak that affected several states in the United States. It produced multiple violent tornadoes, including an F5 tornado that struck parts of the Midwest, with one of the most notable tornadoes hitting Xenia, Ohio.

What best describes the Bazillion miracle of the 1970's?

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The Bazillion miracle refers to the economic recovery of Brazil in the 1970s, characterized by high economic growth rates fueled by industrialization and government investment. This period saw significant infrastructure development and an expansion of the middle class. However, the economic boom was accompanied by rising inflation and increasing foreign debt.

Why was dog muck white in the 1970's?

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Dog muck appearing white in the 1970s could be due to the high calcium content in dog food from that era. The calcium could have contributed to the color of the waste, making it appear white. Additionally, this may have been influenced by the specific diet and additives present in the dog food available at the time.

What space craft flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s?

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The spacecraft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s was Voyager 2. It captured images and data of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during its mission. Voyager 2 launched in 1977 and completed its encounters with the gas giants by 1989.

A spacecraft that landed on mars in the 1970s?

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The Viking 1 spacecraft landed on Mars in 1976, followed by Viking 2 also in the same year. These missions were the first to successfully land and send back images and data from the Martian surface, providing valuable insight into the planet's geology and atmosphere.

What type of jeans did woman wear wear in the 1970s?

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In the 1970s, women loved wearing jeans that made a big statement. Bell-bottom jeans were a favorite. These jeans were snug around the waist and thighs but flared out wide from the knees down, often covering part of the shoes.

High-waisted jeans were also really popular. These jeans sat at or above the waist, making the legs look longer. They often had front pockets and were sometimes decorated with buttons or embroidery.

Jeans in the 1970s often featured colorful designs and patches. People enjoyed personalizing their jeans with embroidered flowers, peace signs, and other patterns. Some jeans had special washes like stone-washed or acid-washed finishes, giving them a unique look. 1970s jeans were all about expressing personal style with bold shapes and unique decorations.

Spacecraft that flew by and photographed the 4 gas giants in the 1970s?

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The spacecraft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s was Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. They captured images and collected valuable data on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during their missions.

Spacecraft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s?

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The spacecraft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s was Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. These missions provided valuable information and images of Jupiter and Saturn, while Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions in the late 1970s provided images of all four gas giants, including Uranus and Neptune.

Was there a 1970's kids' TV show with two mice who are in a hot air balloon?

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Yes, there was! I remember it too and it was one of my favorite shows as a kid! The mice were named Nick and Pick and they went up in a hot air balloon and wherever they came down they would have an adventure. It was the coolest show to me at the time. It's nice to find someone else who even remembers it. It would be great to find an old clip of the show.

And the theme song went like this, "Nik Pik, Nik Pik flying high across the sky. Nik Pik...across the sky."

Has a spacecraft ever landed on mars?

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Yes, several spacecraft have successfully landed on Mars. Some notable examples include the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance, as well as the InSight lander. These missions have provided valuable information about the Martian surface and environment.

The space craft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970's?

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The space craft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s was the Voyager 1 spacecraft. It captured images of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during its mission. Voyager 1 provided valuable data and insights about these distant planets and their moons.

What scientist field was created when recombined DNA was first made in the S's?

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The field of genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology was created when recombined DNA was first made in the 1970s. This technology allows scientists to manipulate and modify genes, creating genetically modified organisms for various applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.

Where do i find earth shoes popular in the 70s?

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Earth shoes popular in the 70s can be found through online marketplaces like Etsy, eBay, or specialty vintage stores that sell retro or 70s-themed clothing and accessories. Keep an eye out for thrift stores or consignment shops that carry a selection of vintage footwear as well.

How much is a 1975 republic of Kenya coin worth?

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The value of a 1975 Republic of Kenya coin can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand from collectors. It is recommended to check online marketplaces or consult with a numismatic expert to get an accurate valuation.

What did the environmental movement succeed in during the early 1970s?

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In the early 1970s, the environmental movement succeeded in raising awareness about environmental issues such as pollution and deforestation. This led to the creation of several key environmental laws and regulations, including the establishment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 and the passage of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in 1970 and 1972, respectively.

Which countries have seen a significant increase in their CO2 emissions by 2008 since the early 1970s?

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Countries that have seen a significant increase in CO2 emissions by 2008 since the early 1970s include China, India, and Brazil. These countries have experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization leading to a surge in energy consumption, particularly from fossil fuels like coal and oil. This has resulted in a substantial rise in their carbon dioxide emissions over the years.

What are two things that helped cause a major recession in America during the early 1970s?

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Two factors that contributed to the major recession in America during the early 1970s were the oil crisis resulting from the OPEC oil embargo in 1973 and high inflation rates. The oil crisis led to a sharp increase in oil prices, causing a spike in production costs and reduced consumer purchasing power, while high inflation eroded the value of money and reduced overall economic activity.

What did the US weather bureau change its name to in 1970?

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The US Weather Bureau changed its name to the National Weather Service in 1970.

When was the last earthquake in Los Angeles?

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The simple answer is: Today.

Check it out the link below.

We are soaring through space on a living organism. The interior of the earth moves every day. All 50 states have earthquakes. All countries have earthquakes. Most will never be felt, but if you want to follow them, the above site is the preeminent source of geological information on the web.

When did people know Pompeii was a country?

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Pompeii was not a country; it was an ancient Roman city located near modern-day Naples, Italy. The city was known to people during the Roman Empire and the site gained increased attention and excavation in the 18th century. It is now a famous archaeological site that attracts visitors from around the world.

What happened in Three Mile Island in the 1970s?

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In 1979, a partial meltdown occurred at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, USA. The incident was caused by a combination of equipment malfunctions and human errors, leading to the release of radioactive gases. While there were no immediate fatalities, the event raised concerns about nuclear safety and had a lasting impact on the nuclear power industry in the United States.

Did they have laundry detergent in the 1970s?

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Yes, laundry detergent has been available for household use since the early 20th century, including the 1970s. Popular brands like Tide, Wisk, and Cheer were commonly used during that time.

What is the formal name of the orange plastic natural gas piping used in the 1970's?

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The formal name of the orange plastic natural gas piping used in the 1970s is Polyethylene (PE) pipe. These pipes were primarily made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material and were commonly used for natural gas distribution due to their flexibility and corrosion resistance.

The year of the red dye scare?

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Asked by Tehunter2

The red dye scare occurred in the 1970s when studies suggested that certain red food dyes were linked to cancer. This led to concerns about the safety of food dyes and prompted changes in regulations and labeling requirements for food products.