


History of the Middle East

Located at the juncture of Asia, Africa and Europe, the Middle East has been one of the centers of ancient civilization. Today it continues its historic significance as it provides much of the world's energy through its oil resources.

5,100 Questions

Did the UN vote for Israel as a nation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The question as posed is rather convoluted. I want to say "YES" to the "essence" of the question, i.e. the UN did take a vote integral to Israel becoming a country, but I have to say "NO" since the UN did not actually vote Israel into existence.

The UN voted (affirmatively) on the legitimacy of the Jews of Palestine declaring independence as a state distinct from the more numerous Arabs of Palestine. This vote legitimized the Israeli Declaration of Independence, but did not cause it.

Most people incorrectly believe when the UN passed UNGA Resolution 181 (II) on November 29, 1947, that the UN "created" a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Palestine) on the map. This is not the case. What the UN Resolution does provide for is the permission for the different ethno-religious groups in Mandatory Palestine to declare a state. In the case of most mandates, the understanding was that the mandate would eventually become independent as one new state, like Iraq or Syria had. The case of Palestine was therefore unique and needed the permission to deviate from the traditional path of independence. Because of there being two states, provisional borders had to be provided, which is why a map was used, but those borders would only come into play if both sides decided to remain at peace.

The Jews acted on the permission granted to them by UN Resolution 181 by declaring independence on May 14, 1948 (nearly six months after the Resolution was passed) and therefore creating the State of Israel.

What is Israel's National airport called?

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O Aeroporto Nacional de Israel é chamado Aeroporto Internacional Ben Gurion (em hebraico, נמל התעופה בן-גוריון). É frequentemente abreviado como "Aeroporto Ben Gurion" ou "TLV," que é o seu código IATA. O aeroporto está localizado próximo à cidade de Lod, a cerca de 15 km a sudeste de Tel Aviv. É o principal aeroporto internacional de Israel e o mais movimentado do país.

Which Arab country crosses equator?

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There is no Arab country that crosses the equator. Somalia is a member of the Arab League and crosses the equator, but its people are Somalis, not Arabs.

What began the Arab Spring?

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The Arab Spring was sparked by the self-immolation of a street vendor in Tunisia named Mohamed Bouazizi in December 2010. His act of protest against government corruption and mistreatment ignited widespread demonstrations and calls for political reform across the Arab world.

What is the importance of the coastal plains to the Arab world?

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Coastal plains in the Arab world are important for various reasons, including providing valuable agricultural land, supporting coastal communities and fishing industries, facilitating trade and transportation through ports, and serving as a crucial buffer zone between the sea and inland areas. They also contribute to the region's biodiversity and ecosystem services.

What do Arabs use to cover their face in a sandstorm?

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Arabs typically use a headdress called a kaffiyeh or a face covering like a shemagh to protect themselves from sandstorms. These garments help shield their face from the blowing sand and dust.

What happened to the Palestinians after the state of Israel was created?

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After the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, many Palestinians became refugees, displaced from their homes and land. This led to ongoing conflicts with Israel, resulting in continued displacement, occupation, and restrictions on Palestinian rights and movement. The issue remains a major point of contention in the region.

What were the beliefs of the Arabs about the Solar System?

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Arabs believed that the Earth was stationary and that the Sun, planets, and stars revolved around it in a geocentric model of the Solar System. They also believed that the universe was finite and enclosed by a series of celestial spheres.

How did Ibn Sina contribute to geography?

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Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, made contributions to geography through his work in cartography. He improved the methods for mapping geographic locations using mathematical principles and improved the accuracy of maps. Ibn Sina's work in geography helped advance the field and influenced future scholars.

Why does the Arabian peninsula have small amounts of farming?

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The Arabian Peninsula has limited farming due to its arid climate, which is characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation. This aridity makes it difficult to cultivate crops without extensive irrigation, and much of the land is better suited for pastoralism or nomadic lifestyles. Additionally, the rocky and sandy terrain further hinders large-scale agriculture.

What acient Greek geographer influenced Arab mapmakers?

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Ptolemy, the ancient Greek geographer, influenced Arab mapmakers through his work on cartography and geography. His detailed maps and writings were translated into Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age, leading to the development of advanced mapmaking methods in the Arab world. Arab mapmakers built upon Ptolemy's ideas and made significant contributions to the field of geography.

Name the 3 non-Arab countries in the Middle East?

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The 3 non-Arab countries in the Middle East are Israel, Turkey, and Iran.

Why is hemophilia B called the Christmas disease?

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Hemophilia B is called the Christmas disease because it was first discovered in a young boy named Stephen Christmas who experienced severe bleeding after a minor injury on Christmas day in 1952. This incident led to the identification of hemophilia B as a distinct type of hemophilia caused by a deficiency in clotting factor IX.

What is the largest city in the Arab world?

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The largest city in the Arab world is Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It is a vibrant and bustling metropolis that is not only the largest city in the Arab world but also one of the largest cities in Africa and the Middle East.

Where do most Saudi Arabians live?

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Most Saudi Arabians live in urban areas, with the largest populations found in cities such as Riyadh, Jeddah, and Mecca. Urbanization has been increasing in Saudi Arabia due to economic development and job opportunities in urban centers.

What is the vegetation like in Iran?

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Iran's vegetation varies greatly due to its diverse climate and geography. In the north, dense forests of oak, beech, and walnut can be found, while in the central plateau region, sparse desert vegetation such as shrubs and thorns prevail. In the south, near the Persian Gulf, date palm trees and mangrove forests are common.

Southwest Asia physical features?

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Southwest Asia is marked by diverse physical features including deserts (such as the Arabian Desert and the Syrian Desert), mountain ranges (like the Zagros Mountains and the Taurus Mountains), and water bodies (such as the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf). The region also experiences varying climates ranging from arid in the desert regions to more temperate in the mountainous areas.

What is the main vent in a volcano called?

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The main vent is called, variously, the Primary or Fundamental. Lesser vents are called secondary or lesser.

The science of volcano and more recently its co-science of geothermal energy study is Vulcanology.


the main vent is where the volcanic ash and lava escape.

What does the uranium enrichment program mean?

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Asked by 12345GR

A uranium enrichment program involves increasing the concentration of the uranium-235 isotope in natural uranium to a level suitable for use in nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons. This process involves separating uranium isotopes through various methods such as gas centrifugation or diffusion. It is a crucial step in the nuclear fuel cycle for producing nuclear energy or weapons.

What is marling?

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Marling is a technique used in rope-making where fibers are twisted together to create a stronger rope. It involves twisting multiple strands of rope or cord together to increase its durability and strength. Marling is often used in sailing and climbing contexts.

Rivers in southwest Asia?

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Some major rivers in Southwest Asia include the Euphrates and Tigris in Iraq, the Jordan River flowing through Israel, Jordan, and Palestine, and the Nile River in Egypt. These rivers are vital sources of water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption in the region.

Whats the speed of an Euoplocephalus tail?

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Euoplocephalus was a herbivorous dinosaur known for its clubbed tail used for defense. While the exact speed of a Euoplocephalus tail is not recorded, it likely could swing it quickly to defend against predators in close proximity.

Is Jordan in the Middle East?

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It is considered the 'Middle' East relative to Europe; Turkey was the 'Near East,' and India, Pakistan, south Asia, and Southeast Asia were the 'Far East.' However, only the term 'Middle East' is commonly used in modern language, though 'Far East' is still used in some obscure cases.