


Emancipation and Ages for Moving Out

Legal questions regarding emancipation, a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor.

7,206 Questions

Is it legal for minors to smoke mint leaves?

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Asked by 58485

No, it is not legal for minors to smoke any substance, including mint leaves. Smoking mint leaves can still be harmful to a minor's health and well-being. It is important for minors to follow legal regulations and prioritize their health.

How does Chromatium bacteria move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chromatium bacteria move by using a flagellum, which is a whip-like appendage that helps them propel through liquid environments. They can also move by gliding along surfaces using a mechanism that is not fully understood.

Which way are the continents moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

Continents move due to plate tectonics. Some are moving apart, such as at mid-ocean ridges, while others are colliding or sliding past each other, like along the San Andreas Fault. Overall, the continents are slowly drifting on the Earth's surface.

Small network of tubes inside a cell that substances move along?

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Asked by Wiki User

Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of interconnected membranes inside the cell where substances like proteins and lipids move along. It plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism within the cell.

How does the declination change as you move north from where you live?

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Asked by Wiki User

As you move north from where you live, the declination will generally become more westerly. This means that the angle between true north and magnetic north will increase in a westward direction. The rate of change varies depending on your location on Earth.

What is one clue that tell us the earth is moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

One clue that tells us the Earth is moving is the changing position of stars and constellations in the night sky. This is known as stellar parallax, and it occurs because of the Earth's orbital motion around the sun.

Do continents move every year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, continents are constantly moving due to the process of plate tectonics. The movement is very slow, with rates typically on the order of a few centimeters per year. This movement is responsible for events such as earthquakes and the formation of mountain ranges over millions of years.

Have continents stopped moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, continents are still moving due to plate tectonics. The movement is slow, with continents shifting a few centimeters per year. This movement has shaped the Earth's surface over millions of years.

Why do you not feel the earth move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because our bodies are constantly in motion along with the Earth, so we don't perceive the movement. Additionally, the Earth's movement is very slow and constant, making it difficult for us to detect without external references.

The shape of the kauri leaf is?

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Asked by Wiki User

The shape of the kauri leaf is narrow, lance-shaped, and typically measures around 5-10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. It has a glossy surface and often curves slightly downwards towards the tip.

Where can you find examples of meiosis?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find examples of meiosis in sexual reproduction processes in plants, animals, and single-celled organisms. These examples can be observed in the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells) in animals and the production of spores in plants and fungi. Cell division during meiosis leads to genetic variation through crossing over and independent assortment.

Can you get a strong enough magnetic to go under a home and move things in the home?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, household magnets are not strong enough to move objects inside a home from beneath the floor. Even strong magnets would not be able to penetrate through the materials of a home to manipulate objects inside.

Did you see moving chloroplast in the hydrilla leaf cells?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, chloroplasts in hydrilla cells can move in response to light intensity. This movement is known as cyclosis and allows the chloroplasts to optimize their exposure to light for photosynthesis.

What is the major sports team of Louisiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

The major sports team in Louisiana is the New Orleans Saints, which compete in the National Football League (NFL).

What does North Carolina look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

North Carolina is known for its diverse landscape, including the Blue Ridge Mountains in the west and coastal plains in the east. The state also has numerous rivers, lakes, and forests, making for a beautiful and varied scenery. Additionally, North Carolina is home to vibrant cities like Charlotte and Raleigh, as well as charming historic towns.

Which is more acidic o-cresol or p-cresol?

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Asked by Wiki User

o-Cresol is more acidic than p-cresol due to the presence of a hydroxyl group at the ortho position, which stabilizes the anionic form through resonance. This resonance delocalization enhances the acidity of o-cresol compared to p-cresol.

How do peridinium move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peridinium move by using two flagella, which are whip-like extensions from their cell body. By beating these flagella in a coordinated way, peridinium can propel themselves through the water in a spinning motion.

What moves substances in and out of a cell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Substances are moved in and out of a cell through various processes such as diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and endo/exocytosis. These processes involve either the movement of molecules down their concentration gradient or the use of energy to transport molecules against their concentration gradient.

What projections allow the cell to move or moves substances along the surface of the cell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cilia and flagella are projections that allow the cell to move or move substances along its surface. Cilia are short, numerous projections that move in a coordinated back-and-forth motion, while flagella are longer, less numerous projections that move in a whip-like fashion.

What runs around a house but doesn't move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electrical cables and wire "run" throught the house in order to provide electricity to the entire house but the do not move.

Three ways that substances can move into and out of a cell?

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Asked by Wiki User

Substances can move into and out of a cell through passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. In passive diffusion, molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration. Facilitated diffusion involves the use of carrier proteins to help molecules pass through the cell membrane. Active transport requires energy to move molecules against their concentration gradient.

What surrounds electric charge and exerts force on other charges?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electric charges are surrounded by an electric field, which exerts a force on other charges. This force can either attract or repel depending on the charges involved and their distance from each other.