



The process by which the holder of a mortgage sells a property after the debtor defaults on their loan for it

2,433 Questions

How long does it take to recover from thyrotoxic myopathy?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Recovery from thyrotoxic myopathy can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the condition. In many cases, symptoms may improve within a few weeks to a few months after thyroid function is controlled with medication. Physical therapy and exercise may also help in the recovery process.

Compare freezing and deposition?

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Asked by Wiki User

Freezing is the process of a liquid turning into a solid when cooled, while deposition is the direct transition of a gas to a solid state without passing through the liquid phase. Both involve a change in state from a fluid to a solid, but freezing occurs for liquids and deposition for gases.

Install to 220 volt appliance at home?

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Asked by Wiki User

To install a 220-volt appliance at home, you will need to ensure you have the correct outlet and circuit in place. Hire a qualified electrician to install the appropriate outlet, usually a NEMA 6-15 or 6-20 for 220-volt appliances. Make sure the circuit can handle the load of the appliance to prevent any electrical hazards.

If a chicken stops progressing during the hatching process can it be helped?

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Asked by Kathyenix

It may be possible to help a chicken that stops progressing during hatching by carefully assisting it out of the egg. However, this should only be done as a last resort and with caution, as the chick may not be fully developed or may have other health issues that prevent it from hatching naturally. It is important to seek guidance from a knowledgeable source, such as a veterinarian or experienced poultry breeder, before attempting to assist the chick.

What information was collected when Voyager 2 landed on Uranus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Voyager 2 did not land on Uranus; it conducted a flyby of the planet on January 24, 1986. During the flyby, Voyager 2 collected valuable data on Uranus's atmosphere, rings, and moons. This data helped scientists better understand the composition, structure, and dynamics of Uranus and its surrounding environment.

I was recently given a final judgment in a case of eviction and now the tenant has filed a Supersedeas Bond. How can she do this when the judgment was final?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Supersedeas Bond allows a tenant to stay eviction pending appeal by posting a bond that covers the judgment amount. This effectively prevents enforcement of the judgment until the appeal is resolved. It is a legal option available to tenants to delay eviction even after a final judgment has been issued.

How much does it cost to live in Colorado?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cost of living in Colorado varies depending on the city and lifestyle. Overall, housing and transportation tend to be higher than the national average, but other expenses like groceries and healthcare can be more affordable. It's recommended to research specific areas within Colorado to get a better idea of the cost of living.

If you have savings and your house is foreclosed will you lose your savings?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your house is foreclosed, you will lose the property but your savings will remain intact. The money in your savings account is separate from your home equity and is not typically used to cover foreclosure proceedings. However, it's essential to review your specific situation with a financial advisor or legal professional for personalized advice.

On an 50A circuit should you be able to turn all of three of your electric heaters on at the same time without tripping the main breaker?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the power draw of each electric heater. Make sure to check the amp rating of each heater and ensure that the total amperage of all three heaters does not exceed the circuit's 50A capacity to prevent tripping the main breaker.

What is the measurement of land to determine lot sizes and boundaries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Land is typically measured in square feet, acres, or hectares to determine lot sizes and boundaries. This measurement helps establish the area of the land and its specific boundaries to ensure accurate property ownership and legal descriptions. Land surveys are often conducted to precisely measure and define lot sizes and boundaries.

How we could learn more about ourselves through others?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can learn more about yourself through others by being open to feedback and reflections on your behavior and interactions. Pay attention to how people perceive you, listen to their observations, and reflect on how their perspectives align with or differ from your own self-perception. Engaging in meaningful conversations and seeking honest opinions from others can provide valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal growth.

What is the foreclosure of academic studies called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The termination or failing to complete academic studies is typically referred to as dropping out or academic withdrawal.

What legal association does someone who holds property for someone else?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who holds property for someone else is known as a "fiduciary" and is typically obligated to act in the best interests of the property owner. This relationship is often governed by laws related to trusts, agency, or other legal arrangements, depending on the specific circumstances. The fiduciary has a duty to manage the property responsibly and to avoid any conflicts of interest.

How long after foreclosure do you have to vacate in Michigan?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Michigan, after a foreclosure sale, the new owner typically sends a notice to quit, giving occupants a minimum of six months to vacate the property. If occupants do not leave voluntarily, the new owner can file an eviction lawsuit with the court.

What is partial participation recorded in a foreclosure case?

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Asked by Wiki User

Partial participation in a foreclosure case refers to a situation where only some of the parties involved in the case actively participate or are represented. This could occur when some borrowers or lienholders do not respond to legal notices or court filings, causing delays or complications in the foreclosure process. It is important for all parties involved to engage in the process to ensure a fair and efficient resolution.

What are Missouri foreclosure laws?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Missouri, foreclosures can be judicial or non-judicial. The process typically involves the lender filing a lawsuit against the borrower to obtain a court order to foreclose on the property. The borrower has a redemption period to repay the debt and reclaim the property. Missouri law also allows for deficiency judgments under certain circumstances.

How long before you have to vacate after a sheriff's sale in phila pa?

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In Philadelphia, after a sheriff's sale, the new owner must provide occupants with a notice to vacate within 15 days. If the occupants do not vacate after receiving the notice, the new owner can file an ejectment action to remove them from the property.

What happens if witness for the plaintiff does not show up for a deposition in a foreclosure cas?

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If a witness for the plaintiff does not show up for a deposition in a foreclosure case, the court may issue a subpoena to compel their attendance. Failure to comply may result in sanctions such as fines or a bench warrant. It could also weaken the plaintiff's case if crucial testimony is missing.

How do i get my property back that was taken when parents house was foreclosed on?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may need to consult with a legal professional to explore the options available to you, such as filing a claim with the foreclosing entity or seeking compensation. It is important to gather any documentation or evidence that proves ownership of the property in question. Additionally, understanding the laws and regulations related to foreclosure in your area will be crucial in pursuing a resolution.

How much notice is to be given before foreclosure sale in ca?

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Asked by Wiki User

In California, the notice of sale must be published in a newspaper once a week for three weeks before the sale date, with the first notice published at least 20 days before the sale. Additionally, a notice of the sale must also be posted on the property at least 20 days before the sale.

What does recalled in a sheriffs sale mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Recalled in a sheriff's sale means that the sale has been canceled or rescheduled for a later date. This could happen for various reasons, such as errors in the legal process or unresolved issues with the property.

Which law would encourage more people to become homeowners but not encourage risky loans that could end foreclosure?

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Asked by Wiki User

The law could establish government-backed programs that offer affordable fixed-rate loans with reasonable down payment requirements. Additionally, regulations could be put in place to ensure that lenders properly assess borrowers' financial capability to repay the loans, reducing the likelihood of risky lending practices that lead to foreclosures. This approach aims to make homeownership accessible while minimizing the risk of loan default.

How long after foreclosure can you stay in the house in nc?

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Asked by Wiki User

In North Carolina, after a foreclosure sale, the homeowner has ten days to vacate the property. If they do not leave within this time frame, they can be evicted by the new owner or foreclosing party. It is important to consult with a legal professional for guidance specific to your situation.

How long after foreclosure does eviction take in Montana?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Montana, the timeline for eviction after foreclosure can vary. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the specific circumstances of the foreclosure and eviction process. It is best to consult with a legal professional for specific information related to your situation.

How law maintain social control?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laws establish a framework of rules and consequences that help guide and regulate behavior in society. They provide a system of deterrents and punishments for those who break the rules, which helps maintain social order and control by promoting conformity and discouraging deviant behaviors. Additionally, laws can also empower authorities to intervene and manage situations where individuals or groups pose a threat to the safety and well-being of society.