



Using property (e.g. normally real estate) as collateral to obtain a loan that is paid by the borrower in installments.

9,165 Questions

Where can you find wholesale leather wristbands?

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Find stylish leather wristbands at [babareplica].

What is the meaning of a red star on a house?

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A red star on a house may indicate various meanings depending on cultural context. In some cultures, a red star can symbolize protection or good luck, while in others it may represent a particular political affiliation or historical significance. It is important to consider the specific cultural and regional context when interpreting the meaning of a red star on a house.

How can one sell their house and avoid paying realtor fees?

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A homeowner can sell their house on their own without a realtor to avoid paying realtor fees. The seller would be a private seller. Another way is to negotiate with the buyer to pay for realtor fees.

How big is the self improvement market?

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The self improvement market is huge and growing more everyday. There are so many areas you can go into when doing self improvement counseling. Just to name two you can go into corporate self improvement or individual self improvement. You can also do both.

Which states are separate property states?

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Some examples of separate property states in the United States include Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. In these states, assets acquired by one spouse during the marriage are considered separate property, unless they are specifically designated as joint property.

The lowest rate of gas exchange is most likely the result of?

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The lowest rate of gas exchange is likely the result of decreased surface area for exchange, thickening of the respiratory membrane, or a decrease in the concentration gradient of gases. These factors can impair the efficiency of gas diffusion across the respiratory surfaces.

What is the average Monthly electric payment?

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The average monthly electric payment varies depending on the region, household size, and energy usage. On average, in the United States, households spend around $115-$200 per month on electricity. However, this can be higher or lower based on factors such as location, weather, and energy efficiency of the home.

Can you payoff a mortgage with a primossory note Back by a bond and a set off bond?

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It is uncommon to settle a mortgage with a promissory note backed by a bond and a setoff bond. Usually, mortgages are paid off with funds from a sale or refinancing of the property. Using a promissory note and bonds to pay off a mortgage would require the lender's agreement and may have legal implications that should be carefully evaluated.

What happens to one who leaves the priesthood?

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Leaving the priesthood involves a formal process of laicization, which releases the individual from their vows and obligations as a priest. They can then choose to live a secular life. The individual may face mixed emotions, societal challenges, and potential estrangement from the Church community.

Who is the strongest bank in the US?

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Wells Fargo. The only AAA credit rated financial institution in United States. **Update** Wells Fargo is no longer a AAA+ rated bank they fell off the list when they bought out the failed Wachovia bank in October 2008. as of now may 2009 TD Bank is currently the only Bank in the US to have a AAA+ rating.

What has been the trend in the US exchange rate over the past four years?

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The trend in the US exchange rate over the past four years has been relatively stable with some fluctuations. Overall, the US dollar has strengthened against some currencies while weakening against others due to various economic factors such as interest rate differentials, trade policies, and geopolitical developments.

Who owns Odwalla Inc.?

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Odwalla Inc. is owned by The Coca-Cola Company. It acquired Odwalla in 2001 as part of its strategy to expand its presence in the health and wellness beverage market.

Is the atmosphere an open or closed system?

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The atmosphere is considered an open system because it exchanges matter and energy with other systems, such as the biosphere and the geosphere. This exchange allows for inputs of energy from the sun and outputs of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Where is the lowest place in the United States above ground?

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In terms of altitude, the lowest elevation in the Western Hemisphere is in Death Valley. The elevation in the lowest point is 86 meters below sea level. If we include places under water, the lowest place is the bottom of Lake Champlain, between Vermont and New York. Because it's elevation above see level is just 95 feet, and the deepest part of this lake is 399 feet, this makes that point lower than even Death Valley, which is 282 feet below sea level. I stumbled upon this fact in Bill McKibben's book, Wandering Home.

Should the person who has defaulted on a mortgage due to Hurricane Katrina file bankruptcy or allow the home to be foreclosed on by the lender?

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It is advisable for the person to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand their options and potential consequences. Filing for bankruptcy may help protect assets and provide a fresh financial start, whereas allowing the home to be foreclosed on can impact credit history and future financial opportunities. Each option has its own implications, so it's important to weigh them carefully.

Is it safe for your house to run at 127V to 129V even 130V AC or should you reduce the voltage to 120V?

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It is generally safe for household appliances to operate within a voltage range of 120V to 130V. Most residential electrical systems are designed to handle fluctuations in voltage. However, if you notice consistent voltage above 130V, it may be beneficial to consult an electrician to ensure the safety of your appliances and electrical system.

What is mean by 2nd pari passu charge?

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A second pari passu charge means that multiple creditors have equal rights to the same assets in the event of default, ranking equally in priority. This means that after the first charge holder is satisfied, the proceeds will be distributed equally to the creditors with a second pari passu charge.

Why would you keep getting a heavy discharge?

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A heavy discharge may be due to various reasons such as hormonal changes, infections, or irritation. It's important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause and appropriate treatment, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms like itching, odor, or pain.

What are Meltdowns?

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Meltdowns are episodes of intense emotional distress or overwhelm, often associated with conditions such as autism or sensory processing disorder. They can manifest as extreme anger, frustration, or sensory overload, and may involve difficulty regulating emotions and behaviors. It is important to provide support and understanding during a meltdown to help the individual regain a sense of calm and safety.

Is it legal to ship merchandise to a customer and charge them the shipping charge plus a 40 percent increase and list it as freight charges?

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It is legal to charge customers for shipping costs along with a handling fee or a reasonable markup. However, it's important to accurately disclose these charges as part of the overall price to avoid any misunderstandings or possible legal issues. Be transparent and clear in your communication to customers regarding freight charges.

Besides extra snow shoveling what are the disadvantages of a corner lot?

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Some disadvantages of a corner lot include increased noise from passing traffic, less privacy due to exposure from multiple sides, and potentially higher maintenance costs for maintaining two street-facing yards.

What are the pros and cons of buying a 2001 Dodge Neon?

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Pros: The 2001 Dodge Neon can be a budget-friendly option for those looking for a compact and fuel-efficient vehicle. It has decent handling and a spacious interior for its size.

Cons: The 2001 Dodge Neon is known for having reliability issues, particularly with its engine and transmission. It also has below-average crash test ratings and may require more frequent maintenance and repairs compared to other vehicles in its class.

What is used to pledge real property for a loan?

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When securing a loan with real estate, two main options emerge: mortgages and deeds of trust. Imagine a mortgage as a lender placing a temporary claim on your property, like a security deposit on a house. If you default, they can seize the property. A deed of trust functions differently. In this scenario, a neutral third party holds the property title until the loan is satisfied, acting as an impartial umpire in the transaction. Both methods provide lenders with a safety net in case of delinquency, and the specific choice often hinges on the state's legal framework and prevailing practices.

What is a government backed mortgage called?

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A government-backed mortgage is typically referred to as an "insured mortgage" or a "guaranteed mortgage." These types of mortgages are supported or guaranteed by a government agency or entity, such as the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) in the United States, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in Canada, or similar organizations in other countries. Government-backed mortgages often offer more favorable terms and lower down payment requirements to encourage homeownership and stimulate the housing market.