


Home Equity and Refinancing

Home equity is the ownership value accumulated in a property. A refi involves restructuring a debt, usually to take advantage of lower interest rates.

5,739 Questions

How can you stop foreclosure on your home equity?

Well, friend, when facing foreclosure on your home equity, it's important to reach out to your lender as soon as possible to discuss your situation openly and honestly. They may be able to offer options like loan modifications or repayment plans to help you keep your home. Remember, there's always a way to find a positive solution when you approach challenges with a calm and open heart.

What must prospectus disclosures provide?

Oh, what a lovely question! Prospectus disclosures are like a beautiful story that tells investors all about a company. They must provide clear and honest information about the company's business, financial health, risks, and goals. Just like adding happy little trees to a painting, these disclosures help investors make informed decisions and create a more transparent financial world for everyone.

The club plans to wash cars to raise money for a new scope With tax the scope is 327.19 Estimate how many cars will have to be washed to cover entire cost of the scope if the club charges 5.00 per ca?

Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, if the scope costs 327.19 with tax, and each car wash brings in 5 bucks, you just gotta divide the cost by the price per car wash. That's like 65.44 cars, but you can't wash a fraction of a car, so you'll need to round up. So, you'll need to wash at least 66 cars to cover the cost of that fancy scope.

How many square feet on the outside of a tank 44' diameter and 54' high?

If this is a circular tank, with flat top and base, the base and top would each have a square area of 1520.531 sq ft (Pi x r2)

The circumference would be 138.2301 ft. (Pi x d).

Therefore the curved side would have an area of 7464.424 sq ft (circ. x h)

The total outside (base + top + side) would be 10,505.486 sq ft, but if the tank doesn't have a top, deduct 1520.531

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How much fencing is needed if your yard is 170ft by 93ft?

Assuming you are fencing the perimeter of this yard, it would be 526. This is because you multiply 170 by 2 (there are two sides of this length) to get 340, then multiply 93 by 2 to get 186. 340+186=526. You would need 526 feet of fencing.

Equity theorem of motivation was formulated by?

equity theorem of motivation was formulated by

a.M S Eve

b.Linda Goodman

c.Sigmund Freud

d.J S Adams

Is it a wise choice to refinance a mortgage to save a hundred dollars a month?

Yes, that's usually the minimum savings amount that I recommend to someone who is contemplating to refinance. If you save $100 a month that equals $1,200 a year, which totals to $18,000 in 15 years and $36,000 in 30 years. Weigh that wersus the costs (usually no more than $6000, worse case scenario) and that to me seems like a wise decision. If you need any help with this feel free to call my office (214)607-1445.

How do you get a quitclaim deed notarized if grantors live in different states?

The deed should be drafted in the state where the land lies and then sent by registered mail or commercial currier to the grantor. The grantor must sign the deed in front of witnesses and a notary and return it the same way it was sent.

If there are several grantors, the deed should be drafted on one page (or however many pages are required) and the signature/witness/notary pages should each be self-contained. That way, each grantor could keep a copy of the deed they signed for their records and just return the signature page. Once all the signature pages have been returned signed, witnessed (if necessary) and notarized, they can be attached to an original copy of the deed and the deed should be recorded immediately.

This type of complex transaction should be handled by an attorney, or, by an extremely professional and organized agent who will handle it correctly, handle the distribution of the proceeds correctly and keep copies of all the checks and receipts for costs. The mail or currier fees will add up and there will be recording fees. Any fees should be deducted from the proceeds before they are distributed. A copy of the recorded deed should be sent upon request to any of the grantors.

Is foreclosure done quicker if home has been discharged in bankruptcy?

A home is not discharged in bankruptcy. The mortgage(s) and home equity loans, lines of credit, etc., are discharged, but you have to abandon the real estate in the bankruptcy. That means the mortgagee can go ahead with a foreclosure if there was none before the filing, once the Chapter 7 is closed. Chances are the mortgagee would ask for relief from stay to go ahead with the foreclosure. The trustee may get any excess from the sale, unless it was exempted.

Will the sun eventually consume the earth?

Yes, in about 5 billion years, the sun will enter its red giant phase and its outer layers will expand, likely engulfing the Earth in the process.

Which common hospital pathogen is able to grow abundantly in soap dishes?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common hospital pathogen that can grow abundantly in soap dishes due to its ability to form biofilms and its resistance to disinfectants. Regular cleaning and disinfection of soap dishes can help prevent the growth and spread of this pathogen.

When will the next season of Doctor Who come out?

There has been no official announcement regarding the release date of the next season of Doctor Who. The production schedule can vary, so it's best to stay tuned for updates from the BBC.

What will eventually happen to the sun?

The sun will eventually exhaust its nuclear fuel and swell into a red giant, engulfing the inner planets, including Earth. It will then shed its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, leaving behind a slowly cooling remnant called a white dwarf.