


Abraham Lincoln

This category is for questions and answers about Abraham Lincoln. He was the sixteenth president of the United States. He led the country through its civil war, and put an end to legal slavery. He was later assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

6,933 Questions

What does an -ite or -ate ending in a polytomic ion mean?

The -ite ending in a polyatomic ion usually signifies a lower oxidation state of the element, while the -ate ending indicates a higher oxidation state. This naming convention helps identify the composition and charge of the ion.

Did Black Hawk win the Black Hawk war?

No, Black Hawk did not win the Black Hawk War. The conflict, which took place in 1832 in present-day Illinois and Wisconsin, ended with the defeat of Black Hawk and his band of Sauk and Fox Native American tribes by American forces. After the war, Black Hawk was captured and the tribes were forced to cede their lands.

Did Lincoln Aristotle newton or madamn live first?

Aristotle lived first, followed by Newton, then Lincoln, and lastly Madam C.J. Walker.

What is a good middle name for Savannah?

A good middle name for Savannah could be Rose, Grace, Elizabeth, or Marie.

What was the socio-political climate in the 1950's?

The 1950s in the United States were marked by conservatism and conformity, with a focus on anti-communism during the Cold War. The civil rights movement began to gain momentum, leading to important legal and social changes. There was also a growing emphasis on consumerism and the rise of suburbia.

Why do people get seasick?

People get seasick due to a conflict between the motion the body senses and what is seen. When the inner ear senses motion on a boat, but the eyes do not see the same motion (such as when looking at a fixed point on the boat or the horizon), it can cause dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms associated with seasickness.

What is a list of natural metals?

Now all the metals up to atomic number 94 (inclusive) are considered as natural chemical elements.

It is difficult to post here a very long list; see the periodic table at the link below.

How old would a western auto model 205 30-30 be?

The Western Auto Model 205 30-30 was manufactured by Marlin Firearms Company between 1946 and 1950. Therefore, it would be around 70-75 years old.

Why are people jungli?

People may be perceived as "jungli" due to various reasons including cultural differences, individual behaviors, or personal circumstances. It is important to consider the context in which this term is being used and to avoid making assumptions or generalizations based on stereotypes.

How old would President Lincoln be if he were still alive?

If President Lincoln were still alive today, he would be 213 years old. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.

What reason would one executor want to become the executrix who proves a will and not notify the other?

An executor may choose to become the executrix to prove a will and not notify the other executors if they believe the others are unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties. This may be due to personal conflicts, lack of trust, or a desire to streamline the process without involving others. However, it is important to follow legal and ethical protocols when dealing with such matters.

What would be underweight for an 11-year old?

An 11-year-old's weight can be determined by their BMI percentile, which takes into account their age and gender. A BMI below the 5th percentile for their age and gender may indicate being underweight. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if a child is underweight based on growth patterns and overall health.

Is a 1988 d Lincoln penny that appears to be steel or zinc real?

No, a 1988 Lincoln penny that appears to be made of steel or zinc is likely a fake coin. Genuine 1982 and earlier pennies were made of copper, while those minted after 1982 are made of copper-plated zinc. It is unlikely to find a genuine 1988 penny made of steel or zinc.

Is 93rd Avenue Abraham Dave Washingto DC a legitimate address for Military Finance Department?

No it is not. You have been contacted by a scammer. That address has been used by people claiming to be soldiers that need money for leave. It is a fraud. Do not reply, delete the email.

Why are some people nasty to people with disabilities?

Some people may be nasty to individuals with disabilities due to ignorance, misconceptions, fear, or a lack of empathy. This behavior can also stem from a lack of awareness or exposure to individuals with disabilities, leading to prejudice and discrimination. Educating others about disabilities and promoting inclusivity can help combat negative attitudes and behaviors.

Who ate the last cookie?

I'm not sure, but it's always possible that someone simply couldn't resist the temptation of a delicious cookie!

What is the origin of people shaking hands?

The origin of people shaking hands is believed to be a gesture of peace and trust, dating back to ancient times when individuals extended their empty right hand to show that they were not holding a weapon. It has since evolved into a common form of greeting in many cultures and is seen as a sign of respect and goodwill.

Why are people homophobic?

I believe this is due to the opinions which vary from person to person. In my experience I believe homophobia to be a cause of insecurity and fear of difference.

Because they are a minorityThroughout history, people who were different from the norm were often ostracized and blamed for many things. This fear of differences can start at childhood teasing, but can lead to greater things. Further, it is not necessarily that people dislike or hate the differences, but it could be a matter of status, or power. Some people enjoy feeling better than other people, regardless of reason. Lack of discussion/understandingUnfortunately, due to the fact that homosexuality is such a controversial topic, it is often considered politically incorrect to talk about, or socially awkward. This lack of discussion about the topic leads to a lack of understanding. This lack of understanding may cause people to rely on stereotypes, which may be poor representations of homosexuality. Previous GenerationsThe opinions of previous generations bleed into the opinions of the new generations. ReligionMany religions are against homosexual acts. Further, many would interpret their scriptures as being anti-homosexual. Poor encounters with HomosexualsUnfortunately, not all homosexuals are saints, and some people are poor representatives of humanity regardless of sexuality. Some people may have had bad experience with homosexuals, and lumped them all. Further, those who have not encountered homosexuals directly may rely on media images as to what homosexuals are. Eg, some examples might include Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton, or Ellen DeGeneres. Other Conflicts with homosexual valuesNote, the following section may be controversial to some.

The following is a list of things that some people may believe that may lead them to associate negatively with homosexuality:

  • The belief that two men or two women cannot love each other in the same way that a man and woman can.
  • The belief that although it is possible for a person to love another person that much, it is not true romantic love. (This relies heavily on specific definitions of love, which are not existent in many heterosexual relationships).
  • The belief that homosexuality is a choice.
  • The belief that homosexuality is based on selfishness or fear.
  • The belief that it is a man and woman's duty to reproduce.
  • The belief that homosexuality is a part of sexual experimentation that people have not grown out of.
  • The belief that children should only be raised by one woman and one man and that any other child raising situation should be seen as an exception rather than the norm.
Marriage Conflicts
  • The belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and that homosexuals are attempting to subvert the word.
  • The belief that only one man and one woman should raise a child as the norm, and that other situations should be considered exceptions.
  • The inherent ability of one man and one woman to have a children, as opposed to two members of the same-sex.
Repressing their own homosexual feelings
  • It has been researched time and time again that homophobic people are generally those who feel insecure around homosexual people because they themselves have homosexual feelings. As a result, they feel that insulting and abusing homosexuals will not make people suspect their sexual orientation.
  • People who think homosexuality is a choice are more than likely to be bisexual. Bisexuals are attracted to both sexes, but since they chose to live a heterosexual lifestyle, they feel that you can chose between being gay and being straight.

Why do children work?

Children may work for various reasons, including poverty, lack of access to education, cultural norms, and family circumstances. In some cases, children are forced to work due to exploitation and trafficking. Addressing root causes such as poverty, improving access to education, and enforcing child labor laws are essential in combating child labor.

How sociologist feel about social problems?

Sociologists typically view social problems as systemic issues rooted in social structures and institutions rather than individual failings. They aim to understand the root causes of social problems and advocate for structural changes to address them. Sociologists may feel concerned, motivated, and energized to contribute to social change and improve the well-being of society as a whole.

What is information its meaning and definition?

Information is data that has been organized or processed in a meaningful way to provide knowledge or insight. It can be used to communicate, educate, or make decisions. In essence, information is about giving context and value to raw data.

Does abraham lincoln have a famous quote?

that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser - in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough."

"Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."

"Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today."

"Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them."

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."

"There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite."

Was Abe Lincoln corrupt?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Abraham Lincoln was corrupt. Throughout his presidency, he was known for his honesty and integrity, leading the country during a tumultuous time in history. While some scholars debate certain decisions he made, he is generally held in high esteem for his leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to preserve the Union.

Was Abraham Lincoln corrupt?

Yes, he absolutely was. In 1962 Lincoln unconstitutionally suspended the writs of habeas corpus. These were rights guaranteed to all people by the constitution. Lincoln also declared marshall law and Lincoln waged war on 8 states because they choose to leave to the union that they voluntarily joined due to an over bearing federal government and outrageous taxes. The same reason the United States declared independence from England in 1776.

What Citizenship do you need to be president?

In the United States, you need to be a natural-born citizen to be president. This means you must have been born in the country or have obtained citizenship through one of your parents who is a U.S. citizen.