


US Civil War

This category is for questions and answers about the American Civil War. This was an internal conflict involving the state rights, and divided the United States in a bloody struggle. It was fought after the secession of eleven southern states, and lasted from 1861 to 1865.

38,903 Questions

Is the rich north or the world slightly more wealthy then the poor south?

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Yes, generally the countries in the northern hemisphere (often referred to as the Global North) tend to be more economically developed and wealthier compared to countries in the southern hemisphere (the Global South). This wealth disparity is influenced by historical, economic, and political factors.

What impact did the geography of Gettysburg have on the battle?

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The geography of Gettysburg provided natural defensive positions, such as Cemetery Hill and Little Round Top, which played a crucial role in the outcome of the battle. The varied terrain, including ridges, valleys, and wooded areas, affected the movement and visibility of troops, influencing the tactics and strategy of both the Union and Confederate forces. Additionally, the road network and key geographic features like Seminary Ridge and Culp's Hill guided troop movements and engagements during the battle.

Does the moon have any nicknames?

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Yes, the moon has several nicknames. Some common ones include Luna, Selene, and the Harvest Moon.

What did Thomas hunt Morgan conclude about fruit fly chromosomes?

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Thomas Hunt Morgan concluded that genes are located on chromosomes based on his extensive breeding experiments with fruit flies. He observed that certain traits were always inherited together, indicating they were located on the same chromosome. This led to the understanding of the role of chromosomes in heredity.

What are non-fatal conditions that men face?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Some non-fatal conditions that men may face include depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and prostate issues. These conditions can impact men's quality of life and require appropriate medical attention to manage effectively. Regular health check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers can help in identifying and addressing these issues.

What are three criteria that Thomas Hunt Morgan was looking for in a model organism for genetic studies?

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Thomas Hunt Morgan looked for a model organism that had a short generation time, produced numerous offspring, and had easily observable traits that could be studied. These criteria were important for efficient genetic studies and observations of inheritance patterns. Morgan famously chose the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as his model organism due to its suitability based on these criteria.

Why is barton on sea likely to become barton in the sea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barton on Sea is prone to coastal erosion due to its location on a soft cliff made of easily erodible materials such as clay and sand. The cliffs are being continuously undercut by the action of the sea, leading to erosion and landslides that are causing the coastline to retreat. Eventually, these processes may lead to Barton on Sea becoming submerged under the sea.

Were binoculars used in the civil war?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, binoculars were used in the Civil War by both soldiers and officers for spotting targets, reconnaissance, and navigation. Binoculars helped improve visibility on the battlefield and were an essential tool for military operations.

What is food crop?

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A food crop is a plant grown for human consumption, typically for its edible parts such as fruits, vegetables, grains, or legumes. These crops provide essential nutrients and sustenance for human populations around the world. Examples include rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, and tomatoes.

Which statement best characterizes the political climate in Washington d.c with the regard to reconstruction following the civil war?

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Asked by Wiki User

The political climate in Washington, D.C. during Reconstruction was marked by fierce debates over issues such as civil rights, citizenship, and integration of newly freed slaves into society. Radical Republicans pushed for more aggressive measures to protect the rights of African Americans, while conservative Democrats sought to limit federal intervention in the South. This contentious atmosphere ultimately led to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson and the passage of the Reconstruction amendments.

Were the Yankees North or South?

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The New York Yankees are located in the northern United States. They are based in New York City, which is in the northeastern region of the country.

True or false did Thomas Hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?

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Asked by Wiki User

True. Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies led to the discovery that genes are arranged in a specific linear order along chromosomes. This finding was a key development in understanding how genetic information is stored and inherited.

What was the weather at Appomattox on April 9 1865?

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On April 9, 1865, at Appomattox, Virginia, the weather was reportedly cloudy with light rain showers. The damp conditions on that day added to the somber atmosphere as General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War.

How long did the battle of chickamauga last for?

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The Battle of Chickamauga lasted for two days, from September 19 to 20, 1863. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War.

How do you decontaminate vesicants from casualties?

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Decontaminating vesicants from casualties involves removing contaminated clothing, gently washing the affected area with soap and water, and flushing the eyes with saline solution if affected. It is important to ensure that decontamination is done promptly to minimize further exposure and reduce the risk of complications. Seek medical help immediately after decontamination.

What was the weather like at the battle of chickamauga?

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Asked by Sonnet1095

The weather at the Battle of Chickamauga was hot and dry, with temperatures reaching into the 90s Fahrenheit during the day. The lack of water sources and intense heat added to the challenges faced by soldiers on both sides during the battle.

What is the speed of a cannon ball?

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The speed of a cannonball can vary depending on factors such as the type of cannon used, the amount of gunpowder, and the angle of elevation. However, typical speeds for cannonballs fired from historic cannons ranged from 500 to 1,500 feet per second.

People on both the North and South began to think that only men went to wa?

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During the Civil War, the perception that only men went to war started to shift as women increasingly participated in various capacities, from nursing to spying to working in munitions factories. This broadened understanding of wartime contributions helped challenge traditional gender roles and expectations in society.

What does disturbance between the North and the South mean?

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A "disturbance between the North and South" refers to the American Civil War, in which the U.S. was split and the Union (North) and Confederate States of America (South) were pitted against eachother.

What conditions does cotton plant grow in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cotton plants thrive in warm climates with plenty of sunlight, well-draining soil, and a long growing season. They require temperatures between 60-95°F (15-35°C) and at least 120 frost-free days to reach maturity. Adequate moisture and sufficient nutrients are also essential for healthy cotton plant growth.

What is the fastest war in American history?

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The shortest war in American history was the Anglo-Zanzibar War on August 27, 1896, lasting only 38 minutes.

Industry differences with north and south?

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In general, industries in the northern hemisphere are more diversified and technologically advanced compared to those in the southern hemisphere. Northern countries tend to have a stronger focus on manufacturing, finance, technology, and healthcare, while southern countries often rely more on agriculture, tourism, mining, and oil production. Additionally, labor costs and regulations can vary between north and south, influencing the types of industries that flourish in each region.

Where did patsy sherman die?

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Patsy Sherman passed away in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 2008.

What is the free state of carbon in free state?

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In its free state, carbon exists as graphite or diamond. Graphite is a soft, dark gray form of carbon with a layered structure, while diamond is a clear, crystalline form of carbon with a tightly packed structure. Both forms are stable and do not react easily with other elements.