

Famous Speeches

One of the most famous speeches in the world is “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. It speaks expressively and powerfully of King’s dream for a future where whites and blacks would coexist equally and harmoniously.

466 Questions

2 When and on what occasion did Neil Armstrong give his famous speech?

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Neil Armstrong gave his famous speech on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission after becoming the first man to walk on the moon. His iconic words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," are remembered as a monumental moment in human history.

What is the most important prerequisite for making your catering business successful?

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Providing great customer pleasure is the most integral prerequisite for the success of a catering business.

Which rhetorical device is used in this statement from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and speech and ldquoI Have a Dream and rdquo?

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The statement "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." uses an example of anaphora, with the repetition of the phrase "I have a dream" for emphasis and to inspire the audience.

What is the difference between fallacies that mislead and fallacies that do not provide adequate support for conclusions?

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Fallacies that mislead rely on faulty reasoning to deliberately deceive or manipulate someone's thinking, while fallacies that do not provide adequate support for conclusions overlook important evidence or make weak connections between premises and conclusions without intending to deceive. Both types can undermine the integrity of an argument, but the latter may result from carelessness or lack of critical thinking skills.

What is correct preposition past or pass?

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The correct preposition is "past" when referring to something that has already occurred or a physical location farther along a route. "Pass" is a verb meaning to move by someone or something.

What does the thought man is not born for himself but for his country means?

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This phrase highlights the idea that individuals have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of their country rather than only focusing on their own interests. It emphasizes the importance of selflessness, community, and serving others for the greater good. By embodying this sentiment, individuals can help create a more harmonious and prosperous society.

Who said that didn't matter that he belonged to any ethnic minority after the tenth one?

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Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, made this statement. He believed that Singapore's meritocratic system should focus on individual capabilities and not on a person's ethnicity or background after the tenth minority group in the country.

Who believed the goal of society was to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number?

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The philosopher Jeremy Bentham is famously associated with this principle, known as utilitarianism. Bentham believed that actions should be judged based on their ability to promote the overall happiness and well-being of the majority of people in society.

Why does chief seattle begin his speech in that manner in the first part of his speech?

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Asked by Alyssajane

Chief Seattle begins his speech with a reference to President Franklin Pierce to show respect and acknowledge the authority of the government with whom he is negotiating. This establishes a diplomatic tone and sets the stage for the message he is about to convey regarding the relationship between Native Americans and the land.

Who said - You don't stop playing when you get old - You get old when you stop playing?

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This quote is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin. It encourages people to stay active and engaged throughout their lives in order to maintain a youthful and vibrant outlook.

Who said it is ambition enough to be employed as an under laborer in clearing the ground a little and removing some of the rubbish thet lies in the way to knowledge which certainly has been very?

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John Locke, a prominent English philosopher, is often attributed with this quote. It emphasizes the importance of humility and diligence in the pursuit of knowledge, suggesting that even the smallest efforts to contribute to intellectual progress are meaningful.

Explain what makes an ethical speaker?

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Asked by Jesterb

An ethical speaker is someone who communicates with honesty, integrity, and professionalism. They adhere to moral principles, respect the audience, and present accurate information without manipulating or deceiving others. Additionally, ethical speakers take responsibility for the impact of their words and strive to promote understanding and positive dialogue.

What part of speech is mainland?

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Mainland is a noun. It refers to the main part of a country or region, as opposed to islands or other outlying areas.

Give examples of pathos ethos and logos in Martin Luther Kings speech I have a Dream?

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Pathos: King evokes emotion through powerful imagery, such as when he describes his dream of a future where his children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Ethos: King establishes his credibility by referencing the Emancipation Proclamation and the Constitution, showing his commitment to American values and ideals.

Logos: King uses logical reasoning to support his argument, providing evidence of racial injustice and discrimination faced by Black Americans to show the need for civil rights reform.

What is i miss you in chavacano de zamboanga?

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You can say "Te extraño" in Chavacano de Zamboanga to mean "I miss you."

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans?

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This quote by John Lennon highlights the unpredictability and fleeting nature of life, suggesting that it often doesn't go according to our plans. It emphasizes the importance of embracing the present moment and adapting to life's twists and turns. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder to find joy and meaning in the journey, even when things don't go as we originally intended.

Plato's most important contribution to Western Philosophy was?

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Plato's most important contribution to Western Philosophy was his theory of Forms or Ideas. In this theory, he argued that the physical world is an imperfect reflection of a higher realm of eternal and unchanging Forms, which represent the true essence of things. This idea has had a profound influence on Western philosophical thought, particularly in the areas of metaphysics and epistemology.

Who said ''the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people''?

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This phrase is associated with the philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who is known for advocating for utilitarianism, a moral theory that promotes actions that maximize overall happiness and well-being for the greatest number of people.

Can you give me a sample of a speech with a message?

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Sure! Here's a sample speech: "My fellow citizens, in times of challenge, it is unity that fortifies us. Let us stand together, not divided by fear or doubt, but united in our resolve to overcome any obstacle. Together, we can create a future built on hope, compassion, and prosperity for all."

Who wrote 'I think... therefore I am'?

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René Descartes, a French philosopher, is credited with the phrase "I think, therefore I am." This statement is from his work "Discourse on the Method," where he presents the concept of cogito ergo sum as the foundation of his philosophy.

What does Lincoln mean by 'as surely they will be the better angels of our nature'?

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Lincoln's phrase "the better angels of our nature" refers to the innate goodness and moral compass that exists within people. He is expressing a hope that compassion, empathy, and moral integrity will guide individuals through times of trial and conflict. It serves as a call to embrace our higher principles to overcome divisions and work towards unity.

Part of speech for the word anonymity?

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It is an abstract noun.

How do you pronounce arigato gozaimas?

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It is pronounced "ah-ree-gah-toe goh-zai-mas."

What are the forms of oral presentation?

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The forms of oral presentation include speeches, lectures, panel discussions, debates, storytelling, and group presentations. Each form has its own unique structure and purpose, tailored to effectively communicate information to an audience.

What was name of Plato University?

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What was the name of university founded by Plato?