


US Presidents

The US President is the head of state and the head of the federal government of the United States of America. The president's power is checked and balanced by the two other branches of the US Government, which are Congress and the Supreme Court.

37,400 Questions

What major events took place during George Washington term as president?

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George Washington's presidency (1789-1797) was a foundational period for the young United States. Some key events that shaped the nation during his terms are:

  • Establishing the Government: Washington oversaw the creation of the federal government's structure, appointing the first Supreme Court justices and signing key legislation that established the federal judiciary, national bank, and a mint.
  • Foreign Policy: He navigated tricky diplomatic situations, like avoiding war with Britain through the Jay Treaty and securing navigation rights on the Mississippi River with Spain.
  • Domestic Issues: He dealt with internal conflicts like the Whiskey Rebellion, a tax protest by western Pennsylvanian farmers, and the beginnings of political parties forming around differing visions for the nation's future.
  • Expansion: New states like Kentucky and Vermont joined the Union, solidifying the country's westward expansion.
  • Bill of Rights: The first ten amendments to the Constitution, guaranteeing fundamental rights, were ratified during his presidency.

Who were the US presidential candidates in 1976?

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The candidates for the United States presidential election in 1976 were:

Jimmy Carter (Democratic Party): Jimmy Carter, then Governor of Georgia, won the Democratic nomination for president. He ultimately won the election and became the 39th President of the United States.

Gerald Ford (Republican Party): Gerald Ford, who had become President following Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974, sought re-election as the Republican candidate.

Several minor party and independent candidates also ran in the 1976 election, but Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford were the major contenders representing the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively.

How could Obama Sr be born in Kenya when it was not a country at the time?

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Obama Sr. was born in a region called the British Protectorate of Kenya, which later became the independent country of Kenya in 1963. So, even though Kenya was not recognized as a country at the time of Obama Sr.'s birth in 1936, he is considered to have been born in Kenya based on modern political boundaries.

How many knee replacements are performed each year in the United States?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Around 680,000 knee replacements are performed each year in the United States.

What are the next 3 presidential successions?

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The next three presidential successions, in order, would be the Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and then the President pro tempore of the Senate.

What is the purpose of a state primary?

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A state primary is held to determine the preferred candidate within a political party for an upcoming election. It allows party members and registered voters to choose the candidate they want to represent their party in the general election.

What time Zone is Mt Rushmore in?

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Mount Rushmore is located in the Mountain Time Zone (MST).

Is the spoils system a good idea in today's America?

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No, the spoils system, which rewards political supporters with government positions, is not considered a good idea in today's America. It can lead to corruption, favoritism, and inefficiency in government operations. A merit-based system is generally seen as a more fair and effective way to fill government positions.

How many years was newton president of the royal society?

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Isaac Newton was President of the Royal Society for 24 years, from 1703 until his death in 1727.

How old will you be on Mars?

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Age is measured in Earth years, so it is not directly transferable to Mars. On Mars, a year is 687 Earth days long, so you would need to use a conversion factor to determine your age in Martian years.

Which US President and adventurer spent several years in the North Dakota Badlands?

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Theodore Roosevelt, who served as the 26th President of the United States, spent time in the North Dakota Badlands during the mid-1880s. His experiences there greatly influenced his conservation policies and passion for preserving natural landscapes.

What happens when a president does not uphold the constitution as he says in his oath of office?

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It means nothing first they took away rights based on a war against terro

rism when the terrorist was not Sudan Hussaim and when they allowed Bush to walk away after murdering millions of people they allowed every president following to to override the constituion passing laws to remove more and more of it this is what i have seen but everyone needs to trust thier own instinct

Which former president of the US believed that the earth was flat?

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There is no evidence to suggest that any former president of the US believed that the earth was flat. The idea that the earth is flat has been widely discredited for centuries, and it is unlikely that any US president would have held such a belief.

What is the first name of former US president harding?

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President Harding's full name was Warren Gamaliel Harding.

How tall is Mount Aso?

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Mount Aso, located in Japan, is approximately 1,592 meters (5,223 feet) tall. It is an active volcano and one of the largest in the world in terms of caldera size.

How long have marbles been played for?

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Marbles have been played for thousands of years, with evidence of the game dating back to ancient Egypt and Rome. The modern version of marbles became popular in the 19th century.

Where is Madison County VA?

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Madison County, VA is located in the central part of Virginia, in the United States. It is situated in the Shenandoah National Park region and is known for its picturesque landscapes and outdoor recreational opportunities.

What is an example of temporal isolation?

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A good example would be Australia, an island continent.

This type of isolation has enabled some amazing evolutionary convergences.

Causes might be vast distances as communities or individuals living in remote areas, certain land forms such as the great lakes, mountain ranges, desert areas, large rivers, islands, tectonic phenomina etc.

When did the virgin island become a US territory?

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The United States purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917. This acquisition was made to ensure the U.S. had control over the Caribbean during World War I, and the islands have been a U.S. territory ever since.

How did Ernest Ruthford advance science?

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Ernest Rutherford advanced science by conducting the famous gold foil experiment, which led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. This experiment revealed the existence of a tiny, dense nucleus at the center of an atom, surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Rutherford's work laid the foundation for the development of the modern atomic model and our understanding of the structure of atoms.

How tall is Mount Otemanu?

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Mount Otemanu on Bora Bora stands at approximately 2,385 feet (727 meters).

Where is the US naval observatory?

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The U.S. Naval Observatory is located in Northwest Washington, D.C., near the Massachusetts Avenue Heights neighborhood. It serves as the official residence of the Vice President of the United States and conducts astronomical and timing research to support the U.S. Navy and Department of Defense.

What president was nicknamed kansas cyclone?

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President Dwight D. Eisenhower was nicknamed "Kansas Cyclone" due to his birthplace in Kansas and his reputation for being strong-willed and determined.

What is Barack Obama's point of view on global warming?

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According to Barack Obama, global warming is a real threat caused by humans. Throughout his campaign, he, like John McCain, promised to decrease reliance on foreign oil and to increase spending on the development of green technologies such as wind power. During his presidency, the stimulus bill gave money to research green technology showing that he does in fact walk the talk to a certain extent.

Global warming is a big issue. It pollutes our air and it kills thousands each year. Obama feels that we need to use less oil products and more solar.

Who was the first President to make a phone call to the moon?

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In June, 1963, when Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space, the President of the United States was John F. Kennedy (served 1961-1963). In 1983, when Sally Ride became the first American woman to travel into space (third woman overall), the President of the United States was Ronald Reagan (served 1981-1989).