


Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter served as the 39th president of the US from 1977 to 1981. He was best known for the Carter Doctrine, which extended US protection over the Persian Gulf. It was proclaimed in January 1980.

834 Questions

You know that there was no global warming when Jimmy Carter was President so who was the first man to start global warming?

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Asked by WarnerAthey

Global warming is a complex, gradual process that has been influenced by various factors over time. It is not accurate to pinpoint one individual as the sole initiator of global warming. Scientists agree that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have significantly contributed to the increase in greenhouse gases and subsequent warming of the planet.

To which council was Maya angelou appointed to by president Jimmy Carter?

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Maya Angelou was appointed to the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year by President Jimmy Carter. This council was established in 1975 to promote gender equality and women's rights.

What were Jimmy Carter's policies?

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During his presidency from 1977 to 1981, Jimmy Carter implemented several policies. He focused on energy conservation and reducing reliance on foreign oil by promoting renewable energy and creating the Department of Energy. Additionally, he pursued diplomatic efforts for peace in the Middle East, known as the Camp David Accords, and prioritized human rights by suspending military aid to governments with poor human rights records.

What are 3 fun facts about Jimmy Carter?

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  1. Jimmy Carter is the longest-living U.S. president, having surpassed the age of 96 as of 2021.
  2. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his efforts in international diplomacy, human rights, and social and economic development.
  3. Carter is an accomplished author, having written more than 30 books on topics ranging from politics to spirituality and even children's literature.

Was Jimmy Carter the 38th or 39th president?

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Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States.

How long was it until a democrat became president after Jimmy Carter?

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A Democrat became president after Jimmy Carter when Bill Clinton won the presidential election in 1992. Thus, it took eight years for a Democrat to win the presidency again.

What is Jimmy Carter foreign policy goal?

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Jimmy Carter's foreign policy goal was to prioritize human rights and promote diplomacy, particularly in resolving conflicts and advocating for democracy worldwide. He believed in pursuing peaceful resolutions to international disputes and establishing strong relations with other nations through negotiation and mediation.

What did Jimmy Carter and George HW Buch have in common?

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Both Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush served as President of the United States. Additionally, both were members of the Democratic Party at some point in their political careers before Bush eventually joined the Republican Party.

How old was amy carter when her dad was president?

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Amy Carter was 9 years old when her father, Jimmy Carter, became the President of the United States in 1977.

In which state was president carters peanut farm?

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President Carter's peanut farm, known as Plains Peanuts, was located in the state of Georgia.

Who did baba call a big-toothed cretin?

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Baba called his nemesis Assef a big-toothed cretin in Khaled Hosseini's novel "The Kite Runner."

Who is Jimmy Carter In The Kite Runner?

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Jimmy Carter is not a character in "The Kite Runner." He is a real-life former President of the United States. He does not appear or have any affiliation with the events or characters in the novel.

What kind of bodysuit products do Carters sell?

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Carters sell all sorts of bodysuit products for babys, toddlers and kids. You can purchase shoes, jackets, tops, pants and other kinds of clothes in different colors.

What school did Carter go to?

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ellesmere college and christchurch boys high school

Why was Jimmy Carter considered a bad president by some?

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Most people who know history would give Warren Harding the honor of being the worst o the 20th century.

Carter was a Washington outsider and was not terribly effective, but he was honest and sincere and had good intentions.

(unlike Richard Nixon, who was more effective than Carter, but had serious flaws otherwise.)jimmy carter did much damage to the us by his weakness in the Iran situation as well as his poor job with the economy. His actions post president were almost treasoness

What stand did president Carter take on human rights?

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Cater believed that a fresh approach to foreign affairs would move America beyond the 'big power" rivalries of the Cold War era. What America needed, he thought, was a foreign policy that stressed democracy and human rights- in short the idealism of the United States. Cater went on to emphasized human rights in Latin America, he withdrew American support for the military dictatorship in Chile, cut off aid to the repressive Somoza regime in Nicaragua, and encouraged the governments of Brazil and Argentina in their halting steps towards democracy. Cater also presented the Senate with a treaty that relinquished American control over the Panama Canal by the year 2000 and a second one that detailed American rights in the Canal Zone thereafter, which both passed by the Senate with a single vote.

How old was Jimmy Carter when he got married?

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Jimmy Carter married to Rosalynn Smith in July 7, 1946

How many years did Jimmy Carter serve in Navy?

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Carter served on surface ships and on diesel-electric submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific fleets. As a junior officer, he completed qualification for command of a diesel-electric submarine. He applied for the US Navy's fledgling nuclear submarine program run by then Captain Hyman G. Rickover. Rickover's demands on his men and machines were legendary, and Carter later said that, next to his parents, Rickover had the greatest influence on him.

Carter has said that he loved the Navy, and had planned to make it his career. His ultimate goal was to become Chief of Naval Operations. Carter felt the best route for promotion was with submarine duty since he felt that nuclear power would be increasingly used in submarines. During service on the diesel-electric submarine USS Pomfret, Carter was almost washed overboard. After six years of military service, Carter trained for the position of engineering officer in submarine USS Seawolf, then under construction. Carter completed a non-credit introductory course in nuclear reactor power at Union College starting in March 1953. This followed Carter's first-hand experience as part of a group of American and Canadian servicemen who took part in cleaning up after a partial nuclear meltdown at Canada's Chalk River Laboratories reactor in 1952.

Upon the death of his father, James Earl Carter, Sr., in July 1953, Lieutenant Carter immediately resigned his commission, and he was discharged from the Navy on October 9, 1953. This cut short his nuclear powerplant operator training, and he was never able to serve on a nuclear submarine, since the first boat of that fleet, the USS Nautilus (SSN-571), was launched on January 17, 1955, over a year after his discharge from the Navy. (Wikipedia)

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Which of these men served as President of the US on August 9 1974 Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford?

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Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford

President Nixon resigned at noon on August 9, 1974, and Vice President Ford was immediately sworn in.

How did Jimmy Carter become president?

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he won a nomination on one ballot
Carter succeeded Gerald Ford as president partly due to the public opinion that Ford should not have pardoned Nixon, and that the pardon was part of some 'secret deal' between Nixon and Ford. During his presidential campaign, Carter also gave the public impression that he would clean up Washington DC.

As part of his campaign strategy, Carter tried to influence as many regions as possible before any other candidate could. He had visited 37 states and delivered over 200 speeches before any of the other presidential candidates had announce they were in the race.

What action by president Jimmy Carter was called the most disgraceful thing a president has ever done?

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Granting amnesty to America who evaded the Vietnam draft by President Jimmy Carter was called the most disgraceful thing a president has ever done.