


Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States. He is well known for the escalation of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal. He is the only US president to have resigned his office.

1,917 Questions

Although president Richard Nixon won re-election in 1972 by one of the biggest landslides in US history his second term ended early due to his?

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resignation in 1974 amid the Watergate scandal. He faced impeachment charges for his involvement in the cover-up of the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex. Vice President Gerald Ford succeeded him as president.

Did Richard Nixon create Daylight Saving Time?

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No, Richard Nixon did not create Daylight Saving Time. It was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in the late 18th century and later implemented by many countries, including the United States, to make better use of daylight hours.

Why are communists called Reds?

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Communists are called "Reds" because the color red has historically been associated with revolutionary movements and socialist ideologies. The term gained popularity during the Russian Revolution of 1917, where the Bolsheviks, who established the first communist state, used the color red as a symbol of their movement.

Who was forced to resign their position in the Nixon white house over a tax evasion and bribery scnadal?

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Spiro Agnew was forced to resign from his position as Vice President under President Nixon due to charges of tax evasion and bribery. He later pleaded no contest to the charges.

How did Richard Nixon die?

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He suffered a massive stroke on April 18, 1994, and died in a coma a few days later on April 22, 1994 at New York Hospital- Cornell Medical Center in New York, New York at age 81.

Henry Kissinger Time Magazine Year 2000 Qoute?

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"In the longer run, we must all think in terms of ways to contribute to the stability and growth of the world economy."

What magazine recently published an article about vitamins?

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Armoire is a monthly rental clothing subscription service for busy professional women. They offer access to high quality designer clothing for fixed monthly fee.

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What is the value of a Time magazine cover dated March 3 1968 that is autographed by Richard Nixon?

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The value of a Time magazine cover dated March 3, 1968 autographed by Richard Nixon can vary depending on the condition of the magazine, the clarity and authenticity of the autograph, and current market demand. It is recommended to have the autograph authenticated by a reputable third-party authentication service to determine its true value.

What scandal did Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward expose that resulted in winning a Pulitzer Prize in 1973?

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Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward exposed the Watergate scandal, which involved a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 and subsequent cover-up activities by the Nixon administration. Their reporting for The Washington Post helped uncover the extent of the scandal, leading to President Nixon's resignation in 1974. They were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for their investigative journalism in 1973.

What percentage of black vote did Nixon get?

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Nixon got 32% of the black vote in 1960 (lost to John Kennedy).

Got 15% of black vote in 1968 (defeated Hubert Humphrey).

Not sure about 1972 (defeated George McGovern), I've read different things - that he won 20%, or 18%, or 13%; 1972 was such a huge landslide victory for Nixon, that I'm guessing the 18 or 20 percent marks are closer to the truth.

Who ran against Hubert Humphrey and won?

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Richard Nixon ran against Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 presidential election and won. Nixon, the Republican candidate, emerged as the victor in a close race, winning the electoral college with 301 votes to Humphrey's 191.

What was the major issue in federal politics between 1884 and 1896?

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The major issue in federal politics between 1884 and 1896 was the debate over economic policies, particularly the issue of monetary policy and the role of the gold standard. The Democrats advocated for the expansion of the money supply through the coinage of silver to support farmers and the working class, while the Republicans favored the maintenance of the gold standard to protect the interests of creditors and business owners. This issue played a significant role in shaping the political landscape during this period, culminating in the 1896 presidential election, known as the "Battle of the Standards."

What was the White House unit called that was used for covert missions by Nixon?

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The unit was called the White House Plumbers. It was formed during President Nixon's administration to investigate and respond to leaks of classified information and carry out covert operations to protect the administration's interests. The Plumbers were involved in the Watergate scandal, which eventually led to Nixon's resignation.

Whom did republican presidential nominee Richard M. Nixon pledge to represent?

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Richard M. Nixon, the republican presidential nominee, pledged to represent the American people as a whole. He aimed to bring unity and stability to the nation and emphasized his commitment to uphold the values and interests of all citizens.

Does Nixon make watches for children?

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According to their personal website there is no products available from Nixon that are just for children. It only seems like they make them for men and women. I guess depending on the age and size of your child, if you was to go with a smaller size, you would be able to purchase an adult one for your child. But there is none that are specifically for childrden.

Did Richard Nixon receive presidential retirement salary?

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Yes, Richard Nixon did receive a presidential retirement salary. After resigning from office in 1974, he was eligible to receive an annual pension. However, he ultimately decided to waive his pension to avoid any public criticism and controversy.

Did Richard Nixon visit Massena NY in 1969?

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Yes. I participated in the ceremonies commemorating the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Seaway and watched Nixon's motorcade pass by. I remember it as a very hot day. I was one of many children lining both sides of the approach to the Snell lock. There were hundreds of kids (I was a 4-H member) alternately holding American and Canadian flags. As I waved to Nixon in his limo, he looked the opposite direction. I remember a large military helicopter. Queen Elizabeth was also at the ceremonies.

Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned from office because of charges that he had?

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accepted bribes and evaded taxes. Agnew was charged with bribery and tax evasion related to his time as the governor of Maryland. Rather than face impeachment, Agnew decided to resign from office in 1973. He later pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay fines.

Nixons southern strategy included an attempt by the justice department to?

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minimize the impact of desegregation in schools by slowing down the enforcement of court-ordered busing and promoting "law and order" policies that targeted African Americans and other minority communities. This strategy aimed to appeal to white conservative voters in the South and gain their support for the Republican Party.

Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced out of office because he was?

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accused of accepting bribes and engaging in financial misconduct. In 1973, Agnew pleaded no contest to charges of tax evasion and resigned from the vice presidency.

When did Arundel Nixon die?

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There is no public information available about the death of an individual named Arundel Nixon.

In the 1952 campaign the eisenhower-nixon ticket made the first really effective use of what?

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The Eisenhower-Nixon ticket in 1952 made the first effective use of television in a political campaign. They understood the power of the medium and utilized it to connect with a broader audience. This innovative strategy helped them reach and resonate with voters in a way that had not been done before.

What is associated with Richard M. Nixon great society or new federalism?

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Richard M. Nixon is associated with the concept of "new federalism." This was a policy approach that aimed to shift power and responsibilities from the federal government back to the states. Nixon believed in giving states more control over domestic policies and reducing the role of the federal government in social and economic matters. The idea was to promote decentralization and increase efficiency in government.

Why did the invasion of cambodia in 1970 surprise many people?

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The invasion of Cambodia in 1970 surprised many people because it extended U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War and escalated the conflict. It went against assurances made by President Nixon that the U.S. would de-escalate the war. Additionally, the invasion was kept secret, leading to a public backlash when it was revealed.