

September 11 Attacks

The September 11 attacks refer to terrorist attacks made against the US on September 11, 2001. Four commercial jets were hijacked, crashing them against the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. The fourth crashed in Pennsylvania.

2,836 Questions

What time did the twin towers finish falling?

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The collapse of the North Tower occurred at 10:28 AM, followed by the collapse of the South Tower at 9:59 AM on September 11, 2001.

What is likened to stiff twin compasses If they be two they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two Thy soul the fixed foo t makes no show To move but the other do?

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This lines from John Donne's poem "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" compares the relationship between two souls to that of twin compasses. Just like the fixed foot of a compass remains steady as the other foot moves to draw a circle, one soul stays grounded while the other explores and moves freely. The two souls remain connected and in harmony despite being apart physically.

Why did the tower next to the twin towers fall when it had nothing to do with it?

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The tower next to the twin towers fell due to the impact and debris from the collapse of the twin towers, which caused fires and structural damage that led to its collapse. The structural integrity of the building was compromised by the intense heat and force generated by the adjacent collapse.

Why did the twin towers fall on nine eleven?

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The Twin Towers fell on September 11 due to being hit by hijacked airplanes, causing structural damage and fires that weakened the buildings' support systems until they could no longer stand. The impact and subsequent fires compromised the structural integrity of the towers, leading to their collapse.

Did aliens destroy the twin towers?

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There is no credible evidence or factual basis to support the claim that aliens were involved in the destruction of the twin towers on 9/11. The events of that day were a result of a coordinated terrorist attack carried out by individuals associated with the extremist group al-Qaeda.

How far did the dust go from the twin towers?

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The dust from the collapse of the Twin Towers in the 9/11 attacks spread across Lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, covering a large area. The exact distance varied, but the debris and dust settled over streets, buildings, and even reached as far as the surrounding neighborhoods.

On September 11 what caused the third tower to fall?

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The third tower that fell on September 11, known as World Trade Center Building 7, collapsed due to fires ignited by debris from the nearby Twin Towers. The fires weakened the building's structural elements, causing a progressive collapse.

Which day did more Americans die Sept 8 1900 Galveston Texas hurricane or Sept 11 2001?

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More Americans died on September 8, 1900, during the Galveston Texas hurricane, which is considered the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. The death toll estimates range from 6,000 to 12,000. September 11, 2001, marked the terrorist attacks in the United States, with approximately 2,977 victims.

How did the twin towers get destroyed during 9 11?

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The Twin Towers were destroyed during the 9/11 attacks when two hijacked planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact and resulting fires caused the towers to collapse within hours of the initial impacts.

Did the twin tower hit first fall second?

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In the September 11 attacks, the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 am, followed by the second plane hitting the South Tower at 9:03 am. The attacks resulted in both towers collapsing on the same day.

What was the cause of the two twin towers to collapse?

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The collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, was caused by the impact of two hijacked planes (American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175) crashing into the buildings, which weakened the structures, combined with the intense heat from the resulting fires that caused the steel framework to lose its structural integrity.

Did the twin towers fall at the same time?

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No, the North Tower (WTC 1) was hit first and fell at 10:28 am, followed by the South Tower (WTC 2) which fell at 9:59 am during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

How did the twin towers got destroyed?

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The Twin Towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Two hijacked airplanes were intentionally flown into the buildings, causing them to collapse. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people.

Did directed energy weapons destroy the World Trade Centres?

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No, directed energy weapons did not destroy the World Trade Centers on 9/11. The most widely accepted explanation is that the towers collapsed due to structural damage and fire caused by the impact of hijacked planes. This explanation is supported by a thorough investigation conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Do you think 911 was a controlled demolition if yes why did the towers fail where the plane hit and not the bottom?

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Asked by Rainerfilm

Most experts agree that the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11 was primarily due to the impact of the planes and the ensuing fires, not a controlled demolition. The buildings were not designed to withstand the impact and heat generated by the jet fuel at the upper levels, which weakened the structures and eventually led to their collapse. The buildings did not fail at the bottom initially because the impact and fire damage were concentrated at the higher floors where the planes hit.

How many people died in flight 93?

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64 + 125 = 189 was the total death toll.

All 64 aboard the aircraft - including six crew and the five hijackers - died, as well as another 125 personnel inside the building, taking the death toll to 189.

At the time of the attacks, approximately 18,000 people worked at the Pentagon; the section that was struck housed the Naval Command Centre.

The fatalities included 55 military personnel and 70 civilians. Of those 125 killed, 92 were on the first floor, 31 were on the second floor and two were on the third.

How did the Twin Towers fall down?

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The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001, after being struck by hijacked airliners. The impact of the planes, combined with the ensuing fires, weakened the buildings' structures, causing them to ultimately collapse.

What plan does the government have if the earth is on collision course with an asteroid?

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Governments have established organizations like NASA and international agreements for planetary defense. Plans may involve monitoring near-Earth objects, deflecting asteroids through techniques like kinetic impact or gravity tractors, or evacuation measures if necessary. Coordination with global partners is crucial in developing and executing a response strategy.

Have the bodies of Maurice and Katia Krafft who were killed by Mt Unzen been recovered and if so where are they buried?

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Yes, the bodies of Maurice and Katia Krafft were recovered after they were killed by the eruption of Mt. Unzen in Japan in 1991. They were buried in the local cemetery in Kamchatka, Russia, where they had previously conducted research on volcanic activity.

How were the twin towers bombed?

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The Twin Towers weren't bombed, although there was an incident at a different building at the World Trade Center. Four American Airlines Planes were hijacked and two crashed into the north tower and south tower. The Third hit the pentagon. The Fourth crashed in a field, suspected to be heading to the white house.

Why have some people criticized the logic of twin studies?

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Some people criticize twin studies because they assume that twins growing up in the same environment experience similar influences, which might not always be the case. Additionally, critics argue that twin studies may not account for genetic differences within twin pairs or the potential effects of epigenetics. Lastly, some critics suggest that the results of twin studies can be influenced by researcher bias or methodological limitations.

What insight or understanding does the ideological perspective give us about the terrorist?

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An ideological perspective can provide insight into the beliefs and motivations that drive a terrorist's actions. It helps us understand the extremist ideology or worldview that shapes their behavior and influences their choice of targets and tactics. By examining the ideological underpinnings of terrorism, we can better grasp the root causes and dynamics behind the violence.

What country did the people who planned 9-11 come from?

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The terrorists who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks were primarily from Saudi Arabia. However, other countries were also involved in some capacity.

What current percent of time served at twin towers jail?

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I do not have real-time data on the exact percentage of time served at Twin Towers Jail. You may want to contact the jail directly or visit their website for the most up-to-date information on this matter.